HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources Committee - 01/07/2015South Burlington Natural Resources Committee 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 846-4106 www.sburl.com Wednesday, January 7, 2015 6:00pm South Burlington Municipal Offices, 575 Dorset Street MEETING MINUTES for Regular Monthly Meeting APPROVED 2/4/2015 Present: Larry Michaels (NRC Vice Chair), Patrick Clemins (NRC Clerk), Russell Agne (NRC Member), Jeff Dickson (NRC Member), Cathyann LaRose (NRC Staff Liaison - SB City Planner), Pat Nowak (City Council Chair) The meeting was called to order at 6:07pm. Additions, Deletions and Changes to Agenda: LaRose would like to talk about the annual report contribution that is required to be submitted by the Committee. Comments from Public: Nowak asked the Committee if there was some way City Council could help recruit NRC members. She noted the proposal from last year to consolidate the standing city committees. Agne pointed out that we might be competing with the Underwood Committee at this time for volunteers interested in natural resources. Dickson mentioned that a Front Porch Forum post specifically looking for volunteers for the NRC might be useful. Agne noted that the frequency of committee meetings, and especially the frequency sustained during the Open Space Committee work, can be a disincentive for people to serve. Nowak thanked the Committee for its service and talents. 10/1/14 and 11/5/14 Minutes: Michaels moved to approve the 10/1/14 and 11/5/14 minutes. Agne seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. 2014 South Burlington Annual Report: LaRose asked for a ½ page summary of the Committee’s work over the last year and the Committee’s agenda for the coming year for the City’s Annual Report. Clemins will pass around a draft tomorrow morning for submission to LaRose by Friday. Wheeler Homestead Public Meeting: Vince Bolduc and Michaels toured the grounds one afternoon last month. Michaels noted that Common Roots and Friends of the Library have entered into rental agreements with the City for the Wheeler Homestead House and the surrounding grounds. The Committee asked LaRose and Nowak for some details about this agreement and discussed how to move forward, given the signing of the new lease. Due to the short term nature of the lease agreement, the Committee agreed to continue forward with the Wheeler Homestead Public Meeting. The Committee should get their proposed survey / public meeting questions to Bolduc in the next two weeks. Open Space Updates · City Center: A public meeting on Dumont Park is scheduled for January 22nd at 7:00pm as part of the 3x3 series of public design meetings. · Underwood Committee: Agne was impressed with the consultants for the project and the open conversation about the wide variety of possibilities for the property at the first meeting. The second meeting of the committee is January 15th. A public hearing is scheduled for January 29th at 7pm. Agne and Michaels noted that the NRC should work with the Underwood Committee so as to not overlap uses between the Underwood Property and Wheeler Park so that each property can be used for the purposes for which it is best suited. Good Ideas List: Clemins distributed the current good ideas list for discussion. Agne suggested that we might get involved with the Energy Committee and the Georgetown University Energy Prize with something that relates to natural resources. Larry volunteered to reach out to the Energy Committee. Agne liked having some time during the meeting to think on a more strategic / philosophical level and suggested that the Committee add this time to the agenda on a regular basis. Clemins suggested that each Committee member pick a small project, using the Good Ideas list for inspiration, to take the lead on. The Committee generally liked this idea, with the understanding that the Committee as a whole should continue to work on larger, more complex projects. Each Committee member will come to the next meeting with their proposed individual project. Action Items: · Entire Committee: Draft a few questions (5-10) that the Committee would like to see addressed through the public outreach process. Send these questions directly to Vince Bolduc. · Entire Committee: Using the Good Ideas list as a guide, pick an individual project to propose to the Committee at the next meeting. · Clemins: Draft NRC Annual Meeting contribution. · Michaels: Reach out to the Energy Committee regarding the Georgetown University Energy Prize and how our Committee could help. Next Meetings: The Natural Resources Committee normally meets on the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be: · February 4th, 6:00pm – Planning for Wheeler Homestead public outreach with Vince Bolduc. Meeting adjourned at 7:56pm. Respectfully submitted, Patrick Clemins