HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Energy Committee - 10/12/2014Energy Committee meeting at Healthy Living 10/12/2014 Meeting called to order at 10:10 am by Don Cummings Attendees: Keith Epstein, Don Cummings, Linda McGinnis, Karen McKenny, Marcy Murray, Patty Tashiro, Kathy Blume Absent: Fred Kosnitsky, Sam Swanson, Paul Wagenhofer Keith volunteered to record minutes. No one from the public spoke The Committee read through the draft SBEP/GUEP program plan as a group, discussing details of each section. Keith moved to approve $28.31 of Karen's prior expenses for clipboards and SBEP tabling supplies, and $52.00 of Karen's prior expenses for 2 months of Surveymonkey. Linda seconded, and the vote was unanimous approval. Don moved to authorize up to $200 for SBEP business cards for 6 team members plus one design without a name for volunteers to hand out. Keith seconded, and the vote was unanimous approval. Don moved to spend $2,500 to hire a creative marketing person to come up with consistent marketing design and messaging for SBEP and create the first 2 to 3 advertisements. Keith seconded, and the vote was unanimous approval. Karen moved to submit the SBEP program plan to city council, with minor revisions and additions to take place over the next few days. Marcy seconded, and the vote was unanimous approval. Karen moved to direct Patty Tashiro to apply for relevant grants and seek sponsorships and donations. Keith seconded, and the vote was unanimous approval. Linda moved to adjourn, Keith seconded, and the vote was unanimous to adjourn. Meting adjourned at 4:53 pm.