HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 05/03/2018 - Advocacy CommitteeSouth Burlington Community Library Board of Trustees Advocacy Committee Minutes Date: May 3, 2018 Location: South Burlington Library Present: Chair Bonnie Finnigan, Linda Darlington, Kathy Mackin, Penne Tompkins, MargaretAnn Cross, Jennifer Murray Regrets: Lee Freeman Bonnie Finnegan called the Meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. Addition to the posted agenda: Update from Library Director on the website rework Comments from the Public: There were no public members present. March minutes: Penne Tompkins motioned to approve; Linda Darlington seconded. ☒ Motion approved. Update of library plan and election timeline: The SB School board will vote on May 16 whether or not to accept the City’s revised proposal regarding the land swap on the currently selected building site. The outcome of that decision will have an impact on the building design and costs. Cross reported that the Library Board of Trustees will have an opportunity before the end of June to see the inal proposed design before it is presented to the City Council for a vote. Review and plan for current and future advocacy plans- Other Paper, FPF etc.: Next steps for the advocacy plan to increase awareness among the general South Burlington citizenry about libraries in general, and the South Burlington Public Library in particular include Front Porch Forum notices and possibly an ad campaign. Mackin will identify the list of South Burlington neighborhoods for Front Porch Forum and then we shall seek at least one volunteer in each neighborhood to share library tidbits. The initial campaign will feature compelling statements about why libraries are still vital to community life. Penne will get information for running an ad campaign in The Other Paper. She will provide a budget for the committee to present to the Trustees for approval at the May 10 meeting. Discussion and creation of common message for advocacy for the new library: Mackin shared a few points for the group to speak about the new library. Discussion regarding the common messaging for the new library was tabled until after the land swap decision is known. Website Redesign: Murray reported that the website redesign plans are moving forward. Eternity Web is returning to present a draft to the library staff May 8 at 1:30 p.m. Next meeting: Thursday June 7 at 4:30 p.m. Meeting was adjourned at 6:02 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Penne Tompkins