HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 12/07/2016Wednesday, December 7, 2016 South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Members Present: Bey Milizia, Sean Devine, Kae Kain, David Crawford, Krisn Williams, Gwen Kozlowski Also Present: Maggie Leugers (SB Recreaon & Parks Director), Holly Baker (NRC Staff Liaison - SB Recreaon & Parks Assistant Director); Jens Hilke (Conservaon Planning Biologist, VT Fish & Wildlife); Cathyann LaRose (SB City Planner) The meeng was called to order at 6:05 pm. 1) Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items.No addions, deleons or changes were made to the proposed agenda. South Burlington Staff and NRC Commieemembers briefly introduced themselves. 2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda. There were no comments from the public. 3) Staff Recognion.Cathyann was recognized for her years of service and dedicaon to the commiee. 4) Approval of meeng minutes for November.Sean Devine corrected the spelling of Maggie Leugers name and made a moon to approve the minutes; DavidCrawford seconded, and minutes for November were approved. 5) Updates from commiee members · David Crawford noted that the bridge at Wheeler Natural Area that is nearly completed. · Bey Milizia saw “no dumping” signs along the boundary of Swi and Wheeler Nature Park but suggested oneshould be moved to trailhead at northeast corner of the property. · Maggie updated NRC on the Open Space Project Task Force that presented at last city council meeng. Plan wasunanimously accepted by city council. One excepon is that the Red Rocks bath house would not be appropriateuse of open space money. · An update from the Wheeler Conservaon Easement Task Force- tabled to next meeng to discuss. 6) Jens Hilke Presentaon Highlights · “Public trust”- We all have a share in wildlife and water resources; together we need to manage it. · Forest Cover across the state is esmated to be 71% forest, 21% non-forest, 8% water; from street trees to forest stands, trees & forests provide spectrum of services & benefits. · Statewide, VT loses an esmated 11,000 acres of forest/year. · The rate of development is 2.5 mes rate of populaon growth. · In 2018, town plans will have to idenfy forest paerns, connecvity, wildlife corridors. · 81% of land in Vermont is privately owned. · By 2030, VT’s populaon expected to increase 14%. · Outdoor recreaon supports 35,000 jobs; $4.1 million from hunng, fishing, and wildlife watching. · It is difficult to account for all biological diversity across the state. There are between 24,000-43,000 species in VT, most species we know lile about. It is important to convey uncertainty. · Commiees need to consider landscape level elements in planning. · Connecvity of wildlife corridors, culverts could be areas to focus on. · The VT Agency of Natural Resources “Biofinder” is a useful on line map and data base idenfying Vermont’s lands and waters supporng high priority ecosystems, natural communies, habitats and species (including South Burlington) · Jens encouraged the NRC to get involved in town plan and noted that it is important to have fun and celebrate place. 7) The commiee discussed having a retreat to develop areas of interest and development of a workplan. It wasexpressed by everyone that we take advantage of Jens experse and invitaon to provide up with technicalassistance. 8) Suggested to change next meeng to January 18th, with a potenal for Jan. 30, 31, Feb. 1 working session. 9) Adjourn. Sean Devine mooned to adjourn the meeng and Krisn Williams seconded the moon; meeng adjourned at 7:55pm. Respecully submied, By Gwen Kozlowski