HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 06/21/2018 - Fundraising & Advocacy CommitteeSouth Burlington Public Library Fundraising/Advocacy Committee Joint Meeting Thursday, June 21, 2018, 4PM At South Burlington Public Library Minutes Present: MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Lee Freeman, Kathy Mackin, Stacey Pape, Jennifer Murray (via phone), Jay Pasackow, Nancy Simson Unable to attend: Myke Esposito, Penne Thompkins Meeting was called to order by Jay at 4:02 PM. Additions or deletions to posted agenda: None Approval of 6/1/18 Fundraising Committee Minutes: Bonnie motioned to approve; Kathy seconded. All were in favor. Motion passed. Jay explained purpose of joint meeting of Fundraising and Advocacy Committees. Many of the committees’ jobs will begin to overlap and there is no need to duplicate efforts. Jennifer updated the committee on her June 5th meeting with the City Staff. The purpose of which was to ensure that all were in sync for the upcoming June 25th meeting. The Advocacy and Fundraising Timeline, established 6/1/18 and updated 6/7/18, was discussed: The Library awareness campaign via FB, FPF, and OP continues. Trustees and City employees continue to co-ordinate messaging and PR information. It was reported that the June 11th meeting to review the updated design was well attended by the Trustees and Council; the public was also represented. The Trustee and City Council working meeting will be Monday June 25th at 6:30 at City Hall. The public is also invited to attend to ask questions of clariication. This promises to be an important and productive meeting. After the design and budget are more solidiied as to building size (square footage needs) and inancial demands, the Library Trustees will continue to work on: an outreach program to inform the public; design and produce an Annual Fund letter; and develop Naming Opportunities within the Library. After a positive vote from the public in November, the Trustees of The South Burlington Public Library will hire a capital campaign consultant and an accounting irm to help manage the campaign. They will also research and purchase computer software to manage donations on the Library website as well as during the Capital Campaign itself. The City Council will then be able to approach educational support prospects for the building, and the Library Trustees will lead the fundraising for the Library itself. Date for the next Fundraising/Advocacy Committee Joint Meeting is July 5, 2018 at 4 PM at the South Burlington Public Library. Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM. Respectfully submitted by Linda Darlington