HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 11/08/2018 - Nominating & Governance Committee Minutes Nominang & Governance Commiee November 8, 2018 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Library Meeng Room Aending: Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Nancy Fawley, Jennifer Murray Patrick called the meeng to order at 4:35 pm. Approval of the June 14th minutes. Patrick mooned; Stacey seconded. Moon passed. The group reviewed the Patron Code of Conduct to include more detail on in appropriate behavior. She said that the new wording had been approved by the City Aorney. Patrick mooned to recommend to the Board; Stacey seconded. Moon passed. Patrick introduced the commiee purpose statement based on the decision to combine the Governance and Nominang commiees. Nancy mooned to recommend to the Board; Stacey seconded. Moon passed. Text is below. Meeng adjourned 4:55. Next meeng TBA. Purpose Statement GOVERNANCE & NOMINATING COMMITTEE Nature and Purpose: · Identify individuals qualified to become and/or remain Trustees and recommend that the Board nominate such candidates for appointment or re-appointment by the City Council; · Recommend to the Chair of the Board membership of the various committees; · Oversee governance principles for the Board and administrative policies applicable to the Library Composition The Committee shall have the goal of having not less than three Trustees. Goals & Responsibilities To fulfill its objectives, the Committee shall perform the following activities: Board Candidates · Understand the skills, experiences, and needs of the Board and any gaps that may exist in current Board membership · Seek, evaluate and recommend candidates to the Board of Trustees; · Coordinate with the City to appoint Trustees. Board Committees · Make recommendations to the Chair of the Board regarding the size and composition of each standing committee of the Board, including identification of individuals qualified to serve as members of a committee. · Monitor the functioning of the committees of the Board and make recommendations for any changes, including the creation and elimination of committees. Principles & Policies · Develop and recommend to the Board and periodically review a set of governance principles for the Board; · Periodically review and approve administrative policies for the Library; and · Consider any other corporate governance issues that arise and develop recommendations to the Board. Other · Conduct a periodic Committee self-evaluation; and · At least annually, review this Purpose Statement and, if appropriate, recommend changes to the Board. Authority The Committee has the authority to obtain advice and assistance, at the Library’s expense, from internal or external advisors, as the Committee deems necessary in the performance of its duties. Expenditures anticipated to be in excess of $500 must be pre-approved by the Board. Meetings The Committee shall meet no less than one time a year and anticipates meeting at least quarterly. The Committee shall designate a Clerk to prepare minutes of each meeting. The Committee Chair or a designee will report to the Board at the Board's next regularly scheduled meeting regarding meetings and activities of the Committee.