HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-19-10 - Supplemental - 0321 Dorset Street (3)Sheet Title Project Title Use of These Drawings Project Reference:Scale: Project Number: Date: Drawn By: Project Engineer: Approved By: No. Description Date By Revisions 478 BLAIR PARK ROAD | WILLISTON, VERMONT 05495 802 879 6331 | WWW.TCEVT.COM ENGINEER ING SURVEY No. 8917 CIVILJENNIFER A NN DES A U T ELSSTATE O F VER M ONTPROF E SSIONA L E N G INEERL I C E N S E D Field Book: 1. Unless otherwise noted, these Drawings are intended for preliminary planning, coordination with other disciplines or utilities, and/or approval from the regulatory DXWKRULWLHV¬ They are not intended as construction drawings unless noted as such or marked approved by a regulatory authority. 2. By use of these drawings for construction of the Project, the Owner represents that they have reviewed, approved, and accepted the drawings, obtained all necessary permits, and have met with all applicable parties/disciplines, including but not limited to, the Engineer and the Architect, to insure these plans are properly coordinated including, but not limited to, contract documents, specifications, owner/contractor agreements, building and mechanical plans, private and public utilities, and other pertinent permits for construction. 3. Owner and Architect, are responsible for final design and location of buildings shown, including an area measured a minimum five (5) feet around any building and coordinating final utility connections shown on these plans. 4. Prior to using these plans for construction layout, the user shall contact TCE to ensure the plan contains the most current revisions. 5. These Drawings are specific to the Project and are not transferable. As instruments of service, these drawings, and copies thereof, furnished by TCE are its exclusive SURSHUW\¬ Changes to the drawings may only be made by TCE. If errors or omissions are discovered, they shall be brought to the attention of TCE immediately. 6. It is the User's responsibility to ensure this copy contains the most current revisions. P L A N N I N G E N V I R O N M E N T A L 1 08/08/18 JADPer Town Comments 17-119SD-001 1"=1' LAST REVISED 11/07/20142014 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TYPICAL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CRUSHED GRAVEL (VAOT 704.05A FINE) WEARING COURSE (TYPE III) (VAOT 406) BASE COURSE (TYPE II) (VAOT 406) MIRAFI 500X STABILIZATION FABRIC INSTALLATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS B D C A UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE OR COMPACTED FILL A C B D RESIDENTIAL 6 12 2-1/2 1-1/2 6 12 2 1 6" SAND BORROW AND CUSHION TO BE USED IN POORLY DRAINED SOILS OR OVER BEDROCK FOR ROADS AND SIDEWALKS (VAOT 703.03) PARKING LOTS THICKNESS (INCHES) ROADS PRIVATE 2 COMMERCIAL 6 18 3 2 N/A 12 4 2 1/2 18 6 1 1/2 NOTES: E COMMERCIALRESIDENTIAL 6 6666E 1. SUBBASE, SAND CUSHION AND SUBGRADE SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED AND COMPACTED TO THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN ACCORDANCE WITH VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARD A-76. WHERE MORE STRINGENT LOCAL ORDINANCES HAVE BEEN ADOPTED RELATIVE TO ROAD DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTION, THEY SHOULD GOVERN. 2. COMPACT ALL SUBBASE MATERIALS TO 95% MAXIMUM DENSITY (STANDARD PROCTOR). 3. IF GROUNDWATER OR SOFT SPOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED CONTACT THE ENGINEER TO DISCUSS ADDED MEASURES SUCH AS UNDERDRAIN. SLOPE SUBBASE TO UNDERDRAIN LOW POINTS. DRIVEWAYS SECTION GRAVEL BASE (VAOT 704.04) OR CRUSHED GRAVEL (VAOT 704.05A COARSE) SD-013 1"=1-0' LAST REVISED 07/18/20132013 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS REINFORCED CONCRETE PAD 6" CLASS A CONCRETE SLAB, BROOM FINISH #5 REINFORCING BARS 12" O.C. BOTH WAYS, 3" CLEAR 12" BANK RUN GRAVEL COMPACTED SUBBASE SD-048LAST REVISED 06/18/20142014 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TYPICAL SIDEWALK LAYOUT 1/4"/FT. 4' 30"4'30"1/2" RADIUS TOOLED JOINT NOTES: 1.REFER TO BASIC GRID PATTERN ON SITE PLAN 2.JOINT SPACING IS 5 FT. NORMAL SPACING WITH A MAXIMUM OF 8 FT. AND MINIMUM OF 2 FT. LINEAR DIMENSIONS AND NOT INSIDE CORNERS 3.#4 REINFORCING ON 30 INCH CENTERS BOTH DIRECTIONS IN CENTER OF SIDEWALK 4.LAP BARS 30 BAR DIAMETERS. 5.EXPANSION JOINTS AT 20 FT. O.C. 5" LAP BARS 30 BAR DIAMETERS REINFORCING BARS (TYPICAL) TOOLED JOINT (TYPICAL) EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL 20' O.C. REINFORCING BARS SD-016LAST REVISED 03/21/20132013 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TRASH DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 10'0" 8'0" OPENING 1"=4'0" 1"=4'0" FRONT ELEVATION SILL5.5"1"=1'0" SIDING DETAIL 1"=4'0" TYPICAL ELEVATION LATCH PLAN 3.5" 1"=4'0" SECTION 2"X4" FRAME 1"X8" PINE CAP GATES 1/2" MDO BOARD 1'X4" TRIMSTRAP HINGE BOLT THROUGH FRAME 5" CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCED WELDED WIRE FABRIC WWF W2.1 X W2.1 CLASS B CONCRETE 12" BASE OF CRUSHER RUN COMPACTED TO .9 PROCTOR 1"X6" #2 PINE SIDING STAIN TO MATCH BUILDING GUTTER DOWNSPOUT (BY OTHERS) ‘+'3(3,3(7<381/(6627+(5:,6(127(' TO DRAINAGE STRUCTURE OR PIPE CONNECTION FINISH GRADE PROVIDE DOWNSPOUT ADAPTER OR CAP AT GRADE FOR DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION PROVIDE AT GRADE CLEANOUT WITH CAP AT PIPE ANGLES, TEES, AND WYES 4' MIN. SW-009 TYPICAL GUTTER DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION 2014 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAST REVISED 04/21/2014 SD-036LAST REVISED 02/07/20142013 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS BIKE RACK 36"47"2X 0.25" X 12.75" ANCHOR RODS 2 3/8" O.D. GALVANIZED STEEL SCHEDULE 40 PIPE WITH POWDERCOAT FINISH BLACK 35"6" PORTLAND CEMENT PAD CLASS "B" CONCRETE SD-010 3/4" = 1'-0" LAST REVISED 03/27/2013TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PAVEMENT CUT TRENCH6' MIN. COVER6"D+2' CL SAW CUT EXISTING PAVEMENT WEARING COURSE CRUSHED GRAVEL GRAVEL BASE SAND CUSHION COMPACT BACKFILL SAME MATERIAL AS REMOVED IN 6" LIFTS SEE SITE PLAN FOR PIPE SIZE AND MATERIALD 1.5" TYPE III VAOT 406 WEARING COARSE AND 2.5" TYPE II VAOT 406 BASE COARSE OR MATCH EXISTING THICKNESS, WHICHEVER IS GREATER PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE Regulatory Requirements: Comply with materials, workmanship, and other applicable requirements of state DOT or local municipality for pavement-marking work. 1.2 FIELD CONDITIONS Environmental Limitations: Proceed with pavement marking only on clean, dry surfaces and at a minimum ambient or surface temperature of 40 GHJ¬) for alkyd materials, 55 GHJ¬) for water-based materials, and not exceeding GHJ¬). 1.3 PAVEMENT-MARKING PAINT A.Pavement-Marking Paint: Alkyd-resin type, lead and chromate free, ready mixed, complying with $$6+72¬0¬ colors complying with )6¬773 Color: As indicated. B.All pavement marking within VTrans and Town right-of-way shall be in accordance with VTrans specifications. 1.4 PAVEMENT MARKING Apply temporary pavement marking before traffic is allowed on any newly paved area or as site conditions dictate. Allow final wearing surface to age for a minimum of 30 days before applying final permanent pavement marking. 1.5 PROTECTING AND CLEANING A.Protect pavement markings from damage and wear during remainder of construction period. B.Clean spillage and soiling from adjacent construction using cleaning agents and procedures recommended by manufacturer of affected construction. NON STDLAST REVISED 03/14/20182018 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PAVEMENT MARKINGS Site Details C8-01 06/01/2018 Shown 17-119 RMP JAD JPP 348 MITCHWARTZ PROPERTIES, LLC 321 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont SD-056 1/2" = 1' LAST REVISED 05/04/20162016 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONCRETE CURB, & SIDEWALK FOR SIDEWALKS DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO BUILDINGS5'7" REVEAL 6"1" R BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT FOOTING DRAIN FOUNDATION BY OTHERS NOTE: SEE SITE PLAN FOR SIDEWALK LOCATION 8"x16" FOOTING GRAVEL (3" MAX. STONE SIZE) CONCRETE CURB PIN CURB TO CONCRETE FOUNDATION CONCRETE FOUNDATION 5"BUILDING FACE EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL CONCRETE WALK (SEE SITE PLAN FOR WIDTH) 30" REBAR (TYPICAL) SW-026LAST REVISED 04/13/20162016 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TYPICAL UNDERDRAIN CLEANOUT DETAIL 1"=1' BACKFILLED TRENCH 4" PVC SDR 35 RISER 4" PVC SDR 35 PIPE 39&6'5ƒ(/%2: '['[39&6'5ƒ:<( GENERAL FOUNDRIES #18111 COVER, "CLEANOUT" LABEL 4" CAP 6" PVC SDR 35 SLEEVE 9" IN PAVED AREAS IN GRASSED AREAS 4"x4" PT POST (OPTIONAL) FLOW SD-053 1/2 " = 1' LAST REVISED 10/18/20172017 TRUDELL CONSULTING ENGINEERS TYPICAL CONCRETE SIDEWALK SPECIFICATIONS: 1)1/2" EXPANSION/CONTRACTION JOINT WITH ASPHALT IMPREGNATED FIBER BOARD FILLER EVERY 50 FEET. 2)SCORED OR TOOLED JOINT (1" DEPTH OR 1/3 THE TOTAL DEPTH OF WALK) WITH A SEPARATION DISTANCE EQUAL TO THE WIDTH OF THE SIDEWALK. 3)FULL-BREAK OR COMPLETE JOINT EVERY 20 FEET. 4)WHERE "HEAVY DUTY CONCRETE SECTION" IS CALLED OUT ON THE SITE PLAN, THE SIDEWALK IS TO BE 8" THICK 5"6"6"VARIES NOTE: DISTANCES ARE TYPICAL AND MAY BE ALTERED FOR SPECIFIC SITE CONDITIONS. CONCRETE WEAR COURSE (4000 PSI) MINIMUM 18" GRAVEL BASE OWNER TO COORDINATE WITH OTHER DISCIPLINES (ARCHITECT/STRUCTURAL ENGINEER) ON SIDEWALK WITHIN 5' OF BUILDING. IN SOME CASES SIDEWALK WILL HAVE FROST WALL OR BE PINNED TO FOUNDATION TO PREVENT FROST ACTION IN FRONT OF DOOR.18"BASE COURSE 2 04/22/19Revision to Incorporate GMP's Transformer JAD 3 04/26/19Removed Bollard Detail JAD