HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 06/14/2018 South Burlington Library Board of Trustee Minutes Date: 6/14/18 Present: MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Kerry Jung, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Beth Wood, Penne Tompkins, Jennifer Murray, Katherine McConnell, (FOL) Mark Coel, Jay Pasackow Regrets: Lee Freeman 1. The meeting was called to order by MargaretAnn Cross at 5:03 2. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: Penne Tompkins requested that the Board address the moving of Blanchette funds currently in a city held account. 3. Comments and Questions from the Public: are in attendance tonight. Jennifer Kochman (public) wanted to encourage allof us to advocate for this proposed new library. 4. Consent Agenda and Minutes: One “typo” noted and corrected on last month’s Board minutes. Consent agenda includes FOL report Finance Report and minutes from May 10, May 15, and May 29, 2018. Patrick motioned to approve; Jay seconded. ☒Motion approved 5. Report of Nominating Committee: Chair Kerry Jung explained the process for seeking new oficers and members where all LBOT members were contacted. The slate being presented is: Chair: Patrick Leduc, Vice Chair: Stacey Pape, Secretary: Lee Freeman, Treasurer: Penne Tompkins Three Year Terms for : Margaretann Cross, Kerry Jung, Penne Tompkins City Council currently has no new applicants for LBOT. If anyone knows of a potential Board member, direct them to the City website for an application. Bonnie motioned to approve the slate. Penne seconded. ☒Motion approved 5B. Addition to agenda: Penne Tompkins explained that the Board moved $75,000 from Wells Fargo Blanchette Fund into the City in anticipation of use during construction of the new library. That was some time ago and it is not earning interest in the City account. Penne proposes that the Board move this amount back to Wells Fargo into a new account until such time as the Library’s Foundation Bank account is established. The City has said we’ll not be making payments to the City for the newlibrary until after the Bond vote in November or later. The vote on this matter will be postponed until the July Board meeting because it needs to be warned. It was also noted that the Board has two trustee signage on the account, the Treasurer and Chair. 6. Update on architectural plans and representatives from advocacy/fundraising meeting with the City: City employees,Coralee Holm, Ilana Blanchard, Kevin Dorn met with Advocacy and Fundraising Committee representatives (Penne, Jay, Bonnie, Margaretann) and library staff Susan Bliss. Kevin suggested we begin to put together a list of “naming” opportunities. A rough timeline was developed for Advocacy ad Fundraising. It was a positive meeting. Penne reminded us that we will need a budget before beginning Fundraising. Though this timeline will make a “quiet phase” of the campaign dificult, Stacey thought it wouldbe very beneicial to have some committed money prior to the public campaign. The City cannot pay for advocacy or fundraising but can pay for education to the public prior to the vote in November. Nancy Simson (representing the public) was concerned about who and how Advocacy would be paying for the campaign plans. Mark strongly suggests the MOU to be modiied given the feasibility study of last winter. This needs to relect realistic expectations. Since the Monday meeting with City Council, Architect representative and LBOT, Jennifer has been notiied that the library will need to cut square footage. This is related to overall budget for the building and was not discussed at the Monday special meeting with City Council. The Board will need to understand this further including how this may affect programming for the library. Jennifer will be checking with the architects about this. Jennifer passed out several iterations of the library and city hall design. She explained changes that have taken place from the compilation design “D” to the present design. Mark and Patrick will work to better understand the cost estimates and issues that are beginning to emerge for the project. 7. Fund Raising and vote for Annual Letter: Fundraising and Advocacy will meet next Thursday to review the Timeline referenced in #6. The Fundraising Committee has started to talk to consultants (3 so far), all of which estimate that fundraising costs should be budgeted as 10% of funds raised. The Foundation should be established soon. Mark estimated 6 weeks out. We will then be able to provide people using the website with an opportunity to donate on line. Currently looking for an accountant. The Fundraising Committee is proposing that we begin to send an annual letter beginning this September. Pawprints can do the appeal letter for $2362 for 5000 letters, which would include postage and a return envelope. Fundraising is asking for approval from the gift account for up to $3000. The committee believes this will serve to provide one more opportunity to “get the word out” about the new library as well as creating a nice beginning list for future events. MargaretAnn made a motion to approve the funding. Bonnie seconded. ☒Motion approved 8.Director’s Report: Stafing: We have illed the youth services position. Charlotte will be taking this position. She was previously an AmeriCorps volunteer and substitute. There are also 2 substitute vacancies. The website is on hold while people are on vacation. Kathryn Plageman is a new grandmother to Clara June. Congratulations! There will be a meeting with Recreation and the Library to discuss separate and shared activity opportunities. Kerry and Jennifer have talked about updating the website with regard to the Board. Motion to adjourn by Bonnie and a second by Jay. The time was approximately 7:45 p.m. ☒Motion approved. The next meeting of the Board will be held on July 12, 2018, at 5 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bonnie Finnigan