HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Energy Committee - 09/12/2012South Burlington Energy Committee Meeting Notes : Wednesday, September 12, 2012 South Burlington City Offices - 7:00 - 8:30 PM Attendees: Don Cummings, Peter Tousley, Marcy Murray, Sam Swanson (scribe), Laura Waters, Marc Companion, and Ilona Blanchard. No guests were present. Because Marc Companion, the Committee Chair, would arrive late and Keith Epstein, the Vice Chair, was absent, the Don Cummings chaired the meeting, beginning at 7:05 PM. The committee approved the minutes of the August meeting circulated by Marcy Murray and posted on the committee’s wiki web site (__http://sbec.wikispaces.com__ ) City Staff Updates (presented by Ilona Blanchard) Renewable Energy Partners Contract The City is negotiating a contract with Encore, the contractor selected to develop solar projects for the City. Ilona summarized key provisions of the contract that she expects will be presented to the City Council for approval next week. Ilona reported that a first project, a 60 kW City owned solar array at Dorset Park may be financed with inter municipal loan promissory note, an approach that enables the City to employ existing bond funding instruments. She said the 60 kW solar facility loan plan also will be presented to the Council for approval at that time. Claire Solar Project Proposal The City Planning Commission is reviewing plans for the Claire Solar Project that is proposed for an area of land classified for natural resource use. Ilona indicated that the City is considering • whether to recommend that the project not be fenced to allow wildlife to travel thru the site, • the extent of area to be covered by the project ,and • use of the land for combined agricultural use. The Planning Commisson will tour this site and the existing solar facility on Dubois Road on Monday, Sept 24. She invited Energy Committee members to join that visit and will communicate details for that visit by email to the Committee. LED street lamps The City is finalizing a contract with Green Mountain Power (GMP) for replacing existing street lamps with LED fixtures. The City will obtain an inventory from GMP or specifically what lamps are replaced and what are specifications of each replacement. Fixture replacements should begin soon after the contracts are signed, perhaps within the next month or so. Municipal Building Energy Upgrade Grant Status The architect is working on the project to rehab City building which is partially funded with energy upgrade grant.. The architect's design will address the new heating system, which the City wants installed before cold weather arrives. City Capital Planning and Energy Budget Line Item A capital budget for next year is being prepared but no draft is available. It may be possible to implement energy efficiency changes in buildings using the capital budget. Don and Peter are continuing to review City building energy audit working papers that Allan Bullis left with the City to identify a list of important actions the Energy Committee may recommend that the City implement. Project Updates Condo energy conservation project update – Laura, Don and Marc Marc reported that the contractor has completed over 200 audits and anticipates that 20-30 condo unit owners may commit to contracting for seal up work by September 30 when the contractor’s work ends. Additional units may commit to building sealing after October 1. Don, Laura and Marc, in their role as Energy Committee representatives, will follow up to assist additional condo owners with contracting for energy efficiency improvements after the finishes on September 30. VEIC’s Weatherization Challenge - Don Cummings Don observed that this Weatherization Challenge is the same program design that Paul Marcowitz described several months ago. It depends almost exclusively on community volunteers and provides very little funding, about $300 per community. Ilona urged that we contact Tim Perrin at VEIC to see whether additional support may be available. Don will contact Tim and Paul to learn more about the details of the recently announced program. Residential Building Energy Code Compliance - Marcy Murray Marcy reported that she had participated in a strategy session at VEIC. Marcy briefly described the compliance strategies, all involving steps to encourage voluntary compliance by local builders. The Committee discussed the difficulties involved in determining whether a completed new home or renovation of an existing home actually complied with the Energy Code. NEXT Meeting - is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, at 7 PM at the City Offices on Dorset Street.