HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 11/02/2016Wednesday, November 2, 2016 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Members Present: Bey Milizia, Melissa Cuke, Sean Devine, David Crawford, Lisa Yankowski, Krisn Williams, Gwen Kozlowski Also Present: Maggie Leugers (SB Recreaon & Parks Director), Holly Baker (NRC Staff Liaison - SB Recreaon & Parks Assistant Director); Mike Simoneau, and students from St. Michael’s College: Natalie Jackson, Kara Hehinger The meeng was called to order at 6:05 pm. 1) Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items. No addions, deleons or changes were made to the proposed agenda. South Burlington Staff and NRC Commiee members briefly introduced themselves, since there has been a commiee support staff change. 2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda.No comments from the public. Students introduced themselves. 3) Approval of meeng minutes for October. Gwen Kozlowski requested that the September minutes delete her name because she was not present. Lisa Yankowski made a moon to approve the minutes, Melissa Cuke seconded, and minutes for October were approved. 4) Updates from commiee members NRC members recently aended the Vermont Associaon of Conservaon Commissions Conference held at Lake Morey. · Lisa Yankowski highlighted the Vermont Pollinator Challenge- creang a 15 foot wide secon for wildflowers that are pollinator friendly. This could be a potenal idea for city parks to implement. · Krisn Williams reflected on culvang a sense of place and connecng to cultural history (perhaps with historical society) in addion to natural history. · Melissa Cuke appreciated the ability to share informaon between municipalies and see how similar commiees from across the state are handling common problems, such as the connued struggle against invasive species. She also noted that BioFinder is a great interacve mapping tool. It has state level data idenfying lands and waters that support high priority ecosystems, habitats and natural communies. At this me, users cannot upload data to the site. · Bey Milizia aended a session of 3 conservaon commission discussing local projects, how they collaborate with local land trusts and get things done in their communies. · Maggie Leugers asked if presentaons would be made available from the conference. Bey Milizia will ask for some presentaons, but some may be available on the website: vtconservaon.org Melissa Cuke updated the NRC on her presentaon to South Burlington Planning Commission (SBPC) regarding the Chienden Country Regional Planning Commission’s (CCRPC) regional energy plan. Melissa appreciated and incorporated feedback and ideas from NRC members. SBPC will submit comments to the CCRPC by November, and will then submit dra maps to DPS by Dec. 1st. NRC will ask for updates when available. 5) Change of Staffing · NRC members appreciated Cathyann’s tenure to the commiee. Maggie Leugers, director of SB Recreaon & Parks offered her excitement, support, and connued help to NRC. NRC welcomed Holly Baker as new city staff support. Holly and Maggie noted that there is a monthly e-newsleer (that went out this week). The NRC may want to include a short arcle/update on the commiee in the future. NRC members will be added to the listserve, if they are not already on it. · Melissa Cuke offered the opportunity to adjust meeng me. NRC members agreed that current me of the first Wednesday of each month, from 6-8pm works best. · Melissa Cuke proposed a retreat to brainstorm ideas as a commiee, priorize areas of work, and create aworkplan for next year. David Crawford & Bey Milizia highlighted the importance of connecng with city counciland planning commission priories. Maggie Leugers offered to send weekly update of meeng agendas, minutesand aachments to ensure NRC members are up-to-date on current topics. Melissa and Bey will work with Hollyon seng up doodle poll to set up retreat date in January that will replace January meeng. · Maggie Leugers shared that the Recreaon and Parks Department Commiee reviews and provides feedback to developers on their site plans for new projects. Bey suggested that two members of the NRC aend Recreaon and Parks Commiee meengs for this poron of the meengs. Bey and David Crawford will aend the November meeng. · Bey Milizia proposed inving Jens Hilke (Associaon of VT Conservaon Commissions and Department of Fishand Wildlife) back for 1 hour of December meeng. The goal will be to discuss / facilitate further conservaonwork plans. · NRC members discussed need for one person to be established clerk. Gwen Kozlowski offered to become the new clerk. 6) Task Force Updates· Open Space Project Task Force: Sean Devine updated the commiee that he will be presenng priorizaon list of recommendaons to the city council next Monday (11/7). · Wheeler Conservaon Easement Task Force: Melissa Cuke updated the commiee that they are working on a final dra of the report. There were minor changes made to the last document. One change of note was the boundary between the homestead and the natural area has been beer defined and is more logical to disnguish the 2 areas than in previous versions of the maps. 7) Adjourn. The Next meeng will be December 7, at 6pm, South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset St. David Crawford mooned to adjourn the meeng, Sean Devine seconded; meeng adjourned at 7:30pm. Respecully submied, By Gwen Kozlowski