HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 07/19/2018 - Fundraising Committee Fundraising Committee Meeting Thursday, July 19, 2018 4 PM Meeting Held at City Hall Present: Jay Pasackow, Nancy Simson, Bonnie Finnigan, Margaretann Cross Absent: Kathy Mackin, Stacey Pape, Don Jenkins 1. Jay called the meeting to order at 4:10 2. Additions and Deletions-none 3. Approval the minutes with the following change: Under Timeline, change the word meeting to discussion. Nancy- motion, Bonnie 2nd Approved 4. Annual Campaign: Pawprints need a week to 10 days to have the annual letter ready for mailing. Target date: by 8/27/18 with the mailing occurring the week of September 10. The mailing will consist of the letter and a return envelope. Margaretann is creating the letter and will have it out to committee members by 7/23/18. Some discussion was had about the content of the letter. Should it include some information about the Capital Campaign and opportunities for giving to the campaign or should it relect a concentration on annual support for ongoing and new programming? We need to have an explanation of why we need money and what we will use it for. Margaretann said she had informed Kevin Dorn about the Annual letter and he had no issues with us doing this. We should hear about the National Endowment grant in August. If we receive the grant, we will need to match it 3:1 with new raised money. Jay said that Kerry Jung had mentioned a matching grant that National Life has which has a January date. This grant likes to focus on children and education and National Life is looking for greater visibility in South Burlington. So this grant may be important to pursue later in the year. 5. Margaretann’s son-in-law (Zach) has agreed to help us with the brochure for our Capital Campaign. We look forward to hearing more about this. He will be taking photographs at our library. The Foundation will need to be completed. We will need a method for accepting credit card donations. The Website for the library will need the same thing. Note to Jennifer Murray about how soon the site will be ready. Nancy is looking for an Accountant for the Foundation. She and Penne will also be checking out banks in our community where we can set up an account. Christine is available for an hourly consulting fee. We will need to continue to focus on the beneits to our City when the building is complete. · Pretty inexpensive City Hall and how appropriate it is to be in City Center. · The School Department would also beneit from the building since their ofices would move to current city hall- school Department has outgrown their current space. · Inexpensive space for Senior Center. · Recreation will stay at current location until such time as the city can build for them in the future. Meeting Adjourned at 5:45 PM with a motion from Bonnie and a second from Nancy. Next meeting: August 7, 2018 at 4 PM