HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 09/07/2016South Burlington Natural Resources Committee
575 Dorset Street
South Burlington, VT 05403
(802) 846-4106
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street
MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Mee ng
Members Present: Be y Milizia, Melissa Cuke, Sean Devine, David Crawford, Lisa Yankowski . New members:
Gwen Kozlowski, Kris n Williams, Ka e Kain
Also Present: Cathyann LaRose (NRC Staff Liaison - SB City Planner); Sophie Mazowita
The mee ng was called to order at 6:05 pm.
1) Addi ons, dele ons or changes in order of agenda items. Ms. LaRose recommended adding an item
related to the upcoming AVCC Conserva on Conference. Members agreed.
2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda. No comments from the public. We welcomed
Sophie who has a Field Naturalist degree and had done the Red Rocks Management Plan.
3) Approval of mee ng minutes for June, July and August Mee ng. Minutes for June, July & August were
approved. As an amendment to the August 3, mee ng- there was not a quorum of a ending members at
the mee ng and Mr. Crawford abstained from vo ng for not being present at all the mee ngs.
4) Introduc ons. Standing members welcomed newest members to the commi ee: Ka e Kain- VT Fish &
Wildlife, biologist involved with restora on, David Crawford- semi-re red administrator and South
Burlington’s representa ve on the Winooski Valley Park District Board, Kris n Williams-, a soil agronomist
with the Environmental Soils & Science Dept. at UVM. Working through the Extension Service, Gwen
Kozlowski- VT Urban & Community Forestry Dept at the UVM Extension Service.
5) A brief history of the NRC and its role. Ms. LaRose gave a history and the role the NRC, has played over the
years in South Burlington.
a. Oldest standing commi ee in SB.
b. Originally worked towards obtaining land for parks and concentra ng on conserva on; later became
involved in educa ng and outreach.
c. As land development progressed, the group started responding more to land use and ACT 250
impacts, concentra ng on wetland areas and the implica ons of development in/near them. The
City Council & Planning Commissions were u lizing the NRC, for informa on about land around
South Burlington
6) Summary of recent discussions: task force updates, next steps, commi ee goals. The Commi ee is
looking towards new direc ons and new opportuni es. There have been several commi ees that have
been formed in the city which members from the NRC also par cipate on or were in-overlapping of
commi ee members. Offshoots off this commi ee include : The Energy Commi ee (now a separate
standing commi ee), the Open Space Commi ee (work complete), the Red Rocks Commi ee (now
included in the Natural Resources Commi eee), the Wheeler Easement Commi ee and the new Open
Space Task Force. Be y men oned how two of the groups have developed a score card to help determine
the value of a piece of land and what the best purposes for it may be.
(Commi ee members asked if it was possible to get copies of the score cards. The NRC score card is on the
South Burlington web site).
Sean, Lisa & Be y updated the group on where the Open Space Task Force Group is at, and had some of the
worksheets for everyone to look at. The Task Force is working on Red Rocks, Wheeler, the Homestead &
The group received a “Good Ideas” list as to possible areas of future ac vi es. The “Homework” assignment is
to look at the list and add any other possibili es.
7) Elec on of Commi ee secretary- postponed to future mee ng
8) Cathyann men oned the upcoming AVCC Conference, October 22, in Lake Fairlee, VT. South Burlington will
cover the fee and some of the transporta on costs for anyone who wishes to a end- decide soon. And
there will a class at UVM by the Lake Champlain Sea Grant- Sustainable Landscape Stewards. Cathyann
will forward the informa on on this to the group.
The Next mee ng will be October 5, at 6pm, South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset St.
For the next mee ng: the “Good Ideas” list; Vo ng for a secretary; Re-evaluate future mes for mee ngs.
Mee ng adjourned by mutual consent at 8:00 pm.
Respec ully submi ed,
Lisa Yankowski