HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 01/18/2017Wednesday, January 18, 2017 South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeng Members Present: Bey Milizia, Melissa Cuke, Lisa Yankowski, Sean Devine, Kae Kain, David Crawford, Russ Agne, Gwen Kozlowski Also Present: Holly Baker (NRC Staff Liaison - SB Recreaon & Parks Assistant Director) The meeng was called to order at 6:05 pm. 1) Addions, deleons or changes in order of agenda items.No addions, deleons or changes were made to the proposed agenda. 2) Comments from the public not related to the agenda. There were no comments from the public. 3) Approval of meeng minutesLisa Yankowski made a moon to approve the December 2016 minutes, Kae Kain seconded. Meeng minutes forDecember were approved. 4) Paul Connor, Director of Planning and Zoning Paul Connor, Director of Planning and Zoning, gave overview of the South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. It is an overarching policy document that was adopted about 11 months ago. It lays out the vision and goals of community. Paul highlighted pieces of the document and encouraged the NRC members to idenfy areas of interest for our NRC work plan. Paul sees a need in bringing citywide policies down to the community acon. 5) Updates from commiee members · Wheeler Conservaon Easement Task Force: recommendaons report has been completed, but has not finalized. Next step will be to present to city council (hopefully soon). · Bey Milizia aended Recreaon & Parks Commiee. South Burlington has been approached by Red Clover Events. They are proposing to use a part of the Wheeler property to host events, such as weddings. 6) Staff Update- Holly Baker · Baycrest Park- there will be some tree removal at this locaon construct as a neighborhood playground. · Acon item: Holly will update and resend commiee contact list. 7) Update on retreat date · Retreat will be held at the next meeng. · NRC members should review Comprehensive Plan and think about areas to focus. If possible, fill out the Annual Work Plan- Acon Items Worksheet that Paul handed out. Please get ideas to Bey by January 25. 8) Next meeng date- February 1, 6pm 9) Adjourn. Lisa Yankowski made moon to adjourn, Kae Kain seconded; meeng adjourned at 7:45pm. Respecully submied, By Gwen Kozlowski