HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Recreation and Parks Committee - 02/01/2017Wednesday, February 1, 2017
South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street
MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Mee ng
Members Present: Be y Milizia, Melissa Cuke, Lisa Yankowski, Ka e Kain, David Crawford, Gwen Kozlowski and Kris n
Also Present: Holly Baker (NRC Staff Liaison - SB Recrea on & Parks Assistant Director), Jens Hilke (Technical Assistant to
work plan crea on process) and Ka e Langrock (community member observer)
Absent: Sean Devine and Russ Agne
The mee ng was called to order at 6:05 pm.
1) Addi ons, dele ons or changes in order of agenda items.No addi ons, dele ons or changes were made to the proposed agenda.
2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda.
Ka e Langrock introduced herself as a resident observer, sta ng she was interested in learning more about the
func on of the NRC and noted she was running for city council
3) Approval of mee ng minutes
David Crawford made a mo on to approve the January 2017 minutes, Lisa Yankowski seconded. Mee ng minutes for
January were approved.
4) Commi ee Bio Presenta ons
An informal roundtable sharing of bios was completed by each commi ee member. Members were given
opportunity to share their name, professional background and interest in specific work they were hopeful to see
come from the NRC. David Crawford suggested a er the share that the bios be consolidated to a succinct three or
four sentence per commi ee member and given to the council along with the work plan presenta on at its
comple on.
5) Brainstorming Session:
Under the leadership of Jens Hilke, the commi ee par cipated in an hour long brainstorming session, naming various
topics which could be put up for considera on and evalua on on the work plan matrix. The commi ee
collabora vely created a list of over 45 topics for considera on. Jens reviewed the next steps for the matrix and set a
me line of the work plan comple on by the end of the March 1 mee ng, assuming the commi ee was able to
complete the evalua ve homework outside of the commi ee retreat me.
6) Update on retreat next steps
Be y and Jens will be mee ng this week to review the brainstormed ideas and collapse them into a master list to beemailed ASAP to each commi ee member to review in order to complete the matrix as homework prior to the nextretreat mee ng on March 1.
7) Next mee ng date- March 1 , 6-8pm
9) Adjourn. Lisa Yankowski made mo on to adjourn, Gwen Kozlowski seconded; mee ng adjourned at 8:00pm.
Respec ully submi ed,
By Holly Baker