HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 10/04/2016 South Burlington Public Art Commiee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com facebook.com/SouthBurlington Wednesday, October 4, 2016 Champlain Room, 575 Dorset Street Approved Meeng Minutes In aendance:Jean-Sebasen Chaulot, Trice Stratmann, Jennifer Kochman Absent:Mary Olmsted, Amanda Holland Others:Ilona Blanchard (staff) 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM. The agenda was reviewed. Jean-Sebastien Chaulot requested a discussion regarding public art ideas such as art on trash cans and gardens. It would be great for more garden displays around the City and other beautification measures. 2.Motion to Approve Minutes. Jennifer Kochman requested that the “all relevant” be struck from Item 4 as it did not make sense. Action: Jean-Sebastien made a motion to approve the minutes with the change, Trice Stratmann seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously approved. 3.Opportunity for Public Comment. No members of the public made any comments. 4.Public Art Selection. Process: Ilona Blanchard reviewed selection processes used in various calls for art throughout the United States. In general most had a two-step process with and initial call for artists and a second round, often with a stipend or honorarium, for a short list of artists to develop prototypes. In the second step the public is invited to directly comment on the pieces of art. A recommendation by the committee would be provided to the City Council for approval. An alternative method would be to select an artist and recommend to the City Council that a piece of art be commissioned for the site. There was a question regarding how the call would be advertised by Trice Stratmann. She has been researching sculptural artists in Vermont. Ilona Blanchard explained that the City would advertise via various mediums, such as through the Vermont Arts Council, newspaper call for art sections, as well as direct contact via e-mail, and any contacts should be compiled for future outreach effort to notify artists of the opportunity. There was a question regarding limiting artists to Vermonters and Ilona Blanchard pointed to the weighting system used in the District of Columbia call for arts. She also raised the issue of defining a Vermont artist. The committee discussed reserving the right to select more than one piece of art or a series. The committee recommended the submittal of five to ten prior works. They would like the proposal to seek compelling and interactive sculpture, but not kinetic. Ilona Blanchard will redraft the call for art and send it to the committee. 5.Bylaws. The committee considered the bylaws. Jean Sebastian made a motion to accept the bylaws with changes, Jennifer seconded the motion and all voted in favor. 6.Other Business. Thursdays work better for some members to meet. 7.Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:20.