HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 08/02/2017Wednesday, August 2, 2017 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Present: Bey Milizia (NRC Co-Chair), Melissa Cuke (NRC Co-Chair), Sean Devine (NRC Member), David Crawford (NRC Member), Lisa Yankowski (NRC Member), Krisn Williams (NRC Member), Holly Baker (NRC Staff Liaison – Asst. Director, Recreaon & Parks), Sarah Dopp (South Burlington Land Trust President) Absent: Gwen Kozlowski, Kae Kain The meeng was called to order at 6:05pm. 1) Emergency Procedures: Holly reviewed emergency procedures exit doors marked, exist into parking lots 2) Land Conservaon Proposal: Ms. Dopp discussed an ongoing proposed property conservaon project concerning property in the southeast quadrant, known as the Ewing Family Land. The property consists of approximately 112 acres in Shelburne and South Burlington. Ms. Dopp indicated she was hoping to present the proposal to the South Burlington City Council requesng approximately $20,000 from South Burlington. Mr. Crawford asked about the process involved in establishing the conservaon easement as well as receiving approval from the City Council and the involvement of the NRC Commiee. Acon items from the discussion included reviewing the process for reviewing properes and determining how much money may be available from the Open Space Fund at this me. The commiee indicated Ms. Dopp could note to the City Council that she had presented the proposal briefly to the NRC and while generally unopposed to the transacon, requested addional informaon before they would indicate their approval. Mr. Devine forwarded the Open Space Natural Resource Scorecard to the NRC members. The discussion regarding this item ended at 6:45pm. 3) Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items: The only changes in order were to move Ms. Dopp’s proposal to second due her needing to leave early due to a conflict. 4) Comments from the public not related to the agenda None received. 5) Review of minutes: The group pointed out several typographical errors in the minutes from the previous meeng. No substanve changes were offered. Mr. Devine made a moon to approve and Ms. Milizia seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously. (6:50 pm) 6) Staff Report: Ms. Baker reported on two items, Appreciaon Day at Centenial Field and the Underwood Master Planning Party on August 8th. Ms. Milizia volunteered to represent the commiee at the Underwood Party. Mr. Devine indicated he will try to aend part of the celebraon. 7) Commiee Operang Procedures review: The commiee members present reviewed the final secon of the operang procedures line by line making minor adjustments to several items, resulng in the final product. Ms. Yankowski make a moon to approve the Mission Statement, Guiding Principles, Operang Procedures, and Commiee Work Plan. Ms. Williams seconded the moon and the commiee approved the moon unanimously. 8) Reports on City Commiees: Ms. Cuke read Ms. Kain’s report on the Bike and Pedestrian Commiee – Highlights include informaon on the City Website being updated to include a page dedicated to the Bike and Ped Comm. Also provided some informaon on funding available from VTrans. The group decided to provide read ahead synopses of Theme and Commiee updates for future meengs. 9) Next Agenda Items 1. Subcommiee reports 2. Themes/work plan reports 3. Bey to Invite Lani Ravin from UVM about Edlund Land 4. Discuss South Burlington owned-land visits 10) Next Meeng Next meeng September 6, 2017 Ms. Milizia made a moon to adjourn, Ms. Yankowski seconded and the meeng was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.