HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 02/04/2015South Burlington Natural Resources Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com Wednesday, February 4, 2015 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeting APPROVED 3/4/2015 Present: Betty Milizia (NRC Chair), Patrick Clemins (NRC Clerk), Russell Agne (NRC Member), Jeff Dickson (NRC Member), Cathyann LaRose (NRC Staff Liaison - SB City Planner), Sarah Dopp (SB Land Trust), Jennifer Kochman (Rec and Leisure Arts Cmte) The meeting was called to order at 6:06pm. Additions, Deletions and Changes to Agenda: LaRose asked the Committee add a discussion about a letter she received from the Chittenden County Stream Team to the agenda. 1/7/15 Minutes: Dickson moved to approve the 1/7/15 minutes with the amendment that the minutes read “Monthly” instead of “Bi-Monthly” in the title block. Milizia seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Chittenden County Stream Team: The Stream Team sent LaRose a letter to see if the Committee was interested in partnering on a workshop. The Committee agreed that it was in the Committee’s interest to host a workshop, possibly at Wheeler Park. We will invite the Stream Team to a future meeting for a brief presentation. Communication Guidelines Review: The Committee reviewed our policy of sending out draft minutes to an email list of interested community members. Going forward, we will no longer send minutes directly to the list, but instead, will send a notice that the draft minutes have been posted to the city website. Open Space Updates Underwood Property: Agne reported that the Underwood Property Committee held a public outreach session. He’s been very happy with the work of the consultants. At the public outreach session, the public reviewed proposals which divide the property into three major uses: Agriculture, Recreation, and Natural Resources. Discussion focused on prioritizing improvements to the property given the limited amount of funds available. A report on committee deliberations is expected in a few months. Garden Street: Kochman reported on the Garden Street public outreach session. The attendees were given the opportunity to comment on a number of possible plans. Dumont Park: Milizia and Kochman reported on the Dumont Park public outreach session. It was a similar format to the Underwood Property and Garden Street sessions. Energy Prize: Agne reported on the Energy Prize kick-off event. They had a great turnout of over 100 people. SBHS Updates and Multi-use Trail System: Milizia reported on the proposed improvement of the bike and walking trails on SBHS property by Fellowship of the Wheel. Improvements include the addition of a mountain bike course. The Committee will invite them to a future meeting. Wheeler Nature Park Management Plan: Agne gave the Committee a brief history of the development of the Wheeler Management Plan. He proposed that we make the plan our Committee’s top priority given that it is near completion. Milizia and Agne will refresh the Wheeler Homestead section of the report and the rest of the committee will review the rest of the document. Review Matrix: The Committee has agreed that the review matrix includes unnecessary detail. A prioritized list of Next Steps will replace the matrix, if necessary. Homestead Public Outreach: The Committee decided that it would be more appropriate to have the Recreation and Leisure Arts Committee take the lead on the Wheeler Homestead parcel. The Wheeler Management Plan will reflect this decision and the development of a set of guidelines for the use of the Homestead will be included in the Next Steps section of the Wheeler Management Plan. Action Items: · Entire Committee: Provide public comment on the Underwood, Garden Street, and Dumont Park proposals. · Milizia and Agne: Refresh the Homestead portion of the Wheeler Management Plan. · Entire Committee: Provide edits on the Wheeler Management Plan to Clemins. · Michaels: Reach out to the Energy Committee regarding the Georgetown University Energy Prize and how our Committee could help. · Milizia and LaRose: Schedule visits from the Chittenden County Stream Team and the Fellowship of the Wheel at a future Committee meeting. Next Meetings: The Natural Resources Committee normally meets on the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be: · March 4th, 6:00pm – Continue work on the Wheeler Management Plan. Meeting adjourned at 7:54pm. Respectfully submitted, Patrick Clemins