HomeMy WebLinkAboutSD-15-39 - Supplemental - 1200 Airport Drive,t CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Report preparation date: December 11, 2015 SD_15-39-1200AirportDrive—BurlingtonlntlAirport—Sporn Plans received: October 9, 2015 Aviation FuelTank sketch SKETCH PLAN REVIEW #SD-15-39 CITY OF BURLINGTON / BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT— 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE Meetina Date: December 15. 2015 Applicant/Owner Burlington International Airport/City of Burlington 1200 Airport Drive, #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 Location Map CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 2 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 15 39 1200AirportDrive BurlingtonlntlAirport SpornAviationFuelTank sketch Dec15 mtq.doc PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sketch plan application #SD-15-39 of City of Burlington/Burlington International Airport to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development for an airport complex. The amendment consists of installing a 10,000 gallon above -ground aviation fuel tank, 1200 Airport Drive. COMMENTS Administrative Officer Ray Belair, and Dan Albrecht, Planner Temporary Assignment referred to herein as Staff, have reviewed the plans submitted on October 9, 2015 and offer the following comments: Zoning District & Dimensional Requirements: The property is located in the Airport Industrial District. Table 1. Dimensional Requirements Airport Industrial Zoning District Required Proposed Existing Min. Lot Size 3 acres ?? 770 acres Max. Building Coverage 30% n/a n/a Max. Overall Coverage 50% n/a n/a V Min. Front Setback 50 ft. n/a n/a ✓Min. Side Setback 35 ft. n/a n/a Min. Rear Setback 50 ft. n/a n/a zoning compliance The current 770 acre parcel is in compliance with these requirements. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 15.18 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, PUDs shall comply with the following standards and conditions: (A)(1)Suffcient water supply and wastewater disposal capacity is available to meet the needs of the project. The project appears to have no impact on water and wastewater use. Full compliance with this standard will be addressed in detail at Final Plat review. (A)(2)Suffcient grading and erosion controls will be utilized during and after construction to prevent soil erosion and runoff from creating unhealthy or dangerous conditions on the subject property and adjacent properties. An erosion control plan has not yet been submitted. Full compliance with this standard will be addressed in detail at Final Plat review. (A)(3)The project incorporates access, circulation, and traffic management strategies sufficient to prevent unreasonable congestion of adjacent roads. The project appears to have no impact on vehicular traffic. Full compliance with this standard will be 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 3 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 15 39 1200AirportDrive BurlingtonlntlAirport SpornAviationFuelTank sketch Dec15 mtq.doc addressed in detail at Final Plat review. (A)(4)The project's design respects and will provide suitable protection to wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy, and any unique natural features on the site. There are no wetlands, streams, wildlife habitat as identified in the Open Space Strategy nor unique natural features that would be affected by this project. (A)(5)The project is designed to be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area, as specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the purpose of the zoning district(s) in which it is located. The proposed fuel tank would be visually compatible with the planned development patterns in the area. (A)(6)Open space areas on the site have been located in such a way as to maximize opportunities for creating contiguous open spaces between adjoining parcels and/or stream buffer areas. There are no open space areas that would be affected by this project. (A)(7)The layout of a subdivision or PUD has been reviewed by the Fire Chief or (designee) to ensure that adequate fire protection can be provided. In a letter to staff dated November 6, 2015 the Fire Chief commented as follows: We have reviewed the plans for the proposed construction of 10,000 gallon above ground aviation fuel tank at the airport complex on Eagle Drive. We have the following recommendations: • Securing of proper permits from South Burlington Fire Marshal and/or the State of Vermont. • Construction to relative codes for petroleum installations. At this point these seem to be the major issues which present themselves. As this project moves forward additional items may surface which could be dealt with as needed with the assistance of the developer and the South Burlington Fire Marshal. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief 1. The Board should direct the applicant to comply with the Chiefs comments prior to submission of a Preliminary and/or Final Plat Application. (A)(8)Roads, recreation paths, stormwater facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, utility lines and lighting have been designed in a manner that is compatible with the extension of such services and infrastructure to adjacent landowners. l CI CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 4 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 15 39 1200AirportDrive Burlington IntlAirport SpornAviationFuelTank sketch Dec15 mtq.doc The proposed project appears at this juncture to be compatible with the extension of such services. See comments on Stormwater below. (A)(10)The project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the affected district(s). Staff feels that the proposed project is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for the Airport Zoning District. Full compliance with this standard will be addressed in detail at Final Plat review. SITE PLAN REVIEW STANDARDS Pursuant to Section 14.03(A)(6) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, any PUD shall require site plan approval. Section 14.06 of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations establishes the following general review standards for all site plan applications: A. Relationship of Proposed Development to the City of South Burlington Comprehensive Plan. Due attention by the applicant should be given to the goals and objectives and the stated land use policies for the City of South Burlington as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Staff considers that this criterion is being met. Full compliance with this standard will be addressed in detail at Final Plat review. B. Relationship of Proposed Structures to the Site. (1) The site shall be planned to accomplish a desirable transition from structure to site, from structure to structure, and to provide for adequate planting, safe pedestrian movement, and adequate parking areas. The project will have no impacts on planting, pedestrian movement or parking. (2) Parking: (a) Parking shall be located to the rear or sides of buildings. Any side of a building facing a public street shall be considered a front side of a building for the purposes of this subsection. No new structures or changes to existing structures are proposed and the project will have no impact on parking. (b) The Development Review Board may approve parking between a public street and one or more buildings if the Board finds that one or more of the following criteria are met. The Board shall approve only the minimum necessary to overcome the conditions below. Not applicable. (3) Without restricting the permissible limits of the applicable zoning district, the height and scale of each building shall be compatible with its site and existing or anticipated adjoining buildings. No buildings are proposed. (4) Newly installed utility services and service modifications necessitated by exterior alterations or building expansion shall, to the extent feasible, be underground. Compliance with this standard will be addressed in detail at Preliminary and Final Plat review. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 5 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 15 39 1200AirportDrive BurlingtonlntlAirport SpornAviationFuelTank sketch Dec15 mtp.doc C Relationship of Structures and Site to Adjoining Area. (1) The Development Review Board shall encourage the use of a combination of common materials and architectural characteristics (e.g., rhythm, color, texture, form or detailing), landscaping, buffers, screens and visual interruptions to create attractive transitions between buildings of different architectural styles. (2) Proposed structures shall be related harmoniously to themselves, the terrain and to existing buildings and roads in the vicinity that have a visual relationship to the proposed structures. No new structures or changes to existing structures are proposed. These two criteria are not applicable. In addition to the above general review standards, site plan applications shall meet the following specific standards as set forth in Section 14.07 of the Land Development Regulations: A. Access to Abutting Properties. The reservation of land may be required on any lot for provision of access to abutting properties whenever such access is deemed necessary to reduce curb cuts onto an arterial or collector street, to provide additional access for emergency or other purposes, or to improve general access and circulation in the area. Staff does not consider that the reservation of land is necessary. B. Utility Services. Electric, telephone and other wire -served utility lines and service connections shall be underground. Any utility installations remaining above ground shall be located so as to have a harmonious relation to neighboring properties and to the site. Pursuant to Section 15.13(E) of the Land Development Regulations, any new utility lines, services, and service modifications shall be underground. C. Disposal of Wastes. All dumpsters and other facilities to handle solid waste, including compliance with any recycling or other requirements, shall be accessible, secure and properly screened with opaque fencing to ensure that trash and debris do not escape the enclosure(s). The project will be served by existing dumpsters and other facilities on the property. D. Landscaping and Screening Requirements. (See Article 13, Section 13.06) No buildings are proposed and therefore this criterion is not applicable. Stormwater In an email to staff dated November 4, 2015, the Department of Public Works commented as follows: The Stormwater Sectic, 3 has r eviewed the "SpDrn Aviatioo Fug 1 Tang Facility Ca-3;e C,Jvu" sketrrw pion prepared by Stontec, dated 10108/15. We would like to offer the following comments: In a future application, the applicant should indicate the percent coverage proposed on the lot. CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON 6 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD PLANNING & ZONING SD 15 39 1200AirportDrive BurlingtonlntlAirport SpornAviationFuelTank sketch Dec15 mtq.doc 2. In a future application, the applicant should include design details, stormwater modeling and delineated drainage area maps for all proposed stormwater treatment practices. 3. The City recommends that the fuel storage area be provided with adequate containment for the volume of fuel storage proposed. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Dave David P. Wheeler Assistant Stormwater Superintendent 2. The Board should direct the applicant to comply with the Department's comments prior to submission of a Preliminary and/or Final Plat Application. RECOMMENDATION Seek clarification on the questions raised above, and presuming satisfactory answers, allow this to move forward through final plat review. Respectfully submitted, Raymond J. Belair, Administrative Officer Copy to: Gene Richards, applicant ICI, z PROJECT LOCATION L r T USTRIAL��~ \ 14 T \\ YOIIIOVfe \ I \ I / way A 11{ f� r✓YYpuYillw. -3 � r'raolmure /1� •�� IYin♦+lo � n zywc .nwowr� \ \ / � C1AII Y I lF' �`�,� ,. `�\\ 11Ra➢ iCeaq � g$$��$���RRIOED f \ V �� spGI'i =Ili E11CVL� 1 L p/ } v Sta1" tec Slonlec Cmsdlin9 Services Nc Coyi hl ConsWlmis R(JAI. i�ASigM WILlow MAlHG10R .IIFIM.,RYL ,Wdff SWM .uuxcmR. as,a, �—� NaIF, TNe reams, s Inrwnn mnw me Nlcan 1H1115'lIY1 zyRr. • svYaM51R1 6 rYYORogn Ran TWS Yrn wnox Nole: Issued F Kw ^•Moo RermASed �~ or cuem/Nolecl CITY OF BURLINGTON, VERMONT BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SPORN AVIATION FUEL TANK FACILITY EAGLE DRIVE Salh Ruftl- V--I nne OVERALL AIRPORT PROPERTY AND SITE LOCATION MAP holed No s- 195J11135 IXanng No Sheel Revwon 1 of 2 N,NWI I N R® a -La nt C Slanlec ConsWlmg Services Irc Copyighl Rewnetl CansWlanls ��Alti egentl arc of �uwnmw. wnYORr —\ nwuuc,ar,. os� - TMs r,nlrz ,s wrwnu wmx+ �R u�o,n Rausnrtu mR[ A waul9a, l5tort TIe! IfFl,GTRIX IsweE s.�n Gp;a w Fe'mll-Sed CYenf/Prp,ecl CITY OF EURUNGTON, VERMONT BURUNGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SPORN AVIATION FUEL TANK FACILITY EAGLE DRIVE swm werelw ye 1 SKETCH PLAN hoed No Scde 19-1135 V-40 Drawing No Sheel It.- 2 2 p, 2 0 ,-w soot :Iurl :' "_., 11 Plan Transmittal Form To: Fire Department/ Department of Public Works From: Ray Belair Date Transmitted: 10/20/15 Comments Due: November 6, 2015 Project Description/Meeting Date: Sketch plan application #SD-15-39 of City of Burlington/Burlington International Airport to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development for an airport complex. The amendment consist of installing 10,000 above- ground aviation fuel tank, 1200 Airport Drive. Other Notes: Meeting date is 11/17/15 All Plan Transmittal Form To: Fire Department/ Department of Public Works From: Ray Belair Date Transmitted: 10/22/15 Comments Due: November 6, 2015 Project Description/Meeting Date: Sketch plan application #SD-15-39 of City of Burlington/Burlington International Airport to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development for an airport complex. The amendment consist of installing 10,000 above- ground aviation fuel tank, 1200 Airport Drive. Other Notes: Meeting date is 11/17/15 i CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 1st day of December, 2015, a copy of the foregoing public notice for Sketch Plan Application #SD-15-39, of City of Burlington/Burlington International Airport, to amend a previously Planned Unit Development for an airport complex. The amendment consists of installing 10,000 gallon above- ground aviation fuel tank, 1200 Airport Drive was sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the owners of all properties adjoining the subject property to development, without regard to any public right-of-way, and including the description of the property and accompanying information provided by the City of South Burlington. I further certify that this notification was provided to the following parties in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations: List of recipients: See attached list. Dated at South Burlington, Vermont, this 1st day of December, 2015. Printed Name: Jon Leinwohl Phone number and email: 802-864-0223; ion.leinwohl(astantec.com Signature: Date: December 1, 2015 Remit to: City of South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 South Burlington Sample Certificate of Service Form. Rev 1-2012 TO: South Burlington property owners SUBJECT: Application before the Development Review Board for an abutting property The enclosed Development Review Board public notice or agenda is being sent to you because you have been identified as an abutting landowner to a proposed land development listed on the attachment. The distribution of this information to the abutting landowners is required by state law. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the public hearing as participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Should you have any questions about the proposal, or wish to view the submittals, please contact the South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning. They can be reached at (802) 846-4106 or at City of South Burlington, Department of Planning & Zoning, 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. Approved for Distribution by South Burlington Department of Planning & Zoning f southburlington PLANNING & ZONING, AGENDA South Burlington Development Review Board Conference Room, 19 Gregory Drive, South Burlington, VT Tuesday, December 15, 2015 7:00 p.m. 1. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda Items. 2. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda. 3. Announcements 4. Continued sketch plan review application #SD-14-37 of Snyder Homes for a planned unit development on 26.15 acres developed with two (2) single family dwellings. The project consists of: 1) razing one (1) single family dwelling, 2) constructing 26 single family dwellings, 3) constructing seven (7) 3-unit multi -family dwellings, and 4) constructing three (3) 2-family dwellings, 1302, 1340, & 1350 Spear Street. 5. Continued sketch plant application #SD-15-28 of Saxon Partners, LLC for a planned unit development consisting of: (as proposed by the applicant) 1) six (6) boundary line adjustments with adjoining properties, and 2) construction of an $8,548 sq. ft. retail store which will include a 3,348 sq. ft. tire center and a 3,360 sq. ft. receiving area (BA Wholesale Club), 65 Shunpike Road. 6. Continued sketch plan application l#SD-15-37 of 900 Dorset Street, LLC to construct a three (3) unit multi -family dwelling on a 2 acre +/- lot developed with a single family dwelling, 900 Dorset Street. 7. Continued sketch plan application #SD-15-38 of City of Burlington/Burlington International Airport to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development for an airport complex. The amendment consist of relocating taxiways A and G, 1200 Airport Drive. 8. Continued sketch plan application #SD-15-39 of City of Burlington/Burlington International Airport to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development for an airport complex. The amendment consist of installing 10,000 above -ground aviation fuel tank, 1200 Airport Drive. 9. Minutes of December 1, 2015. 10. Other business. Respectfully Submitted, `�-,.. Raymond J. Belair Administrative Officer Copies of the applications are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall. Participation in the local proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. South Burlington Development Review Board Meeting Partiolpation Guidelines The Development Review Board (DRB) presents these guidelines for the public attending Development Review Board meetings to insure that everyone has a chance to speak and that meetings proceed smoothly. The DRB is a Quasi -Judicial Board that oversees the approval of development projects wsthin the City. It is made up of citizens appointed by the City Council. The role of the DRB is to hear and review applications for development under the applicable regulations. The DRB can only approve applications that comply with the applicable bylaw or state law, and the board can only levy conditions that are permitted under the bylaw. By the same token, if a project meets the applicabie bylaw criteria, the DRB is bound by law to grant the approval. 1. The Board asks that all participants at meetings be respectful of Board members, staff, applicants and other members of the public present at the meeting 2 Initial discussion on an agenda item will generally be conducted by the Board and the applicant. As this is our opportunity to engage with the subject, we would like to hear from all Board members fist. After the Board members have discussed an item, the Chair will open up the floor for public comment. Please raise your hand to be recognized to speak and the Chair will try to call on each participant in sequence. 3. Once recognized by the Chair, please identify yourself to the Board. 4. If the Board suggests time limits, please respect them. Time limits will be used when they can aid in making sure everyone is heard and sufficient time is available for Board to hear all items on the agenda. 5. Side conversations between audience members should be kept to an absolute minimum. The hallway outside the Community Room is available should people wish to chat more fully. 6. Please address the Chair. Please do not address other audience members or staff or presenters and please do not interrupt others when they are speaking. The Chairwill direct responses from applicable people as needed. 7. Make every effort not to repeat the points made by others and keep your comments germane to the issue before the board. 8. The Chair will make reasonable efforts to allow everyone who is interested in participating to speak once before speakers address the Board for a second time. 9. Comments may be submitted before or during the Course of a single or multi -meeting public hearing to the Planning and Zoning Department. AS Comments should identify w1t8t application the correspondence is in reference to. All written Comments will be circulated to the DRB and kept as part of the official records of meetings. Comments must include your first and last name and a contact (e-mait, phone, address) to be included in the record. 10. Please note that once a pubk hearing has been closed by the DRB, no further comments can be accepted, in accordance with state haw. Burlington International Airport Landowners Adjoining Airport Property South Burlington Grand List for 2014 - 2015, opened 04 June 2015, Adjoining Landowner list updated PARCEL ID N OWNER Mailing Address: From City of South Burlington website and other sources Property Address Address City State Zip 911 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCODE 1810-03000 3000 WILLISTON RD LLC C/O FREDERIC LOWEA 1552 TEXAS HILL ROAD HINESBURG VT 05461 3000 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-03065 3065 WILLISTON RD LLC _ _ _ 3D69 WILLISTON ROAD _ _ _ SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 3065 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 1810-03069 3069 WILLISTON ROAD LLC 3069 WILLISTON ROAD VT D5403 3069 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ _05403 05403 0200-00008 A 8 C REALTY LLC C/O OMEGA ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO 31 COMMERCE AVENUE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT D5403 8 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0020-00221 ADAMS PAUL G TRUST 1215 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 221 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0020-00223 ADAMS PAUL G TRUST 1215 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 223 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0020-01215 ADAMS PAUL G TRUST 1215 AIRPORT PKWY _ _ AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1215 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ VT _05463 1060-46-48 ADAMS PAUL G TRUST 1215 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 46-48 LOGWOOD ST 0010-01053 ADAMS RONALD C R RUTH A 1083 AIRPORT DR COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1083 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT VT 0490-00137 ARRANTS STEPHEN P JR 137 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 137 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST _ SOUTH BURLINGTON 0010-01195 ASHTON THERESA d MICHAEL 1195 AIRPORT DR PETERSON TERRACE _SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTHBURLINGTON VT 05403 1195 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT d0543 1810-01900 AUDETTE ROBERT J TRUSTEE AUDETTE ANNE W TRUSTEE 41 VT 05403 1900 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 0200-00004 AYER PATRICK BRIAN MASLACK AYER TERESE PO BOX 9451 SOUTHBURUNGTON VT 05407 4 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 0200-00025 BARNIER SCOTT 6 BARBARA 20 JACKSON STREET ESSEX JUNCTION VT 5452 25 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 1810-01907 BARRY BRUCE 1907 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1907 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05402 064"0102 0020-00615 BELTER JOHN H JR_ 8 J_OY_ CE N _ BERGER RUSSELL G III _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 COUNTRY CLUB OR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _05403 _ 05403 102 615 ETHAN ALLEN DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT VT 05403 05403 615 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT AIRPORT PKWY _ SOUTH BURLINGTON 1060-00042 BOARDMAN WILLIAM M 8 CYNTHIA D 42 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 42 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0590-00065 BOUFFARD MARGARET M, PATRICK C, JOSEPH N 65 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 65 DUMONTAVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1520-00009 0435-00011 BRADY GEORGE J C/O MERCHANTS TRUST CO SOUTIERE ANN M. _ 11 PO BOX 8490 BURUNGTON VT 05402 9 SHAMROCK RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 BRUSOE ALAN L MAYFAIR STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 11 COMMERCE AVE _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0490-00141 BURT RUSSELL 8 KAREN L 141 ICOUNTRY CLUB OR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 141 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST BURLINGTON VT 05403 0300-00003 CALKINS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1835 SPEAR STREET SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 3 CALKINS CT _SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT _ 05403 0300-00005 CALKINS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1535 SPEAR STREET SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 5 CALKINS CT SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 0020-00165 CARTER RICHARD G 165 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT D5403 165 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-03017-2 CHOINIERE PROPERTIES LLC 17 HARBOR WATCH ROAD BURLINGTON VT 05401 3017 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 1810-03017 IMPORTED CAR CENTER, INC PO BOX 1077 WILLISTON VT 05495 3017 WILUSTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0200-00021 CLIFTON DAVID L 8 MARY W PO BOX 9476 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT D5407 21 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0590-00032 DEFORGE GARY J 32 DUMONT AVE KIRBY RD SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 32 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0990-00199 DEGRECHIE PAUL R 8 MICHELLE M 199 VT 05403 199 KIRBY RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01944 DESARNO DAVID C T_ RUST_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DUHAMEL YVETTE I 4 LADD POINT ROAD GRAND ISLE VT 05458 1944 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON _VT VT _ 05403 05403 1060-00030 _ _ 30 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 30 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON 1060-00024 DUNN, DAWN CHAMPION PAUL R 24 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05407 24 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 0020-01205 ENTERTAINMENT UNLIMITED LLC 20 485 BISBEE ROAD VERGENNES VT 05491 1205 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT_ VT _ 05403 05403 1810-01890 FARGNOU ASSOCIATES LLC KIMBERLY DRIVE MELBOURNE FL 32940 1890 WILLISTON RD _ SOUTH BURUNGTON 1060-00022 FELBER MICHAEL 22 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 22 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 0590-00060 FOLEY JOAN B 60 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 60 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0490-00133 FONTAINE PAUL A 8 KIMBERLY A 133 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 133 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST BURLINGTON VT 05403 1060-00034 GARNEAU RYAN 8 KATHRYN 34 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 34 LOGWOOD ST _SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT 05403 0590-00044 GARVEY EDWARD W 5 PATRICIA G 44 DUMONT AVE _ PO BOX 8564 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 44 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-03097 HENNIGAR HOLDINGS LLC DEERFIELD BEACH FL 33443 3097 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT 05403 0020-01225 HENRY MAUREEN C C/O THE MEDICAL STORE LTD 1225 AIRPORT PARKWAY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1225 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1060-00016 HOBBS JAMES E 8 SHERRIE L 16 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 16 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01795 INVESTORS CORP OF VT 30 MAIN STREET, SUITE 401 BURLINGTON VT 05407 1795 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0590-D0037 JACKSON SAMUAL 37 DUMONT AVE COLLEGE STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 37 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 05403 0010-01025 JOST INVESTEMNTS LLC 69 BURLINGTON VT 05401 1025 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 0540 1810-30735 JTG HOLDINGS LLC II 272 WINDMILL BAY SHELBURNE VT 05482 _ 05403 3073 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 0541 0540- 1810-01961 L N P INC 31 COMMERCE AVENUE SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 1961 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 1810-02000 LACEYS INC 2000 WILUSTON RD _ _ AIRPORT PKWY _ SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0020-01245 LEISURE WORLD INC 1245 VT 05403 1245 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 0435-00027 LNP INC 31 COMMERCE AVENUE _ COMMERCE AVENUE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 27 COMMERCE AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON _VT__ VT _05403 05403 0435-00031 LNP INC 31 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 31 COMMERCE AVE _ SOUTH BURLINGTON 1130-00053 LUONG NGUYET T 53 MARYLAND ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 53 MARYLAND ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1060-00038 MAILLE GEORGE A JR 8 CHARLENE 38 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 38 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0490-00129 OSBORNE, TYLER 8 HEATHER D 129 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 129 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0990-00184 MARCOTULUO JOSEPH 184 KIRBY RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 18_4 KIRBY RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0200-00014 MOVABLE PEAKS 14 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 14 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 18IM2040 SOUTH BURLINGTON REALTY CO PO BOX 2204 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 2040 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01801 O'BRIEN BROTHERS LLC C/O R. L VALLEE INC 280 SOUTH MAIN STREET ST ALBANS VT 05478 1801 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01855 O'BRIEN BROTHERS LLC C/O O'BRIEN BROTHERS AGENCY 1855 WILLISTON ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 1555 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1280-00015 PALMER ALAN D 8 CHRISTINE L 5576 DORSET STREET SHELBURNE VT 05462 15 PALMER HGTS SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1280-00025 PALMER ALAN D 8 CHRISTINE L 5576 DORSET STREET SHELBURNE VT 05482 25 PALMER HGTS SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 00211-01235 PMP REALTY LLC PO BOX 600 GARDINER ME 04345 1235 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0010-01155 PROULX GERARD E 8 SUSAN F 1155 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1155 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 V\1 B53ucWe\185311130WansporiclroMperm ASVSoulb BurWgton !,.(c PhnUbuft ht10.9.r QBMl 51 abutters 10/0/2)15 Burlington International Airport Landowners Adjoining Airport Property South Burlington Grand List for 2014 - 2015, opened 04 June 2015, Adjoining Landowner list updated PARCEL ID N OWNER Mailing Address: From City of South Burlington website and other sources Property Address Address City State Zip 811 ADDRESS CITY STATE 23PCODE 0200-00029 QUARRY POINT PROPERTIES LLP 29 BERARD DR , _ _ _ _ PO BOX 699 SOUTH BURLINGTON BONDVILLE VT 05403 29 BERARD DR SOUTHBURLINGTON VT 05403 05403 0990-00196 BINGO SUPPLY OF VERMONT, INC VT 05340 196 KIRBY RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 1130-00047 ROCHFORD CHRISTOPHER 8 REBECCA S 47 MARVLAND ST -------SOUTH ___SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 47 MARYLAND ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 12DO-00005 ROONEY WALDEN J 5 DARLA A 5 MOUNTAIN VIEW BLVD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 5 MOUNTAIN VIEW BLVD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-04016 S M S REALTY PARTNERSHIP 4016 WILLSTON RD _ _ __ _ GOVERNORS LANE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 4016 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0300-00008 SEAFOX INC 443 SHELBURNE VT 05452 8 CALKINS CT SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0640-00009 SHAND ROBERT M _ _ 5 ETHAN ALLEN DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 05403 _ 9 5 ETHAN ALLEN DR BURLINGTON VT _05403 05403 0640-00005 SHAND ROBERT M 8 LYNDA A 5 ETHAN ALLEN DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT ETHAN ALLEN DR _ _SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 1380-00000 SHELBURNE SHIPYARD PO BOX 610 SHELBURNE VT 05482 0 POOR FARM RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1480-000O0 SHELBURNE SHIPYARD PO BOX 610 SHELBURNE VT 05482 0 RIVER RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 146D-00000-2 WINOOSKI VALLEY PARK DISTRICT ETHAN ALLEN HOMESTEAD BURLINGTON VT 05401 0 POOR FARM RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1300-00001 SHEPARD GARY F d BETTY JOAN 1 PATRICK ST _ TAMARACK SHORES SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ SHELBURNE VT 05403 1 PATRICK ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0435-00007 SHIP SEVIN LLC C/O KEVIN SPILLANE 334 VT 05482 7 COMMERCE AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 0540 1810-01860 SOUTH BURLINGTON REALTY COMPANY LLC C/O SOUTH BURLINGTON REALTY CO 85 SHUNPIKE ROAD WILLISTON VT 1 05495 1860 WILLSTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 054f 0200-0O017 ST JOHN VIANNEY HOME ASSN C/O KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PO BOX 9214 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 17 BERARD DR SOUTH BURUNGTON VT 0540. 0200-00012 SUBURBAN VT PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS_ LLC 240 ROUTE 10 WEST _ WHIPPANY SOUTH BURLINGTON NJ 07981 12 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0490-00148 _ SWEET LEIGH M 8 ELLEN F _ _ 148 _ _ COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST VT 05403 148 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 002D-00225 SZWAJA MARIAN 8 SOPHIE TRUST TATRO SAM E SR 8 ALBERTA M 1 BUTLER DRIVE __SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 225 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0590-00038 38 _ _ DUMONT AVE VT 05403 38 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 0590-50524 THIBAULT LEONARD E THIBAULT DOROTHY F 1184 REYNOLDS ROAD ST ALBANS VT 05478 50 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0010-01141 TILLEY FRANCES R _ _ _ _ _ _ WALTER E SIMENDINGER 1141 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1141 1800 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01500 TIMBERLAKE ASSOCIATES 32 SAN REMO DRIVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 0200-00027 TRI-D III LLC PO BOX 1 WINOOSKI VT 05404 27 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0590-00011 WRIGHT WILLIAM G 8 LORETTA M 11 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 11 DUMONTAVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000-00000 AIRPORTREALTY FBOAVCENTER 1130 AIRPORT DRIVE _ BRAE BOULEVARD SOUTH BURLINGT_O_N__ PARK RIDGE VT 05403 1 AIRPORT BURLINGTON I SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000-00000 BURLINGTON CITY OF HERTZ CORP 225 NJ 07656 5 AIRPORT CAR RENTAL SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000-00000 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ATLANTIC TELEMETRY INC PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT 3630 HACKS CROSS ROAD, BUILDING C 3RDF_LO_O_ _ _ MEMPHIS WILLISTON TN 8125-880 1 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403_ D5403 2000-HA-41 _R PO BOX 1660 VT 05495 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 2000-HA-41 DEMERS DENNIS R 958 WEBSTER ROAD SHELBURNE VT 05482 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT D5403 2000-HA41 GIRARD DANIEL E 11 HEATH STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000-HA-41 ROT AVIATION, INC C/O TOM WEAVER 390 TERRACE DRIVE WILLISTON VT 05495 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000-HA-41 WILLARD MALCOLM _ _ 699 NOB HILL ROAD WILLISTON VT 05495 _ _ 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON Or _ VT 05403 05403 20DO-HA41 WOOD WARREN W 8 EVELYN R 35 CRESCENT BEACH DRIVE BURLINGTON VT 05708 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON 2000-HC-52 AUTOMASTERS MOTOR CO INC _ _ _ _ _ ROUTE 7 SHELBURNE VT 05482 _ 52 52 AIRPORT BURLNGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT VT 05403 05403 2000-HC-52 AVIATRON INC US 25 CUSTOMS DRIVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 AIRPORT BURLNGTON 2000-HC-52 DEEDS EDWARD A OLIVER WIGHT CO CONVERSE BAY ROAD CHARLOTTE VT 05407 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 05403 2000-HC-52 ILANDVATER DARRVL V 85 ALLEN MARTIN DRIVE ESSEX JUNCTION vr 05407 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 2000-HC-52 WETHERBEE WILLIAM F 8 MICHAEL W 467 DEPOT ROAD COLCHESTER VT _ 05446_ 05495 52 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON __SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ VT _ 05403 D5403 2000-HC-52 WILLARD MALCOLM 699 NOB HILL ROAD WILLISTON VT AIRPORT BURLINGTON 1-, V \195JUdrveN B5311135Uransportatcnlperm AaVSoulh Bur6,g1onV5kelrh PIanV,bullers Met_Wa .,_00.M151 ab .. 1N9/2D15 ri I South Burlington Fire Department 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 802-846-4110 November 6, 2015 Mr. Ray Belair City of South Burlington 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Re: 1200 Airport Drive Dear Ray: We have reviewed the plans for the proposed construction of 10,000 gallon above ground aviation fuel tank at the airport complex on Eagle Drive. We have the following recommendations: 1. Securing of proper permits from South Burlington Fire Marshal and/or the State of Vermont. 2. Construction to relative codes for petroleum installations. At this point these seem to be the major issues which present themselves. As this project moves forward additional items may surface which could be dealt with as needed with the assistance of the developer and the South Burlington Fire Marshal. Should you need any further assistance on this project please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 10ougia.,k S. 3 re4lt Douglas S. Brent Fire Chief t I ray From: Dave Wheeler Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 12:58 PM To: ray Cc: Dan Albrecht; Tom Dipietro; Justin Rabidoux Subject: FW: Sporn Aviation Fuel Tank Facility Eagle Drive Ray, The Stormwater Section has reviewed the "Sporn Aviation Fuel Tank Facility Eagle Drive" sketch plan prepared by Stantec, dated 10/08/15. We would like to offer the following comments: In a future application, the applicant should indicate the percent coverage proposed on the lot. In a future application, the applicant should include design details, stormwater modeling and delineated drainage area maps for all proposed stormwater treatment practices. The City recommends that the fuel storage area be provided with adequate containment for the volume of fuel storage proposed. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Dave David P. Wheeler Assistant Stormwater Superintendent Department of Public Works City of South Burlington 104 Landfill Road South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 658-7961 Ext. 113 www.sburl.com Notice - Under Vermont's Public Records Act, all e-mail, e-mail attachments as well as paper copies of documents received or piepared for use in matters concerning City business, concerning a City official or staff, or containing information relating to City business are likely to be regarded as public records which may be inspected by any pei son upon request. unless otherwise made confidential by law If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by return email Thank you for your cooperation t soutWh i w- i off; t� .� , t a �. PLANNING & ZONING Permit Number SD -- office use only) APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION SKETCH PLAN REVIEW All information requested on this application must be completed in full. Failure to provide the requested information either on this application form or on the plans will result in your application being rejected and a delay in the review before the Development Review Board. For amendments, please provide pertinent information only. 1) OWNER(S) OF RECORD (Name(s) as shown on deed, mailing address, phone and fax#) City of Burlington, Burlington International Airport, 1200 Airport Drive, #1, South Burlington, VT 05403, Phone: 802-863-2874, Fax: 802-863-7947 2) LOCATION OF LAST RECORDED DEED(S) (Book and page #) Book 13, Page 271 3) APPLICANT (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) City of Burlington, Burlington International Airport, 1200 Airport Drive #1, South Burlington VT, 05403 Phone: 802-863-2874, Fax: 802-863-7947 4) APPLICANT'S LEGAL INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY (fee simple, option, etc.) Fee Simple CONTACT PERSON (Name, mailing address, phone and fax #) ane Richards. Burlinaton International Airport. 1200 Airport Drive #1. South Burlinaton 5a) CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS grichards @ btv.aero Consultant: Jon Leinwohl Stantec South Burlington VT 05403 Phone: 802-497-6410 ion.leinwohl @ stantec.com 6) PROJECT STREET ADDRESS: Burlington International Airport Airfield, 1200 Airport Drive #1 South Burlington, VT 05403 7) TAX PARCEL ID # (can be obtained at Assessor's Office) 2000 OOOOC 8) PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) General project description (explain what you want approval for): The project involves installing an above -ground 10,000 gallon aviation fuel tank on the northerly side of Eagle Drive. Associated work includes tree clearing; placement of earth fill; new bituminous pavement access drive; new concrete slab; site lighting; and 8 foot high chain link security fence topped with 3-strands of barbed wire. This fuel tank site is identified as a future Fuel Farm location on BTV's Airport Layout Plan. 575 Dorset Street South Burlington, VT 05403 tel 802.846 4106 fax 802 846 4101 www sburl corn l b) Existing Uses on Property (including description and size of each separate use) A portion of the existing site is the Eagle Drive roadway embankment. The remainder of the site is an unimproved, wooded area. c) Proposed Uses on property (include description and size of each new use and existing uses to remain) The proposed use is for an aviation fuel tank. d) Total building square footage on property (proposed buildings and existing buildings to remain) N/A e) Proposed height of building (if applicable) The height of the tank will be approximately 10 feet above finished grade. f) Number of residential units (if applicable, new units and existing units to remain) N/A g) Other (list any other information pertinent to this application not specifically requested above, please note if Overlay Districts are applicable) N/A 9) LOT COVERAGE a) Building: Existing unknown % b) Overall (building, parking, outside storage, etc) Existing unknown Proposed 0 % ( added) Proposed unknown % (added) c) Front yard (along each street) Existing 29.3 % Proposed 0 % ( added) Sketch Plan Application Form Rev 12-2011 10) TYPE OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED ENCUMBRANCES ON PROPERTY (easements, covenants, leases, rights of way, etc.) None 11) PROPOSED EXTENSION, RELOCATION, OR MODIFICATION OF MUNICIPAL FACILITIES (sanitary sewer, water supply, streets, storm drainage, etc.) South Burlington owned facilities will be extended or relocated. 12) ESTIMATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE 2016 13) PLANS AND FEE Plat plans shall be submitted which shows the information required by the City's Land Development Regulations. Five (5) regular size copies, one reduced copy (11" x 17"), and one digital (PDF-format) copy of the plans must be submitted. The application fee shall be paid to the City at the time of submitting the ap lication. See the City fee schedule for details. df NOTE: NOTIFICATION of ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: Notification of adjoining property owners, in accordance with 24 V.S.A. §4464(a) and Section 17.06(B) of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations, is the responsibility of the applicant. After deeming an application complete, the Administrative Officer will provide the applicant with a draft meeting agendas or public hearing notice and sample certificate of service. The sworn certificate of service shall be returned to the City prior to the start of any public hearing. Sketch Plan Application Form Rev. 12-2011 I hereby certify that all the information requested as part of this application has been submitted and is accurate to the best of my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT SIG ATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER Do not write below this line DATE OF SUBMISSION: I have reviewed this sketch plan application and find it to be: ❑ Complete ❑ Incomplete Administrative Officer Date The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call (802) 879-5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Sketch Plan Application Form. Rev. 12-2011 (3 Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 55 Green Mountain Drive South Burlington VT 05403 Tel: (802) 864-0223 Fax: (802) 864-0165 To: Ray Belair Company: City of South Burlington Address: 575 Dorset Street South Burlington VT 05403 Phone: (802) 846-4106 Date: October 9, 2015 File: 195311140 Delivery: Hand Delivery Reference Attachment: Transmittal From: Jon Leinwohl, P.E. ❑ For Your Information ❑ For Filing with City Clerk 0 For Your Review ❑ As Requested BTV Taxiway A & G Sketch Plan Submittal Copies Doc Date Pages Description 1 10/09/15 $363 Heritage Aviation Check 1 10/08/15 4 Sketch Plan Application 5 10/08/15 2 22"x36" Plans 1 10/08/15 2 11 "x 17" Plans 1 6/05/15 2 Abutters List STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Jon Leinwohl, P.E. Associate, Transportation Phone: (802) 497-6410 Fax: (802) 864-0165 jon.leinwohl@stantec.com C. Gene Richards, Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, Nic Longo (BTV) Design with community in mind V:\1953\active\19531 1 140\transportation\permits\So Burlington\Sketch Plan\2015 10 09 Transmittal to Ray Belair docx Burlington International Airport Landowners Adjoining Airport Property South Burlington Grand List for 2014 - 2015, opened 04 June 2015, Adjoining Landowner list updated PARCEL ID 8 OWNER Mailing Address, From City of South Burlington website and other sources Property Address Address City State Zip 911 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCODE 1810-03000 1810-03065 1810-03069 0200-00008 0020-00221 0020-00223 0020-01215 1060-46-48 0010-01083 0490-00137 3000 WILLISTON RD LLC 3065 WILLISTON RD LLC 3069 WILLISTON ROAD LLC A & C REALTY LLC ADAMS PAUL G TRUST ADAMS PAUL G TRUST ADAMS PAUL G TRUST ADAMS PAUL G TRUST ADAMS RONALD C & RUTH A JARRANTS STEPHEN P JR C/O FREDERIC LOWEA C/O OMEGA ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO _ _ _ _ _ 1852 3069 3069 31 1215 1215 1215 1215 1083 _ 137 1195 TEXAS HILL ROAD WILLISTON ROAD _ WILLISTON ROAD _ COMMERCE AVENUE AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT DR COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST HINESBURG SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT 05461 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 3000 3065 3069 8 221 223 1215 46-48 1083 137 WILLISTON RD WILLISTON RD WILLISTON RD BERARD DR AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT PKWY LOGWOOD ST AIRPORT DR COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 0010-01195 _ _ _ ASHTON THERESA & MICHAEL AUDETTE ROBERT J TRUSTEE _ AIRPORT DR PETERSON TERRACE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _05403 _ 05403 1195 AIRPORT DR _ _ _ WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01900 AUDETTE ANNE W TRUSTEE 41 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1900 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 0200-00004 AYER PATRICK BRIAN BARNIER SCOTT & BARBARA _ _ MASLACK AYER TERESE PO BOX 9451 JACKSON STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 4 BERARD DR _ _ _ BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 0200-00025 _ _ _ _ 20 ESSEX JUNCTION_ VT VT 5452 25 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 05403 1810-01907 BARRY BRUCE 1907 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON 05403 1907 WILLISTON RD _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ VT 0640-00102 BELTER JOHN H JR & JOYCE N _ _ 2 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 102 ETHAN ALLEN DR SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ VT 05403 0020-00615 BERGER RUSSELL G III 615 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 615 AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 1060-00042 BOARDMAN WILLIAM M & CYNTHIA D _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 65 _ LOGWOOD ST_ _ DUMONT AVE PO BOX 8490 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 42 _ _ LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON BURLINGTON _ VT_ VT 05403 05403 0590-00065 BOUFFARD MARGARET M, PATRICK C_JOSEPH N BRADY GEORGE J BRUSOE ALAN L _ C/O MERCHANTS TRUST CO SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 65 _ _ _ _ _ DUMONT AVE 1520-00009 BURLINGTON VT 05402 9 _ SHAMROCK RD ___SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0435- 00011 SO_U_TIERE _ANN M_ _ _ _ _ _ 11 MAYFAIR STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 11 COMMERCE AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0490-00141 BURT RUSSELL & KAREN L 141 _ _ COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 _ 0300-00003 CALKINS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1835 SPEAR STREET _ _ _ _ _ SPEAR STREET SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 _141 3 CALKINS CT _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT 05403 0300-00005 CALKINS FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1835 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 5 _ _ _ CALKINS CT SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 0020-00165 CARTER RICHARD G _ 165 17 AIRPORT PKWY _ _ HARBOR WATCH ROAD PO BOX 1077 PO BOX 9476 DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 165 AIRPORT PKWY_ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-03017-2 CHOINIERE PROPERTIES LLC IMPORTED CAR CENTER, INC _ BURLINGTON VT 05401 3017 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ VT 05403 1810-03017 WILLISTON VT 05495 3017 _ _ _ _ WILLISTON RD _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0200-00021 CLIFTON DAVID L & MARY W DEFORGE GARY J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 21 _ _ _ BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ VT 05403 0590-00032 _ 32 199 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403_ 32 DUMONT AVE _ _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0990-00199 DEGRECHIE PAUL R & MICHELLE M DESARNO DAVID C TRUST DUHAMEL YVETTE I KIRBY RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 _ 199 KIRBY RD _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-01944 4 LADD POINT ROAD GRAND ISLE VT 05458 1944 WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 1060-00030 30 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 30 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 00 1060-024 DUNN, DAWN CHAMPION PAUL R 24 LOGWOOD ST BISBEE ROAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 24 LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT 05403 0020-01205 ENTERTAINMENT UNLIMITED LLC 20 485 VERGENNES VT 05491 1205 _ _ _ AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 1810-01890 FARGNOLI ASSOCIATES LLC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FELBER MICHAEL KIMBERLY DRIVE _ _ LOGWOOD ST MELBOURNE FL 32940 18 00 WILLISTON RD _ _ _ _ LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1060-00022 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C/O THE MEDICAL STORE LTD 22 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 22 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403_ 0590-00060 FOLEYJOAN B 60 133 DUMONTAVE COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST LOGWOOD ST DUMONT AVE PO BOX 8564 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 _ _ 60 133 DUMONT AVE _ COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _VT VT 05403 0490-00133 FONTAINE PAUL A & KIMBERLY A GARNEAU RYAN & KATHRYN GARVEY EDWARD W & PATRICIA G HENNIGAR HOLDINGS LLC SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 SOUTH BURLINGTON 05403 1060-00034 34 44 1225 16 30 37 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 34 LOGWOOD ST _ _ DUMONT AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ VT _ _ _ _ VT VT __ 05403 0590-00044 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 44 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ 05403 05403 1810-03097 DEERFIELD BEACH FL 33443 3097 1225 _ _ _ WILLISTON RD AIRPORT PKWY 0020-01225 HENRY MAUREEN C _ _ _ HOBBS JAMES E & SHERRIE L INVESTORS CORP OF VT JACKSON SAMUAL JOST INVESTEMNTS LLC JTG HOLDINGS LLC II AIRPORT PARKWAY LOGWOOD ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 SOUTH BURLINGTON 05403 1060-00016 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ VT 05403 16 LOGWOOD ST _ SOUTH BURLINGTON __ VT _ 05403 _ 05403 1810-01795 MAIN STREET, SUITE 401 DUMONT AVE COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON 05407 1795 WILLISTON RD DUMONT AVE _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT VT 0590-00037 SOUTH BURLINGTON BURLINGTON VT 05403 37 SOUTH BURLINGTON 05403 0010-01025 69 VT VT 05401 1025 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1810-30735 272 31 2000 WINDMILL BAY COMMERCE AVENUE SHELBURNE 05482 3073 WILLISTON RD _ _ WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON_ VT _ 05403 1810-01961 L N P INC LACEYS INC _ _ -- - - - - -- -- - - - --- - - ----- C/O R L VALLEE INC C/O O'BRIEN BROTHERS AGENCY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1961 SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ _ VT _ VT 05403 1810-02000 WILLISTON RD AIRPORT PKWY SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000 WILLISTON RD _ ---SOUTH AIRPORT PKWY BURLINGTON___ 05403 0020-01245 -- 0435-00027 LEISURE WORLD INC ---- -- - - LNP I —NC LNP INC 1245 --- 31 31 53 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 1245 SOUTH BURLINGTON_ VT _ 05403 _ 05403 --- -- - - _ _ COMMERCE AVENUE — SOUTH BURLINGTON N --- VT 05403 27 - - COMMERCE AVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT _ VT 0435-00031 COMMERCE AVENUE MARYLAND ST SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 31 COMMERCE AVE _ MARYLAND ST _ BURLINGTON 05403 1130-00053 LUONG NGUYET T -- - - - MAILLE GEORGE A JR & CHARLENE OSBORNE, TYLER & HEATHER D MARCOTULLIO JOSEPH MOVABLE PEAKS SOUTH BURLINGTON REALTY CO O'BRIEN BROTHERS LLC O'BRIEN BROTHERS LLC 1PALMER ALAN D & CHRISTINE L IPALMER ALAN D & CHRISTINE L JPMP REALTY LLC PROULX GERARD E & SUSAN F SOUTH BURLINGTON___ VT 05403 53 _SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT _ 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 1154113 05403 05403 05403 --- -- - 1060-00038 0490-00129 0990-00184 0200-00014 1810-02040 1810-01801 1810-01855 1280-00015 1280-00025 0020-01235 0010-01155 -- 38 129 184 14 280 1855 5576 5576 1155 -- LOGWOOD ST COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST KIRBY RD BERARD DR PO BOX 2204 SOUTH MAIN STREET WILLISTON ROAD DORSET STREET DORSET STREET PO BOX 600 AIRPORT DR SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON ST ALBANS SOUTH BURLINGTON SHELBURNE SHELBURNE GARDINER SOUTH BURLINGTON - V VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT ME VT - 05403 05403 05403 05403 05407 05478 05407 05482 05482 04345 05403 - 38 129 184 14 2040 1801 1855 15 25 1235 1155 --- - LOGWOOD ST COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST KIRBY RD BERARD DR WILLISTON RD WILLISTON RD WILLISTON RD PALMER HGTS PALMER HGTS AIRPORT PKWY AIRPORT DR _ _ SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT V \1953\active\195311135\tranaportat o \permits\South Burlington\Sketch Plan\Abutters I at_Master _09 2015I abutters 10/9/2015 Burlington International Airport Landowners Adjoining Airport Property South Burlington Grand List for 2014 - 2015, opened 04 June 2015, Adjoining Landowner list updated PARCEL ID S OWNER Mailing Address: From City of South Burlington websde and other sources Property Address Address City State Zip 911 ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIPCODE 0200-00029 QUARRY POINT PROPERTIES LLP _ _ _ _ BINGO SUPPLY OF VERM_O_NT INC _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.9 BERARD DR _ PO BOX 699 _ _ _ MARYLAND ST MOUNTAIN VIEW BLVD _ _ _ WILLISTON RD _ _ _ _ GOVERNORS LANE _ ETHAN ALLEN DR_ _ _ _ _ ETHAN ALLEN DR _ _ _ _ _ __ PO BOX 610 PO BOX610 _ ETHAN ALLEN HOMESTEAD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 29 BERARD DR SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 0990-00196 1130-00047 BO_NDVILLE SOUTH BURLINGTON_ VT VT _ 05340 _ _ _ KIRBY RD ____ _ _ _ _ ___ MARYLAND ST _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _ _ VT _ VT 403 05 05403_ ROCHFORD CHRISTOPHER 8 REBECCA S ROONEY WALDEN J & DARLAA _ _ _ S M S REALTY PARTNERSHIP SEAFOX INC 47 5 05403 _196 47 _ _RLINGTON _ SOUTH BURLINGTON - 1200-00005 1810-04016 0300-00008 SOUTH BURLINGTON _ SOUTH BURLINGTON_ VT VT 05403 05403 _ _ 5 4016 MOUNTAIN VIEW BLVD WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _VT_ VT VT VT VT _ 05403 _ 05403 4016 443 5 SHELBURNE _ VT _ 05482 8 _ _ CALKINS CT SOUTH BURLINGTON _ 05403 _ 0640-00009 _ _ _ _ SHAND ROBERT M _ _ _ SHAND ROBERT M 8 LYN_DA A _ SHELBURNE SHIPYARD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 9 _ _ ETHAN_ALLEN DR _ _ _ _ _ ETHAN ALLEN DR BURLINGTON 0640-00005 5 05403 05403 65403 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _VT 05403 _ 5 _SOUTH _ SOUTH BURLINGTON 1380-00000 _ _ SHELBURNE VT 05482 0 POOR FARM RD SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 1460-00000 SHELBURNE SHIPYARD WINOOSKI VALLEY PARK DISTRICT SHELBURNE BURLINGTON VT 05482 0 RIVER RD BURLINGTON VT _ 05403 1460-00000-2 VT 05401 0 _ _ _ POOR FARM RD _ _SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT _ _ 05403 1300-00001 SHEPARD GARY F_& BETTY JOAN ____1 334 PATRICK ST -- TAMARACK SHORES _ SHUNPIKE ROAD PO BOX 9214 ROUTE 10 WEST _ --SOUTH BURL NNGTON SHELBURNE WILLISTON VT VT 05403 05482 _ 1 7 PATRICKST COMMERCE AVE _ _ WILLISTON RD SOUTH BURLINGTON__ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT VT 05403 05403 _ 0435-00007 1810-01860 _ _ SHIP SEVIN LLC _ _ C/O KEVIN SPILLANE _ C/O SOUTH _BURLINGTON REALTY_ C_ 0_ _ SOUTH BURLINGTON REALTY COMPANY LLC 85 VT _ 05495 18.60 SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403__ 0200-00017 ST JOHN VIANNEY HOME ASSN _ - C/O KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05407 17 __ _ BERARD DR _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT__ 05403 0200-00012 SUBURBAN VT PROPERTY ACQUISITIONS LLC 240 WHIPPANY SOUTH BURLINGTON _ NJ VT 07981 65403 _ 12 148 _ BERARD DR COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST SOUTH BURLINGTON _ SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT VT 05403 05403 0490-00148 SWEET LEIGH M & ELLEN F _ 148 COUNTRY CLUB DR EAST 0020-00225 SZWAJA MARIAN & SOPHIE TRUST_ _ _ _ _ _ THIBAULT DOROTHY F WALTER E SIMENDINGER FBO AVCENTER HERTZ CORP PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT C/O TOM WEAVER _ _ _ _ 1 BUTLER DRIVE _ _ DUMONT AVE REYNOLDS ROAD AIRPORT DR SAN REMO DRIVE PO BOX 1 DUMONT AVE AIRPORT DRIVE BRAE BOULEVARD HACKS CROSS ROAD, BUILDING C 3RD FLOOR PO BOX 1660 WEBSTER ROAD HEATH STREET TERRACE DRIVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 225 AIRPORT PKWY BURLINGTON _ VT 05403 0590-00038 0590-50524 0010-01141 1810-01800 0200-00027 0590-00011 2000-00000 2000-00000 2000-00000 2000-HA-41 2000-HA-41 2000-HA-41 2000-HA-41 TATRO SAM E SR & ALBERTA M THIBAULT LEONARD E TILLEY FRANCES R TIMBERLAKE ASSOCIATES TRI-D III LLC WRIGHT WILLIAM G & LORETTA M AIRPORT REALTY BURLINGTON CITY OF FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP ATLANTIC TELEMETRY INC DEMERS DENNIS R GIRARD DANIEL_ E ROTAVIATION, INC _ 38 1184 1141 32 11 1130 225 3630 958 11 390 _ SOUTH BURLINGTON ST ALBANS SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON WINOOSKI SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON PARK RIDGE MEMPHIS WILLISTON SHELBURNE SOUTH BURLINGTON WILLISTON _ VT VT VT VT VT VT VT NJ TN VT VT VT VT 05403 05478 05403 05403 05404 05403 05403 07656 8125-880 05495 05482 05403 05495 38 50 1141 1800 27 11 1 5 1 41 41 41 41 DUMONT AVE DUMONT AVE AIRPORT DR WILLISTON RD BERARD DR DUMONT AVE AIRPORT BURLINGTON I AIRPORT CAR RENTAL AIRPORT BURLINGTON AIRPORT BURLINGTON AIRPORT BURLINGTON AIRPORT BURLINGTON AIRPORT BURLINGTON _SOUTH SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON _ VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT VT _ 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 05403 2000-HA-41 WILLARD MALCOLM -- 699 _ NOB HILL ROAD WILLISTON VT 05495 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 2000-HA-41 WOOD WARREN W & EVELYN R _ _ _ 35 CRESCENT BEACH DRIVE BURLINGTON VT 05708 _ 41 AIRPORT BURLINGTON _ SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 AUTOMASTERS MOTOR CO INC _ _ ROUTE7 SHELBURNE VT 05482 52 _ _ AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 _ AVIATRON INC (US) 25 CUSTOMS DRIVE SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 L DEEDS EDWARD A CONVERSE BAY ROAD CHARLOTTE VT 05407 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 LANDVATER DARRYL V OLIVER WIGHT CO 85 _ ALLEN MARTIN DRIVE DEPOT ROAD ESSEX JUNCTION VT 05407 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 WETHERBEE WILLIAM F & MICHAEL W __ 467 COLCHESTER VT 05446 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 WILLARD MALCOLM 699 NOB HILL ROAD WILLISTO'I VT 05495 52 AIRPORT BURLINGTON SOUTH BURLINGTON VT 05403 V \1953\active\195311135\transportation\permits\South Burlington\Sketch Plan\Abutters list _Master _09-20151 abutters 10/9/2015 i r . `W\NOOSK\ R1NEF Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc 55 Gmen Mountain Dnye South Eudington VT 05403 U 5 A Tel III B64 0223 pS�' t Fax 802 E6/0165 tantec com a L 1 Copyright Reserved NaT abihetlra i, ny ber—n,.elw iIIb reoated Do VERMONT ARMY stomec w,mom demo y \ ,nnmroo d Wl Si,-- crfore.tlaenQe Ine arapeM al Z NATIONAL GUARD s�amec W,cno"o<nsemr any p,,,00se Omer man mm AVIATION FACILITY a Consultants 0 500' 1000' BURLINGTON Legend 1 � AND APPLICANT p \ ♦ / \ ` Z CITY OF BURLINGTON, VERMONT a'T - ♦ — — — — �/ `\ BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ♦7 - 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE N1 SOUTH BURUNGTON, VT 05403 NOTE, THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE AIRPORT AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL ZONE ZONING 1� A SUBDIVISION IS PROPOSED FOR THIS APPLICATION ` DISTRICT AIRPORT BOUNDARY Notes AIRPORT / VERMONT AIR INDUSTRIAL / NATIONAL GUARD ZONE / \ I / ` I AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL < p� \\' ZONING DISTRICT \ ' APPROXIMATE / \ ZONING • BOUNDARY t I Revision Byroctl rr MM OD \ BUILDING #7 I NORTH HANGAR 1 9 Aa t oA I Issued ry /pPtl YY MM DD SEWAGE RE IVING \— ��ATION _ t ne r+rme �o=eea"oioo ewy DDe deL srr, IS ID De 1 PRATT ` D«m Chkd DD:9n "MMDD ' WHITNEY PennllR�al i 4 HERITAGE \ AVIATION VALLEY 1 WEST \ \Il APRON r \ f i �MIXED 1 DUSTRIAL J CLASS II —APPROXIMATE POTASI BROOK ` COMMERCIAL WETLAND ZONING BOUNDARY �Q(i ZONING EAGLE DRIVE \ e „ `rT0 DISTRICT �oJ4' Y ClientrdlgCY • .o n P r CITY OF BURLINGTON, VERMONT �R�O �P CLASS II T m} BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT L5. 1 WETLAND RO / o I &r= F — SPORN AVIATION FUEL TANK FACILITY �Me1 \ EAGLE DRIVE MIXED INDUSTRIAL South Budington, Vermont PROJECT COMMERCIAL ZONING �oIXED INDUSTRIA LOCATION DISTRICT COMMERCIAL v z �+ ONING DISTRIC Title �� OVERALL AIRPORT PROPERTY AND °� '90%/yeP00 SITE LOCATION MAP 'r Project No Scale 195311135 1"=500' Y a Drawing No Sheet Revision z N 1 1 at 2 0 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE AND SNOW BARN CARPENTER SHOP AVIATRON AVIATION SUPPORT HANGAR HERITAGE AVIATION EXISTING HERITAGE AVIATION PARKING LOT EXISTING HERITAGE AVIATION FUEL TANKS PROPOSED 10,000 GALLON FUEL TANK #1 FUTURE EXPANSION AREA I __----- I I I �I BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT ACCESS I I DRIVE TO PROP09ED FT TANK I I TYPICAL DELIVERY TRUCK WITH 62 FT WHEELBASE POTENTIAL AREA I FOR STORMWATER TREATMENT �— — FPOTENTIAL AREA OR STORMWATER 1 TREATMENT I / I EAGLE DRIVE 4 Stantec Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 55 Green Mountain Drive South Budington VT 05103 U.S.A. Tel. B02.864.0223 The Canhoctof iml vdey oiW basamorablI br di di—1. Da Iwl scab Nro dmMrq - any ertas o� am@tions sM1al be repMetl to SMnl N The a]pydghldpM] b dl tlml9ns asW tlsawin- ve Bre prapesN al Btanle[. by st clbn arwa Mont parpose oerermpn and outMdmtl by Stanbc is talaltlden. Consultants BURLINGTON N Legend LAND OWNER AND APPLICANT: CITY :BUR VERMONT BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 1200 AIRPORT DRIVE #1 SOUTH. BURLINGTON, VT 05403 1 40' 80' NOTE: THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL ZONE. A SUBDIVISION IS PROPOSED FOR THIS APPLICATION. Notes Revision By Ayptl. ".MM.DD Issued By Appd. YrB nD '%tt k' 1501008 Dwn. chkd. Dsgn. YY.MM.DD Permit -Seal y OCT 0 9 2015 City of Bo. Burlington Client/Project CITY OF BURLINGTON, VERMONT BURLINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SPORN AVIATION FUEL TANK FACILITY EAGLE DRIVE South Burlington, Vermont Title SKETCH PLAN Project No. Scale 195311135 1 e=40' Drawing No. Sheet Revision 2 2 of 2 0