HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 08/05/2015South Burlington Natural Resources Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com Wednesday, August 5, 2015 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeting APPROVED 10/06/2015 Present: Betty Milizia (NRC Chair), Larry Michaels (NRC Vice Chair), Jeff Dixon (Member), Melissa Cuke (Member), Paul Conner (Staff) The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm. 1. Additions, deletions or changes in the order of agenda items. No changes. 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. None. 3. Introductions and welcome to new member Melissa Cuke. Ms. Milizia welcomed Ms. Cuke as the newest member of the NRC. Mr. Michaels asked if she would share a little of her background. She said that she had a background in ecology and has done work in a variety of fields – camera trapping in the tropics, science-based outreach, NOAA surveys of Lake Champlain, and was excited to be joining the Committee. All other members present gave a short introduction of their backgrounds and interests as well. 4. Approval of July meeting minutes. Mr. Michaels moved to approve the draft minutes of 1 July 2015 and Mr. Dixon seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion and provide feedback to City Council on concept to use a larger portion of the Open Space Fund ($0.01 tax rate) for natural area and open space maintenance and enhancement. Mr. Conner provided a brief background. He said that the City Council has, in the past year, received three significant reports related to the City’s natural and open space areas: the Red Rocks Park Management Plan, the Underwood Property Vision Framework, and the Wheeler Nature Park Management Plan. Each of these specifies maintenance and improvement projects to be undertaken. In this light, The City Council asked staff to provide a summary of project categories. The memo provided to Council was included in the NRC’s packet for this meeting. Following their initial discussion, the City Council is seeking input on the possibility of dedicating ½ cent of the $0.01 Open Space Fund towards these types of projects over the next 10 years. Mr. Conner said that the fund brings in approximately $280,000 per year in total. Mr. Michaels asked about the status of the fund at present and of the Underwood property purchase. Mr. Conner said that the Underwood property was purchased in February 2013. An initial payment was made at that time, followed by three subsequent payments in August of 2013, 2014, and this month (upcoming) of $220,000 each. The City will have no more payments once this one is made. The fund will have a balance of ~$250,000 in it as of the end of this fiscal year. Mr. Michaels said he supported the idea of a dedicated ½ cent for the types of projects outlined. He suggested that perhaps after 10 years it should automatically drop to ¼ cent. Mr. Dixon said that he could not think of a better use for these funds. Ms. Milizia said she agreed and asked whether any of these funds would or could be for staffing. There is a need for continuity, she said. Mr. Michaels moved that the Committee approve using ½ Cent of the Open Space Fund for Open Space and Natural Areas maintenance and enhancement. Ms. Cuke seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. 6. Updates and Staff announcements a. Wheeler Management Plan and VYCC Work. Ms. Milizia said that the work done up at the Wheeler Nature Park by the VYCC crew over the last three weeks had been excellent. She said that she could not say enough about the work of the Recreation Department’s intern, Emmitt, in guiding this work. She explained that the City was able to use the crew, for just a few hundred dollars’ worth of materials, because another project of the VYCC with the State had been postponed. b. Updates on CityFest. Ms. Milizia gave a brief update on the planned tours of the Wheeler Nature Park during CityFest. 7. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:08pm. Respectfully submitted, Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning