HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-19-10 - Supplemental - 0321 Dorset Street (5)50' CL A S S II WETLA N D B U F F E R PROPOSED 2-STORY BUILDING BASEMENT FFE = 298.1 1ST FLOOR FFE = 308.1 2ND FLOOR FFE = 319.18 7.0'FDFDRD RD RD RD RD RD FDRDFD RD RD FD FD FD FD FD FD FDFD FDFD FD PROPOSED STREET BENCH PER DETAIL ON LANDSCAPE PLAN PAVED DRIVE GV BROOKWOOD DRIVEDORSET STREET 225 DORSET STREET GARAGE 2 BROOKWOOD DRIVE+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++1 MDW 5 TON 1 SP2 JSB 4 HMES 4 PO 7 HMES 2 IVRS RD RDRDRDRDRDRDRD RD RD FD 3' x 5' TREE PIT FENCE (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) RDRDRDALL GRASSED AREAS TO HAVE MINIMUM 4" TOPSOIL EXISTING DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH GRASS. CURB TO BE INSTALLED FD FD FD FD FD FD 6' HIGH WHITE VINYL PRIVACY FENCE PER DETAIL ON LANDSCAPE PLAN 8 TON 4 PO 1 SP1 SP2 JSB PROPOSED GARDEN BENCH 2 JSB FMFMFMFM2 PO 6 TON ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎGMP TRANSFORMER PAD 1 SP PROPOSED PICNIC TABLE EXISTING MAPLE TO REMAIN PROPOSED RAISED BED (TYP) 6' HIGH WHITE VINYL FENCE TO BE REMOVABLE 1 GTSB 1 GTSB Sheet Title Project Title Use of These Drawings Project Reference:Scale: Project Number: Date: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Approved By: No. Description Date By Revisions 478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495 802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COM ENGINEER ING SURVEY No. 8917 CIVILJENNIFER A NN DES A U T ELSSTATE O F VER M ONTPROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERL I C E N S E D Field Book: 1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended for preliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines or utilities, and/or approval from the regulatory DXWKRULWLHV¬ They are not intended as construction drawings unless noted as such or marked approved by a regulatory authority. 2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project, the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved, and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits, and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines, including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect, to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, but not limited to, contract documents, specifications, owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanical plans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permits for construction. 3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design and location of buildings shown, including an area measured a minimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinating final utility connections shown on these plans. 4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the user shall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the most current revisions. 5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are not transferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, and copies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive SURSHUW\¬ Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. If errors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought to the attention of TCE immediately. 6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy contains the most current revisions. P L A N N I N G E N V I R O N M E N T A L 0 Feet Graphic Scale 10 10 20 30 40 1 08/08/18 JADPer Town Comments ----(321) 0570-00321 (325) 0570-000325 ----1" = 10' 17-119 RMP JAD JPP 348 PROJECT LOCATION 06/01/2018 MITCHWARTZ PROPERTIES, LLC 321 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont L-001LAST REVISED 03/15/2013TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TREE PLANTING DETAIL 4" SAUCER RIM BACKFILL WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL. IF SOIL IS PREDOMINATELY CLAY OR GRAVEL INCORPORATE ORGANIC MATERIAL AS DIRECTED AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANT PIT WIDTH 3X BALL DIA. NOTES:* STAKE ONLY IN EXTREMELY WINDY CONDITIONS AS APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT * IF KNOWN, PLANT THIN BARKED TREES WITH THE SAME SUN ORIENTATION OR WRAP WITH WHITE POLYPROPYLENE WRAP * BURLAP: LOOSEN, CUT, & REMOVE NATURAL BURLAP FROM TOP 1/2 OF ROOT BALL. REMOVE SYNTHETIC BURLAP * WIRE BASKETS: CUT AWAY BOTTOM RINGS. PARTIALLY BACKFILL THEN REMOVE REMAINING WIRE. * PLANT TREE TO EXPOSE ROOT FLARE, MAIN ORDER ROOT, AND IN SAME ORIENTATION AS TREE WAS GROWN. DO NOT PLANT TOO DEEP * 3" LAYER SHREDDED BARK MULCH (TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT) OVER PERMEABLE WEED FABRIC. DO NOT PLACE NEXT TO TREE TRUNK6" CLEARANCE 2' DIA. MULCH RING SLOPE GROUND TO DRAIN DIG TREE PIT ONLY AS DEEP AS ROOT BALL L-002LAST REVISED 03/15/2013TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS BALL AND BURLAP SHRUB FROM TOP 1/3 OF ROOT BALL *LOOSEN, CUT, & REMOVE BURLAP CONTINUOUS WHEN USED IN BEDS. WEED BARRIER FABRIC TO BE *SHREDDED BARK MULCH AND GROWN WHICH SHRUB HAD PREVIOUSLY *PLANT SHRUB AT SAME DEPTH AT ARCHITECT) OVER PERMEABLE WEED (TO BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE 3" LAYER SHREDDED BARK MULCH 3" SAUCER RIM FABRIC. DO NOT PLACE CLOSE TO MAIN STEM. PLANT PIT WIDTH 3X BALL DIA. NOTES: BACKFILL WITH EXCAVATED MATERIAL. IF SOIL IS PREDOMINATELY CLAY OR GRAVEL INCORPORATE ORGANIC MATERIAL AS DIRECTED AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT L1-01 Landscape Plan3.0'5.0' OR APPROVED EQUAL OR APPROVED EQUAL DORSET STREET BENCH DETAIL FENCE DETAIL PLANT LIST 2 08/23/18 JADBike Rack & Tree Locations L-013LAST REVISED 08/20/20182018 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TREE FENCE AT TREE PIT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 4.0' TYPICAL 4' W X 9' L 5.25" 5.00"18"TOP RAIL - 2" MOLDED STEEL BARS PICKETS - 1/2" X 1/2" SOLID STEEL BARS ABOVE GRADE POST 1"X1"X1/8" THICK STEEL TUBING 18" ABOVE & 18" BELOW GROUND BOTTOM RAIL 1"X1/2"X1/8" STEEL CHANNEL PUNCHED TO ACCEPT PICKETS MID RAIL 1"X1/2"X1/8" STEEL CHANNEL PUNCHED TO ACCEPT PICKETS CONCRETE OR GRANITE CURBING 3"8"5.75"4 1/2" O RING NOTES: 1. TREE FENCE SHALL BE THREE SIDED, WITH OPEN SIDE TOWARDS THE CURB 2.ORNAMENTAL TREE FENCE MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION PER ASTM F2814 -09(2015) 3. ADDITIONAL POSTS REQUIRED ALONG THE LENGTH (9FEET) AT MID-POINT OF TREE OPENING 1.50"CONCRETE SIDEWALK 18"SIDEWALK SIDE (CLOSED) CURB SIDE (OPEN) SEE TREE PLANTING DETAIL CONCRETE FOOTING NOTES: STRENGTH: 3000 PSI WITH A SLUMP OF 3 INCHES AIR ENTRAINMENT: 5 PERCENT TO 3(5&(17$**5(*$7(6,=(ô,1&+0$; MORTAR COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS: 4,400 PSI MEETS ASTM C 150, TYPE 1 FINISHED CONCRETE SHALL BE 2 INCHES BELOW EXISTING GRADE AND PITCHED TO DIRECT WATER AWAY FROM POSTS. 10.00"24"2"3 04/19/19 JADRevision to Incorporate GMP's Transformer 4 04/22/19 JADRevision to Incorporate GMP's Transformer 5 04/26/19 JADRevision to Parking Width & Open Space Area