HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 12/06/2017NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE APPROVED MINUTES December 6, 2017 Members Present: David Crawford, Lisa Yankowski, Lindsay Bryce, Bey Milizia, Laura Williams Member Missing: Melissa Cuke Staff Present: Holly Baker Called to order at 6:08 p.m. 1) Holly review emergency procedures 2) Added UVM’s Edlund Marn property review to agenda 3) Public Comments: Sophie Mazowita- spoke of the potenal for a Naturalist Training Program in SB- based on the Burlington model. Hoping to launch in September. She is looking for student recruits- people with some prior knowledge is helpful. Looking for financial sponsorship within SB since it involves the natural history of SB. 10-12 students. She will be looking to the City Council for approval of some funds as well as other local sources. Will update once the process moves along further. Hopes the commiee would be in support of this venture. The program might include the following: Wring/development of wildlife knowledge & date base, monitoring of exisng wildlife movement, any photos, tracking VT.org 4) SE Group Underwood Property Presentaon: Reviewed inial mapping of a Master Plan for the park based on Public input from event and online survey. Core program elements are Agriculture, community garden-raised beds, wild flower gardens, variety of accessible paths, picnic tables, shade structure acve recreaon on lawn spaces. Tree-house, dirt bike track, possible a natural playground, indoor/outdoor event lawn and facility. Natural Resources-habitat protecon, invasive species removal, stormwater improvements. Next step is public meeng Jan/Feb 5) Laura moved to accept minutes, Lisa 2nd David mooned to table Krisn 2nd tabling to be approved next month 6) Russ Agne recognion Involved with Wheeler Management Group & NRC Commiee Now member emeritus 7) Edlund The city will not discuss unl asked, and to date no Zoning Change has been requested. Voice for Potash Brook watershed will be sending in a leer to the editor wrien by Fred Kosinski & SB Land Trust are geng involved. Bey-NRC will focus on our mission goals & statements trees this would be a great decrease in the SB Canopy. We don’t look at who owns but highlighng plans contrary to the comprehensive plan. Potash Brook runs through this area could have significant negave impact on the brook and consequently SB beach at Red Rocks. Comprehensive Plan was just redone and the concern is “spot” zoning. David moved we don’t discuss this unl we have facts. Laura 2 8) Theme update – Lisa and Krisn have a Jan. 3 5:30 pm meet with Maggie for community gardens Add Holly Craner about repairing zone replanng. Holly to follow up with Ilona about City Center updates-David hasn’t seen anything. 9) Sub-commiee update-Jaycee Dog Park has been closed-need to go to Farrell Park. Sub- commiee being formed to look at addional possibilies for dog parks. Bey will be the representave from NRC 10) Cider Mill leer-Lisa moving to vote to send the recommendaons, Laura 2nd. All in favor 11) Ewing Property Score card had been sent from Bey. Krisn formaed the scorecard, we need to clean it up. Edited score card will be placed on the February agenda. Next Meeng January 3, 2018 Meeng adjourned 8:08 p.m.