HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 10/05/2016Text Box: DRAFT South Burlington Natural Resources Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com   Wednesday, October 5, 2016 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Members Present: Bey Milizia, Melissa Cuke, Sean Devine, David Crawford, Gwen Kozlowski, Krisn Williams Also Present: Cathyann LaRose (NRC Staff Liaison - SB City Planner); Sarah Dopp (President of South Burlington Land Trust); and Students from UVM Community Development and Applied Economics and Environmental Studies: Kevin Irwin, Kate Libby, Cara Stapleford, and Katherine Pate. The meeng was called to order at 6:05 pm. 1) Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items. Melissa Cuke recommended reminding the commiee about the upcoming AVCC Conservaon Conference. The original agenda had been changed to accommodate discussion of Act 174 – The energy cing bill. Members agreed. Brief introducons were also added since there are newer commiee members and students from UVM present. 2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda.No comments from the public. Students introduced themselves, the class they were taking and their major. 3) Approval of meeng minutes for September.David Crawford made a moon to approve the minutes, Sean Devine seconded, and minutes for September wereapproved. 4) Act 174: the Energy Sing Bill. Cathyann explained Act 174 and the contract the CCRPC has through the Department of Public Service (DPS) to create a regional energy plan, as part of a larger statewide effort with mulple regions, in effort to meet VT’s energy goals. This is a planning tool, not a regulatory tool, which may add greater weight to their plans in the energy sing process before the Public Service Board (PSB). The CCRPC presented to the SBPC on Sept. 27th. Cathyann presented to the commiee slides from this presentaon, including maps showing idenfied areas of potenally appropriate energy generaon sing, using a set of constraints generated by CCRPC. The SBPC has asked both the Natura Resource and Energy commiees to weigh in on these proposed constraints by the next SBPC meeng, so the SBPC can submit comments to the CCRPC by November, who will then submit dra maps to DPS by Dec. 1st. There was clarificaon about the role of PSB as opposed to Act 250 / Environmental Board. There was also discussion of ‘substanal deference’ language in Act 174. Commiee members discussed potenal constraints proposed by the CCRPC – as either a ‘level 1’ which would likely preclude development (FEMA corridors, federal wilderness, rare natural areas, vernal pools, class 1 or 2 wetlands, and transportaon infrastructure) or ‘level 2’ constraints that would impact but not necessarily prevent energy development (agriculture/hydric Soils, FEMA 100 yr flood zone, 500 yr flood zone, habitat blocks, conserved lands, deer wintering areas, and class 3 wetlands), along with addional suggested ‘level 1’ constraints (ANR lands, 1 km buffer around industrial wind, and wetland and surface water buffers). Wetland and surface water buffers were discussed further in relaon to impaired surface waters, habitat blocks were discussed as potenally being a ‘level 1’, and there was clarificaon as to how conservaon easements work in relaon to energy sing. CCRPC proposed constraints were compared to ‘primary and secondary resources’ as idenfied in the Open Space Plan. Addional factors, such as scenic views, historic sites and cultural areas were discussed as potenally important consideraons. There was also discussion of how data changes over me and how that data is updated. The commiee considered how energy planning relates to the City Center and discussed developing a list of locaon types that would be most appropriate for energy sing parcularly in the first stages of the planned growth that would match both alternave energy and conservaon goals. There was serious concern about the lack of me in idenfying and priorizing both constraints and opportunies within one commiee meeng with all the different ‘moving pieces’. David Crawford made a moon for the co-chairs Melissa Cuke and Bey Milizia to dra a leer to give the Planning Commission with Cathyann’s help for accuracy, including suggesons for potenal constraints. The dra will be sent to commiee members for feedback. The moon was seconded by Sean Devine and all approved. 5) Wheeler Conservaon Taskforce Update. The Wheeler taskforce reports to the City Council on Wheeler Park and the developing conservaon easement. There was a recent meeng of the taskforce with an updated dra report in progress and discussion of boundary lines between the homestead and natural area. Those on the taskforce agree that the boundary should be adjusted to be more praccal. Cathyann LaRose displayed a map of the current boundary designaon and discussed how it might change. The taskforce will be updang the map and another taskforce meeng is planned soon but TBA. 6) Open Space Fund Taskforce Update Postponed as nobody was in aendance who could speak to this. 7) Future Commiee Topics. Bey Milizia and Melissa Cuke aended a leadership workshop on Sept. 29th hosted by the City, and they discussed how to beer foster connecon between commiees and what is the framework for how staff support and relate to commiee chairs. This may be a topic for future discussion. The commiee would like to invite Jens Hilke (Associaon of VT Conservaon Commissions and Department of Fish and Wildlife) back to discuss / facilitate further conservaon work plans. The commiee plans to go over its “good ideas” list and invite members to contribute new ideas or general focus goals. The commiee would like to give further aenon to the discussion of possible locaons of alternave energy generaon. There will be further updates on Wheeler dra report. Those who aend the AVCC Summit will give a report. Finally, since there are new commiee members, some of whom could not aend this meeng, the commiee will address whether the meeng me and day works with everyone’s schedules. 8) Adjourn. The Next meeng will be November 2, at 6pm, South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset St. Meeng adjourned by mutual consent at 8:00 pm. Respecully submied, Krisn Williams