HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 05/10/2018South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustee Minutes Date: 5/10/18 Present: MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Lee Freeman, Patrick Leduc, Jay Pasackow, Beth Wood, Penne Tompkins,, Mark Coel, and Jennifer Murray Attending: Darlyn Peters. Marje Von Ohlsen Meeting was called to order by MargaretAnn Cross at 5:06 P.M. Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: None. Consent Agenda and Minutes Bonnie Finnigan motioned to approve; Penne Tompkins seconded. ☒Motion approved. AGENDA ITEMS MargaretAnn reported on an update and discussion on architectural and real estate matters related to the new library. Jennifer Murray spoke about specific space usage with regard to square footage possibilities based on the South Burlington School Board’s decision to provide an interest in land on Market Street. MargaretAnn suggested adding time to the May 15th meeting to discuss the various planning options. The Board concurred. MargaretAnn introduced the update on the name change process. We are now officially the South Burlington Public Library. Bonnie Finnigan moved to vote on merging the Nominating and Governance committees. Jay Seconded. It shall be henceforth referred to as the Governance and Nominating Committee. ☒Motion approved. Bonnie Finnigan provided an update from the Governance and Nominating Committee. The number of committee members was discussed with regard to standing agreements with the City. MargaretAnn appointed Kerry Jung to chair the Governance and Nominating Committee. Bonnie Finnigan provided an update from the Advocacy Committee. Costs for increasing awareness through advertising were reviewed. Marje Von Ohlsen suggested a plan to spread the word through miniature flyers to place around the community. Bonnie Finnigan asked for approval for a budget of $1,812 to run a 12-week campaign in the Other Paper. Patrick motioned to approve. Linda Darlington seconded. ☒Motion approved Jay reported that he would like to have a discussion about adding a giving link to the Web site as well as about long-term vs. short-term fundraising at the next meeting. MargaretAnn and Jennifer have provided context for the board development meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 15. If anyone has suggestions for additional topics, they should email one of them. Jennifer gave a Director’s Report. She and her Web team have seen an early draft of the new website, which will tie in nicely with the city’s design. There will be one round of changes, and then Jennifer will share the draft with the city’s representatives, providing an opportunity for feedback. Jennifer explained that various personnel changes have resulted in the opportunity to hire a 28-hour-per-week children’s assistant. That position will be advertised internally first. The library also will be advertising for two substitutes soon. Jennifer reminded us that the library will be closed next Friday, May 18th, so that all staff members can attend the state library conference. Comments from the Public Marje gave an overview of the Fairy festival that is being hosted by the Friends. Bonnie motioned to adjourn, with Beth seconding the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m. Next regular meeting: Thursday, June 14, 2018, at 5 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Lee Freeman