HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 03/08/2018South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustee Minutes DRAFT Date: 3/8/18 Present: MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Kerry Jung, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Beth Wood, Penne Tompkins, Jennifer Murray, Adam Bortz (FOL); Ilona Blanchard Regrets: Mark Coel, Lee Freeman, Jay Pasackow The meeng was called to order by MargaretAnn Cross at 5:06. Addions or deleons to the posted agenda: Jennifer has a copy of the C.Graham Fundraising contract and Jay has asked that it be shared with the board. Comments from the public: Adam Bortz (represenng the Friends) updated us on their acvies. Things are going well and membership is currently underway. Looking for a new Secretary or Treasurer. Consent Agenda and Minutes: Bonnie mooned to approve; Linda seconded. ☒Moon approved. Update on architectural design commiee meengs: Architects from both firms are present tonight (Steve and Dennis) and gave us an overview of their progress and what opons will be presented to the public later in the evening. All opons provide approximately 15,000 square feet for the City Hall and 35,000 for the Library and all are three stories. The architects reminded us that the three designs are sll in the conceptual stage. Parking will not be discussed at the evening meeng with the public. Vote on the Purpose and Need Statement: Patrick made the moon to approve the purpose and need statement that will be used to guide the library design and building process; Bonnie seconded. With the approval, it will be sent on to the Planning Commission. ☒Moon approved. Discussion of the Library Board and School Commiee: MargaretAnn explained that Jay suggested it might be a good idea for Library Board members to reach out to School Board members to request their support of the new library. Patrick suggested a preferred method might be to aend a School Board meeng. We discussed the Library Board’s responsibilies by state statute. It was suggested that the Library Board do professional development to beer understand the laws that guide Vermont library governance. Further discussion of Fundraising Contract: Chrisne Graham prepared a leer outlining her fees for as-needed consulng. Patrick brought up the concern for managing any funds going out to this or any other contract. The Board agreed we would expect to keep a firm handle on any expenditures. Director’s Report: We have hired a Children’s Librarian! Her name is Kelly Kendall and she sill be starng on Monday! The temp will stay on for a while longer while Kelly is learning the ropes. Apparently the new web page being separate from the City’s site but linked was not clear to Tom when Jennifer had spoken with him about it. It is a board iniave and in an effort to make a smoother transion, we will collaborate with the city to create a similar look. The URL will remain the same. Jennifer spoke to City Aorney Bolduc and the City Council will be presented with our request to rafy the Public Library. Fiy people aended the John Gailmor concert. There have been some difficules with musical performances due to noise from passerby(s) and store music. We believe the issue has been resolved. The need for Board Development was raised in response to what the state statutes govern the Library Board of Trustees. Moon to adjourn by Stacey and a second by Kerry. The me was approximately 6:40 PM. ☒Moon approved. Respecully submied, Bonnie Finnigan Approved consent agenda: South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustees Consent Agenda Thursday, March 8, 2017 DRAFT MINUTES BOARD MEETING 2/8/18 Present: Mark Coel, MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan,, Kerry Jung, Patrick Leduc, Jay Pasackow, Stacey Pape, Beth Wood, Penne Tompkins, Jennifer Murray, Marje von Ohlsen Regrets: Barb Devine, Lee Freeman Meeng was called to order by MargaretAnn Cross at 5:06. Addions or deleons to the posted agenda: Set a date next week to review Purpose and Need document. MargaretAnn will send to Board prior to meeng. Also amended from the posted agenda: Removed 501C3 discussion, changed update on community architechturalmeengs to update on architectural design commiee meengs; added a discussion on vote on asking city officials to rafy the existence of the library and a fundraising commiee update. No members of the Public are in aendance tonight. Consent Agenda and Minutes Bonnie mooned to approve; Penne seconded. ☒Moon approved. Library name change-Discussion and request for raficaon of existence by the City Council. The Board is asking that the name of the library be officially changed to the South Burlington Public Library. This is a change from its former name of South Burlington Community Library. The request for raficaon of existence is in response to a previous lack of documentaon for the Library when it was inially established and is a necessary formality for various documents. Patrick mooned that board would request that the City Council change the name to the South Burlington Public Library and rafy the existence of the library. Kerry seconded. ☒Moon approved. Update on architectural design commiee meengs: Mark and Jennifer provided informaon from two meengs that have occurred since the public forums. The first meeng was held to introduce those key contractors to the new building plan: HVAC, Landscaping, Acouscs, Electrician, etc. and get inial input from various professionals aer looking into the site. The second meeng had some inial drawings of the exterior aer hearing from the contractors at the first meeng. Jennifer met today with the architect to review program and will meet tomorrow with both sets of architects to clarify some needs. It may be that some things will not be possible. Jennifer is not concerned with the amount of space at this me. Parking and traffic flows remain concerns. By mid-March the architects will have 3 opons with costs. Fundraising Commiee: Patrick, MargaretAnn, Jay and Jennifer met with representaves of the City to present the feasibility study. Megan Emery was there to represent the City Council. Jay followed up by sending the feasibility study to Kevin to distribute to the full council. --Director’s Report: We would like to apply for a grant from the Naonal Endowment for the Humanies. This is a matching grant (3:1). The Blanchee Funds could not be used for this purpose. The grant money would be used to pay for the building. The intenon is to solicit private donaons for this grant in support of the Humanies. The grant is due in March and MargaretAnn will distribute the pieces necessary to those who have offered to help. Mark reminded the Board that there are two enes (the Library and the Foundaon). We look toward creang a Humanies Advisory group to support the work of the library as well as write leers of support for the grant project. So far, a children’s librarian has not been hired. The posion will remain open unl filled. The correct version of the job descripon is on the state website. Jennifer has a temporary children’s librarian on board for 2 to 3 months as the search connues. There will be a concert on Sunday February 11th at 2 PM in front of the Mall Library Locaon. To all commiee chairs: Jennifer would like the agendas, dra minutes and approved minutes to be directly posted to Clerk Base. She will send out the direcons aer she is in touch with Erica at Clerk Base. For those interested in the Website Development: There will be a meeng at 9 in the library with the new vender. Please arrive at the Mall door at 8:45 AM to be let in…mall will not be open. A suggeson has been made to have a Commiee Calendar which could be put on Google Docs. Friends of the Library Report: The Wheeler House Bookstore has been open- please come and browse. There are many bestsellers available. Moon to adjourn comes at 5:58 PM with the Moon from Patrick and a second from Stacy. ☒Moon approved. The next meeng will be March 8, 2018 Respecully submied, Bonnie Finnigan DRAFT MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING 2/15/18 Present: Mark Coel, MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan,, Kerry Jung, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Penne Tompkins, Jay Pasackow, Jennifer Murray, Jennifer Kochman, Illona Blanchard, architectural representaves from Wieman Lamphere Regrets: Barb Devine, Lee Freeman, Beth Wood, The meeng was called to order at 5:10 p.m. Illona Blanchard presented a purpose and need statement to the board for the new library and city hall. The document will be used to guide design and building process for the new library. The board asked several clarifying quesons. Illona asked to have the library board of trustee members review the plan and get back to her with edits. The board discussed how to achieve this and created a plan. Stacey mooned to adjourn the meeng. Bonnie seconded, and the moon passed. The meeng adjourned at 6 p.m. Friends of the Library Report: The Friends membership drive is under way, as we are asking people to  join or rejoin. That helps fund items for the library. Our Book Sale is  in April 13 and 14. We have been receiving many book donations at the  book shop. We have guidelines for people to donate. Several of the  Friends helped at Read-A-Thon at library on Monday, March 5. Marje von Ohlsen