HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 01/11/2018Library Board South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustee Minutes FINAL Date: 1/11/18 Present: Mark Coel, MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Lee Freeman, Kerry Jung, Patrick Leduc, Jay Pasackow, Stacey Pape, Beth Wood, and Jennifer Murray Aending: Rhey Plumley, Kathy Mackin Meeng was called to order by MargaretAnn Cross at 5:06. Addions or deleons to the posted agenda: The Finance Commiee was added to the agenda. Consent Agenda and Minutes Patrick mooned to approve; Bonnie seconded. ☒Moon approved. AGENDA ITEM --Architectural meeng mes and dates were confirmed. --Advocacy Commiee Update: Kathy Mackin presented an update from the January 4th, 2018 meeng. --Update and discussion on the 501c3. Bonnie introduced Mark, who presented an update on the status of the 501c3 South Burlington Library Foundaon. --Director’s Report: Jen Murray presented the Director’s Report. An architect’s meeng for the Board is set for January 23d. Jen announced that Programming has opened back up this week. The first Baby Music Time took place at the new locaon. A search for a new Children’s Librarian is underway. Guest Programmers are planned though February 9th. Kerry Jung noted how ideal Jennifer’s disposion is for her posion. --Comments from the public: Rhey noted that people with whom he’s spoken are pleased with the new locaon. Notes that Friends of Library has a Book Sale at the Wheeler House from 10-2 on Thursday through Saturday every week. Donaons to the Library may be made at the Wheeler house as well. Stacey moved to close the meeng. Kerry seconded at 6:18 PM. REPORT FROM THE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE The Governance Commiee met on February 5. Members discussed ideas for a meeng room policy with Library Director Jennifer Murray, who will dra a policy for the commiee’s review. Jennifer gave an update on the status of the library’s possible name change. The commiee began discussion of unresolved issues in the most recent dra of the Board of Trustees bylaws from June 2017. The new members of the commiee will submit their input on this dra, with discussion to connue at the next meeng. REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends are planning refreshments for concert on Sunday . The book shop: A Novel Idea has many new and current books, both in ficon and nonficon. We alo have a collecon of DCF books and picture books. We are planning our special event for our members in late April aer our book sale. Library Board Consent Agenda January 2018 Includes previous Board Meeng minutes; Finance Report; Friends of the Library Report DRAFT MINUTES South Burlington Community Library Board of Trustee Minutes Date: 12/14/17 Present: MargaretAnn Cross, Linda Darlington, Bonnie Finnigan, Lee Freeman, Patrick Leduc, Stacey Pape, Beth Wood, Penne Thompkins, Kerry Young, Ilona Blanchard Aending: Jennifer Murray, Chrisne Graham, Nancy Simson Meeng was called to order by MargaretAnn 5:11pm. Addions or deleons to the posted agenda: 501(c)3 discussion moved to January --Minutes were accepted with changes. Consent Agenda: Bonnie Finnigan moved to accept the minutes; Penne Thompkins seconded. Moon passed Update on architectural contract and next steps: Ilona Blanchard working on RFP for construcon management services. Preliminary public outreach program in the works. Provided schedule. Discussed consultant’s work and upcoming dates. Vision, Alternave, and Recommended Concept dates provided. Stressed importance of mely turnaround. Concept recommendaon scheduled 3/13/18, cost esmate 3/30/18. Trustee meeng will be needed on March 30th. MargaretAnn Cross notes the Board would want an opportunity to review the recommendaon before the public meeng. Special meengs will need to be scheduled. Library/City Hall Outreach discussed next; Ilona provides handout. Desire is to get voters to the Public Meengs. Parcipaon in advocacy online via social media and Front Porch Forum encouraged. Ilona strongly recommends a single public advocate from the Board. Library Name Change Discussion of name change from “community” to “public”. Referred to the Governance Commiee. New Website Bonnie, of Advocacy Commiee, notes that the commiee feels that the city website does not do the library jusce. $3600 of the $5000 required to update the website is already available. Local sponsorships being invesgated. Commiee recommends that the board approve spending $5000 on the website. Moon passed. Bonnie moves that an anonymous gi of $1000 be spent on the web page, per the donor’s intent. Jay Pasakow seconds. Moon passed. Feasibility Study Report Chrisne Graham, fundraising consultant, completed a feasibility study. Discussed her findings. Complete study is available at the library in Jennifer’s office. Finance Commiee Patrick introduces Penne, Chair of the Finance Commiee, who reviewed the FY 2019 budget. Director’s Report Jennifer presented the Director’s report. In the first week at the new locaon, 80 people signed up for new library cards. The Friends of the Library agreed to pay for the reupholstering of the arm chairs. Penne moons to adjourn Stacy seconds at 7:38 PM REPORT FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE The commiee met in December and reviewed with Librarian Jennifer Murray the dra proposed FY 2018-19 budget. Subsequent to her submission to Assistant City Manager Tom Hubbard, a few further reducons were requested, and made. The final proposed budget was included with other city department budgets in “the book” for presentaon and approval by the City Council. The book was presented to the City Council January 4, 2018. Tom Hubbard presented the library secon so that Jennifer would not get stuck in the bad snow storm of that evening. Penne Tompkins aended in support. At this point the composion of the Finance Commiee (3 members) needs clarificaon, which will happen with the adopon of revised By-laws. The treasurer will serve as Chair of the Finance Commiee and it was agreed that the commiee will meet no less than quarterly. REPORT FROM THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends would like to remind us that that Book Shop is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10-2pm. The Fishing program that Marje menoned at the last meeng is postponed for another date.