HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 04/12/2018South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustee Minutes FINAL Date: 4/12/18 Present: Mark Coel, MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Lee Freeman, Kerry Jung, Patrick Leduc, Jay Pasackow, Stacey Pape, Beth Wood, and Jennifer Murray Attending: Marje Von Ohlsen Meeting was called to order by MargaretAnn Cross at 5:02 PM Additions or deletions to the posted agenda: Executive session added at the end of the meeting. Discussion of the nominating committee added. Deleted Agenda #7 (vote on special meeting) and #8 (Advocacy Committee update). Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda: Marje invited everyone to the upcoming Friends book sale and encouraged all trustees to join the Friends. Consent Agenda and Minutes: Lee Freeman motioned to approve; Linda Darlington seconded. ☒Motion approved. Update on name change process: MargaretAnn reported that the request to officially change the name to the South Burlington Public Library was submitted to the city and will likely be scheduled as a consent item/resolution for the May 7th regular City Council meeting. Jennifer Murray also will investigate mall location signage. Update on the School Board/City’s joint working group on land transfer agreement: Working group’s formation remains under discussion. Discussion on joining the Nominating Committee with the Governance Committee: Beth has had to step down as chair of the Governance Committee. Kerry suggested folding in the Nominating Committee, whose members are also on the Governance Committee, into the Governance Committee. No one expressed any concerns. The two committees will have joint meetings until the board can warn and vote on combining the two. Discussion of library website followed. Jennifer Murray provided an update on the status of updating the library’s website. Bonnie Finnigan provided an update on the City’s position regarding the location of/host of the Library’s website. Marje Von Ohlsen spoke of the need for an easy-to-navigate site. Kerry Jung provided a technical update on the status of vendor capabilities with regard to development, design, and maintenance of a library-specific website. Kerry Jung moved to approve a standalone library website. Stacey Pape seconded. MargaretAnn asked for discussion. ☒Motion approved with one opposed. The Director’s report, by Jennifer Murray, mentioned a visit to the high school and crisis plan and health and safety committee. Bonnie Finnigan made a motion that the board recommend the library close on May 18th to allow staff to attend the Vermont Library Association conference. Jay Pasackow seconded. MargaretAnn asked for discussion. ☒Motion approved. Bonnie Finnegan provided an update about upcoming board development meeting, which is set for May 15th at 5 P.M. Comments from the Public No public comments. Mark made a motion to enter into executive session to discuss real estate and contract matters and to invite Jennifer Murray to join the board in executive session. Bonnie seconded. The board entered into executive session. At approximately 7 p.m., Bonnie motioned to exit executive session; Linda seconded. Bonnie then motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Stacey seconded. The board meeting concluded. Meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m. Next meeting: May 10, 2018 at 5 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Lee Freeman