HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 09/21/2018 - Fundraising Committee Fundraising Committee Meeting September 21, 2018 Present: Jay Pasackow, Nancy Simson, Bonnie Finnigan, MargaretAnn Cross, Stacey Pape, Jennifer Murray, Myke Esposito, Katherine McConnell 1. Jay called the meeting to order at 4:10 2. Additions and Deletions-Jay needs time to update on mailing. 3. Approval the minutes for August 21, 2108. Correction to attendees: Myke was present for this meeting. Bonnie made the motion with Myke, a 2nd. Approved. Update on annual letter. It was dropped off today. Will go out today or Monday. There will be a secure post ofice box (Keys held by Bonnie and Penne) so that credit card security is tightest. Established a means of depositing through the City until our 501C3 is established. Thank you notes will be hand written. Members of the Shelburne library fund raising committee will meet with Jay, MargaretAnn and Nancy to compare fundraising notes. Fletcher Free will give us access to their grant database for which they had to pay. 4. Review of the naming document created by Stacey and MargaretAnn. We will need to recommend to the full board and then Patrick will move it on to the City. Stacey used a “Campaign Pyramid program”. Very thorough! There are still concerns about donor wall or other recognition area. This is the start of early voting and absentee ballots- it would be good to follow up with folks voting early with a postcard. MargaretAnn thought she could manage this. 5.Discussion followed about Capital Campaign Committee chairs and co-chairs and membership. It seems that 8-10 members would be preferred. Need to ind interested people who are well known. Those who sign on should be prepared to make a “leadership gift”. Jay will check with Christine for suggestions. 6. Discussion relative to potential capital campaign major donor list. Postponed 7. Discussion of calendar for capital campaign preparation. Postponed 8. Next meeting October 23rd at 4PM. 9. 5:40 PM move to adjourn Bonnie 2nd Myke. Passed