HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 05/02/2018 - Governance CommitteeSouth Burlington Public Library Governance Commiee February 5, 2018 Beth Wood (Chair), Patrick Leduc and Kerry Jung, being a majority of the Commiee members, and Jennifer Murray, Library Director, aended the meeng. Ms. Wood called the meeng to order at 5:02 p.m. on Monday, February 5, 2018 at the South Burlington Public Library. Ms. Wood asked for any updates or changes to the posted agenda, and none were proposed. Ms. Murray led a discussion of a potenal meeng room policy, including priority, eligibility, recurrence, cancellaons, frequency, length, fees, the delegaon of discreon and the commiee’s oversight of the policy. She agreed to update the dra policy and bring it to the next regular Commiee meeng for review. Ms. Wood gave a brief overview of the issues related to the change of the name of the library. Ms. Murray noted some addional informaon she had received about the process. The Commiee also discussed the library and 501(c)(3) charters. The Commiee agreed to have addional discussion with the Board on these maers. Mr. Leduc noted the Board had requested a copy of the city’s policy on naming rights for municipal spaces. Ms. Murray agreed to reach out to the city on this request. Ms. Wood confirmed the last version of the dra Bylaws has been provided to Commiee members for review. She then led a discussion of several open issues on the dra Bylaws. The Commiee members agreed to review the current dra in preparaon for the next Commiee meeng. Upon a moon duly made and seconded, the meeng adjourned at 6:15 p.m.