HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 07/06/2016South Burlington Natural Resources Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com   DRAFT MINUTES Wednesday, July 6, 2016 5:30pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Members Present: Bey Milizia, Russell Agne, Sean Devine (NRC Member), Lisa Yankowski Sarah Dopp Also present: Jens Hilke, Sarah Dopp, Keith Epstein, Cathyann LaRose The meeng was called to order at 6:05 pm. Addions, Deleons, or Changes to Agenda: Milizia asked if there were any requested changes. No changes, addions, or deleons were requested. Ms. Milizia stated that she would move the June meeng minutes to the August meeng so that members had more me to review them. Comments from Public: Keith Epstein spoke briefly about SB involvement with working to win $5,000,000 prize for energy conservaon in our city. This is both a city wide and residenal endeavor. Talked about hosng Energy Pares. The host gets a free energy audit of their home and provides the neighbors who get to learn more about reducing their energy usage and about the compeon. Keith will send more informaon via email to Cathyann. Approval of 5/4/2016 Minutes: See changes to agenda. Open Space Enhancement Fund Taskforce: Lisa and Sean talked about a spreadsheet that was developed with tasks needing to be done at each of the parks. The tasks were classified as Priority 1, 2 & 3 and the meeng involved going through the lists, deciding which priority was appropriate and fine-tuning the tasks. There is was a spreadsheet for Red Rocks, Underwood, Wheeler and the Homestead as a separate item. A Master Plan sll needs to been done for Underwood. The next meeng is 07/26, 9:30 am, at City Hall. Wheeler Conservaon Easement Task Force: The Wheeler Nature Park Conservaon Easement Task Force has met twice since the last NRC meeng: a commiee and an open public meeng to get suggesons, ideas, thoughts about was needs to be conserved/protected. Ms. Dopp shared that the group does not actually write the easement, they define what the city wants, what is to be allowed and not allowed, what is envisioned for the future, and how will the natural area change. The city currently owns 100 acres and is hoping to add another net 13 acres. The search is on for a third party to hold the easement. The papers will need to be drawn up. For various reasons, Ms. LaRose said she expects some slight delays going forward. Next meeng is 7/21/2016 6 pm at City Hall. Invited Guest Lani Ravin, Jens HIlke: Jens Hilke (VT Fish & Wildlife, Assoc. of VT Conservaon Commission). Jens is responsible for assisng all of the NGOs, RPCs and towns within the state of Vermont in the conservaon planning and acvies they wish to get involved with. Statewide there are 24,000-43,000 species in VT, of the higher level including plants, algae, fungi, lichens, invertebrates & vertebrate animals. There is a pressing need affecng these species due to: habitat loss, forest fragmentaon & climate change. The climate change exacerbates issues between exoc and nave species. He explained that where development has been the greatest this is the area where larger, deep forest species should be. Their populaons are being decimated. He also explained how he believes that South Burlington is suscepble to sprawl due to its shape. Further discussion explained the difference between Natural Resource Commission and Natural Resource Commiee, what they can and cannot do. He believes towns/cies with funds- like SB, should have an environmental staff member to aide in dealing with environmental issues and impacts within the town/city. This raised the queson of whether SB would consider leng the NRC become a commission instead of a commiee. Members asked what would be involved to change. Bey has already done some invesgaon into this and Cathyann can also inquire. This will likely be a discussion item for a future meeng. Next Meengs: The next Natural Resources Commiee meeng is Wednesday, August 3rd at 6pm. Meeng adjourned at 7:50 pm. Respecully submied, Lisa Yankowski, SBNRC