HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 05/04/2016South Burlington Natural Resources Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com   Wednesday, May 4, 2016 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Present: Bey Milizia (NRC Co-Chair), Russell Agne (NRC Member), Melissa Cuke (NRC Co-Chair), Sean Devine (NRC Member), Lisa Yankowski (NRC Member), Cathyann LaRose (NRC Staff Liaison - SB City Planner), Maggie Leugers (SB Director of Recreaon and Parks) The meeng was called to order at 6:10pm. Addions, Deleons, or Changes to Agenda: Milizia asked if there were any requested changes. No changes, addions, or deleons were requested. Comments from Public: No comments from the public. Approval of 4/6/2016 Minutes: Milizia moved to approve the 4/6/2016 minutes. Agne seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved. Nature Park Enhancement Funds Task Force: Maggie Leugers, SB Director of Recreaon and Parks visited the commiee to discuss the Nature Park Enhancement Funds and distributed a handout tled “Open Space Projects Task Force.” The Task Force is intended to review and priorize projects to receive funding from the Open Space and Natural Area Enhancement Plan approved by the City Council. The Task Force will focus on three main Natural Areas including the Wheeler Property (including the Homestead), Red Rocks, and the Underwood Property. Leugers indicated that she will be the staff person working with the Task Force and the result of the Task Force will be a report to the City Council in September. The commiee was asked to volunteer two members to parcipate on the Task Force including parcipang in six meengs as well as assisng in delivering the final report. Leugers expressed that she would like to have three volunteer members from the NRC. LaRose indicated the City Council preferred the volunteers for this task force not be the same as those volunteering for the Wheeler Nature Park Conservaon Easement Task Force. Agne asked about the legacy of previous Underwood group he served on, the work products compiled by that group and how those materials would be incorporated into this Task Force. LaRose stated the focus will be on determining priories and where to best use the enhancement funds including developing a Master Plan for the Underwood Property to include research on soil studies, how the property may affect traffic, and possibilies for parking to access the park. Devine and Yankowski volunteered to serve on the Task Force and Milizia will ask Jeff Dickson to volunteer. The commiee discussed having another commiee member aend when either Devine or Dickinson are unable to aend. Cathyann expressed this would make it difficult to get agendas, etc. to substutes. Wheeler Conservaon Easement Task Force: The Wheeler Nature Park Conservaon Easement Task Force held its second meeng on April 25th. Milizia and Cuke aended on behalf of the Natural Resources Commiee. LaRose provided an update on the meeng and what are the next steps for the task force including developing a list of prohibited acvies and idenfying which partners are the best opons. A public outreach meeng is scheduled for June 16th. LaRose indicated the type of easement selected through this process may become a model one for other parks and natural areas in South Burlington. Staff/Commiee Member Updates and Announcements: LaRose stated the SB Police Department now has an animal control person to help respond to dog issues, up to 14-hours per week. Cuke suggested wring a reminder leer regarding dogs in natural areas and parks for placement on Front Porch Forum, the Other Paper, or on the SB Watch Facebook page. Cuke volunteered to take up the wring a dra of the leer for Milizia to review. Green Up Day is May 7th. Milizia and Cuke indicated they would aend and staff the area at the Municipal Offices. Milizia also discussed having a map at the Municipal Offices on Green Up for residents to idenfy their favorite scenic views in the community. Milizia provided an update from the City Council. The Council determined the Natural Resources Commiee and the Recreaon and Leisure Commiee would remain as commiees but that the Red Rocks Park Commiee was being merged with the Natural Resources Commiee. The commiee welcomed Lisa Yankowski, who previously served on the Red Rocks Park Commiee as a member of the Natural Resources Commiee. Milizia, Cuke, and Agne aended the Planning Commiee and reported the Planning Commission is looking to expand their relaonship with other commiees, including the Natural Resources Commiee. Milizia also discussed having Jens Hilke, Conservaon Planning Biologist for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department aend an upcoming Natural Resources Commiee. Mr. Hilke works with the Associaon of Vermont Conservaon Commissions and would be a valuable resource to discuss what other looking natural resource and conservaon commiees are working on as well as assisng this commiee establish procedures and operang parameters. Milizia also indicate she has invited Lani Ravin, former member of the SB Natural Resources Commiee, who works with UVM Campus Planning Services to speak to the commiee. Acon Items: · Commiee: Review Good Ideas List and come to the next meeng with your top three priories. Your priories may include new items for the list. · Milizia and LaRose: Schedule visits from the Associaon of Vermont Conservaon Commissions and UVM Planning at a future Commiee meeng. Next Meengs: The Natural Resources Commiee normally meets on the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeng will be: · June 1st, 6:00pm – Good Ideas Document Meeng adjourned at 8:12 pm. Respecully submied, Sean Devine