HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 04/05/2017Wednesday, April 5, 2017 South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Members Present: Bey Milizia, Melissa Cuke, Kae Kain, Krisn Williams, Sean Devine, David Crawford, and Gwen Kozlowski Also Present: Holly Baker (NRC Staff Liaison - SB Recreaon & Parks Assistant Director) Guest: Ashely Parker, City Center Park Project Coordinator Public In Aendance: Melody Riddle-Wildor, Rachel Bowanko Absent: Russ Agne The meeng was called to order at 6:00 pm. 1) Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items. No addions, deleons or changes were made to the proposed agenda. 2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda.There were no comments from the public. 3) Approval of meeng minutesDavid Crawford made a moon to approve the March 2017 minutes, Krisn Williams seconded. Meeng minutes forMarch were approved unanimously. 4) Update on Dumont Park and Weed Warrior Program, Ashley Parker The 7.65 acre property was acquired in the 70s and there have been plans for the property for a long me. Dumont parcel has plans to be developed as part of the city center project. The park will be developed and eventually connect to city center via a mul-use path. Neighbors of property have acvely been walking the land and the trail system is based upon network of trails that is already there. The proposed plan includes a circular network of gravel trails that lead to a center gathering space. Benches, interpreve signs, a playground and natural sensory acvies will be located near the central meeng area. Gravel wetlands on eastern edge of property will be built to capture runoff from Iby Street. The park will not be a desnaon park, and there is no parking available. Ashley discussed the three main invasive species on the property: Common and glossy buckthorn, honeysuckle, mul flora rose. There will be an invasive species training day on April 29 and a volunteer removal day on May 20 at the park. 5) Staff Update The NRC is now members of the WNRCD & AVCC. Holly invited NRC members to parcipate in trails workshop on May 10th, hosted by the VCDA. South Burlington rotary is planning to plant 1 tree for each Rotarian (37 total). NRC banner is ordered to be used for events. 6) Leadership Meeng Update- Bey and Melissa Bey and Melissa met with leaders from other city groups. This opportunity allows members of South Burlingtoncommiees to know what other commiees and groups are working on. The NRC was encouraged to idenfy workplan priories that will be shared with city council. This in line with the work the NRC has been doing to create aformalized work plan. 7) Complete Commiee Work Plan Discussed and reviewed acon ideas of work plan. 8) Next meeng date- May 2nd 6-8m. Next meeng was changed to Tuesday, May 2nd. Holly will check schedule for building availability. 9) Adjourn. Melissa Cuke made moon to adjourn, Kae Kain seconded; meeng adjourned at 8:00pm. Respecully submied, By Gwen Kozlowski