HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 09/24/2018 - Advocacy CommitteeSouth Burlington Public Library Advocacy Committee Agenda September 24, 2018 4PM Library Conference Room In attendance: Bonnie Finnigan, Linda Darlington, Penne Tompkins, Katherine McConnell. 1. Call to orderMeeng called to order 4:12pm once a quorum was present. 2. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda No additions or deletions to agenda. 3. Approval of September 5, 2018 Advocacy Minutes September 5, 2018 Advocacy Minutes were deemed notes because quorum not present. August 9, 2018 minutes were approved; Penne made the motion, Linda seconded the motion, all approved. 4. Discussion of City’s request for project name in materials The City is promoting the name of the project and Ballot Initiative as: Community Center that will clude a new Public Library, Senior Center, City Hall, Clerks office, and Auditorium. The Library + Senior enter + City Hall is no longer the preferred nomenclature; additionally, 180 Market Street, has been dropped as e primary name. The Advocacy Committee agreed with the feedback that the brochure might benefit from some revisions. Ilana’s ginal two sided card seemed clearer, more direct and we like the message of “Create Community” The Advocacy Committee will promote the City’s name of the project when it fits with the LBOT omotional vehicles, but in general will give primary emphasis to the new Library as consistent with the mission of e LBOT. 5. Endorsements, lawn signs, written materials, FPF, Facebook Lawn Signs: Katherine will contact vendors for Lawn Sign prices; Katherine will also work on the graphics. It was agreed that the message for the Lawn Signs need to be concise and precise: e.g. big font size for Vote Yes on Ballottiative ____*; Library + Senior Center+ City Center; smaller font size for Community Center; very small font size for thegally required Paid for by SBLBOT* Penny to confirm the official name of the Ballot Initiative. Collateral Materials: Penne will track down the photo and the usage rights for the new building visual; the Advocacy Committee will nsider making postcards to promote Vote Yes. Katherine will be receiving the public record voter data Absentee Ballot requests every day; MargaretAnn has fered to address postcards to these people if the decision is made to create postcards. FPF: Patrick supplied a FPF message; people should consider personalizing the pitch, while staying on message. Facebook: Penny will mock up graphics depicting a photo of the Library/new building with quotes about libraries for ople to post on social media. Did You Know facts about the South Burlington Public Library will also be made into easy to post graphics, eally using actual photos from our Library. Endorsements: The list of people willing to endorse the Ballot Initiative continues to grow. Buttons: Bonnie made about 100 buttons; the Advocacy Committee will plan to make more buttons, perhaps with a vised graphic. 6. Tabling events Discussion of time and effort spent vs the impact vis-à-vis tabling at big community events. It was emed more effective to focus tabling when captive and/or receptive audiences. As such, the committee will review e current list of proposed events to maximize opportunities. 7. Review of worksheet and timeline for communications The current collaborative city timeline should continue to be fine-tuned. Bonnie will attend the Communication Group Meeting on Wednesday, September 26 at 4pm. 8. Comments from the public o comments from the public Meeting adjourned 5:30pm. Next Meeting October 9, 2018, Tuesday at 4pm, Library Conference Room.