HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Recreation and Parks Committee - 03/20/2017
South Burlington Recrea on & Parks Commi ee
March 20, 2017
Present: Jennifer Kochman, Mike Simoneau, Naa Aku Addo, Glenn Sproul, George Donovan, Rebecca Poque e, Maggie
Regrets: Paul Steinman and Liz Robitaille
Also present: Be y Milizia, Ashley Parker, Bre Leonard, Andrew Gill, Janice Ladd and Sergeant Doug Dubie
Mee ng was called to order at 5:00 pm.
No comments, changes or addi ons to the agenda. There were no comments from the public.
Approval of February 19th Mee ng Minutes: Glenn suggested fixing a typo “… the commi ee iden fied objec ves…”
instead of objects. With these changes, the minutes were approved.
City’s Crisis Plans: Sergeant Dubie and Janice Ladd presented on the City’s crisis plan. Each department in the city has a
crisis plan. Sergeant Dubie is speaking to all the commi ees and giving a brief introduc on to the crisis plan. The plan goes
over what you are supposed to do when there is an emergency. The goal of this is to let commi ees know what to do
during a crisis. Maggie is the staff person who ensures that everyone has evacuated the building. Janice men oned that the
commi ee appoint someone else to assist Maggie should there be a crisis. Dubie advised that the commi ee include me
on the agenda for every mee ng the evacua on plan.
O’Brien Development Review: Andrew presented on the O’Brien Home Farm Project Overview. The DRB advised that
O’Brien discuss with the commi ee the phasing project. The project proposal is currently looking at 118 units. There will
be a park, which will be over an acre, with trails which will be donated to the City. Jennifer asked if people from outside the
neighborhood would have access to the park. Andrew advised that the public will have access. Jennifer asked if the
associa on will allow for individual gardens. Andrew men oned that it raised beds will be allowed. The proposal is to have
three play structures in the park: a basket, double tower tunnel net slide and six-sided climbing structure. These structures
will all meet the ADA requirements. Maggie men oned that the life span of these play structures have significantly
improved. Be y advised that should the City take ownership of this park, there be at least two spaces dedicated to mee ng
ADA requirements. The proposal is to have the park constructed when 59 units are sold. Glenn made a mo on that the
commi ee approve the phasing in of the ameni es of the O’Brien proposal. Mike seconded the mo on. There was no
discussion. With this the mo on passed.
Dumont Park Update: Ashley men oned that currently Dumont Park is at 85% design. The hope is to have construc on in
the fall but it depends on the permits. Dumont Park is about a 7.6-acre parcel. Jennifer asked if other schools will be able to
use this space. Ashley advised that they will be able to but with regards to parking she will look into this. The way finding
signs will be minimal. There is a plan to remove the invasive species in the space. On April 29th, there will be a training for
community members on what invasive species are and how to easily iden fy them. On May 20th, there will be an actual
invasive plant removal day from 9-12. Tu le middle school is looking to use this site as a volunteer site.
Recrea on Programming: Bre presented on the various programs offered through the recrea on department. The Li le
Tykes (3-5 year olds) have offerings including sports and camps. Youth have 31 different summer camps and 81 total
offerings. Adult offerings include open gyms with pickle ball, volleyball, jazzercise, etc. The young at heart group is
becoming a vibrant commi ee. This begun with 18 people and now there is an average of 30 people at these programs.
Jennifer asked if the recrea on department could priori ze spaces what would it be? Bre men oned that a big open
space for hos ng a number of classes e.g. Tai chi. The second would be classroom space for arts and cra s, etc. The third is
Large open area. Be y advised that the department look into recrea on ac vi es with residents who own dogs and cats
Director’s Reports: Maggie men oned that the department has been invited by the NRPA to apply for the Robert Wood
Johnson Award for health equity. Discussions have begun with the SE group about scope of work. There will be a new band
coming in from Ohio called the One Hit Wonders to play at City Fest. City Fest will be from 5-9pm on August 12th. Maggie
also men oned that Members Advantage will be sponsoring to have the City’s trailer wrapped.
VRPA Quarter Mee ng Update: Bre , Holly, Maggie, and Jennifer went to Montpelier for a presenta on by Karen Horn
from the VT League of Ci es and Towns. They met with legislators from South Burlington. In the general assembly, Rep. Ann
Pugh recognized them on the House floor and there was a resolu on read to recognize July as Na onal Recrea on Month.
Comprehensive Plan Assignment: Jennifer and Maggie put together the goals and objec ves that five commi ee members
contributed with regards to the comprehensive plan. The first goal iden fied is crea ng a robust sense of place and
opportunity for our residents and visitors. Looking at the comprehensive plan, Jennifer noted that the Recrea on Strategies
addresses the issues of open space and parks. They do not address the chronic cri cal need for indoor recrea on and
program space. The comprehensive plan is fragmented with regards to facili es and open space. The summary sheet
provided by Jennifer will reflect this observa on. Mike and Jennifer will be presen ng this to the leadership commi ee on
Thursday. Rebecca men oned that in the note, Jennifer include wording on dedicated space for indoor recrea on and
program space. Jennifer men oned that the hope is to have someone who is in development, advocacy come to a
recrea on mee ng to talk about strategy and advocacy.
Reports from Liaisons to Other Commi ees:
City Council: Nothing to report
SB Land Trust: Nothing to report
Bike & Ped: Rebecca men oned that The O’Brien property and commi ee met to discuss bike requirements
Natural Resources: Nothing to report
Library Board: Nothing to report
School Board Nothing to report
Winooski Valley Park District: Nothing to report
Design Review Commi ee: Nothing to report
Planning Commission: Nothing to report
Leadership: Nothing addi onal to report
Energy: Nothing to report
Mee ng was adjourned at 7:19pm
Next Regular Mee ng is scheduled for Monday April 17 at 5:00pm
Respec ully submi ed,
Naa Aku Addo- Clerk