HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Dog Park Committee - 03/25/2019
South Burlington Dog Park Commi ee
Mee ng Minutes
March 25, 2019
Present: Barb Sirvis (at-large), Linda Chiasson (at-large), Be y Milizia (NRC), Mike Simoneau (R&P), Maggie Leugers (staff)
Public Guest: Molly Bezio, Dan Albrecht
Safety Procedures. Maggie briefed the group on safety procedures.
Appoint Clerk. Mike Simoneau served as clerk.
Adopt Agenda. Linda Chiasson moved/Betty Milizia seconded. Agenda adopted as slightly amended.
Minutes of March 5, 2019 – Larry Kupferman moved/Linda Chiasson seconded. Minutes approved.
6. Brief revisit of sites with new maps/considera ons.
a. DeGraffe (formerly mislabeled as Garvey Park—between Patchen Rd. and Airport Drive). A site visit was
conducted by some members of the Dog Park Commi ee. They reported the property was too uneven
and difficult to access. Be y Milizia moved and Mike Simoneau seconded a mo on to remove DeGraff
from considera on. The mo on passed unanimously.
b. Red Rocks. While not a top priority, the Commi ee had a preference for the larger, northern por on.
This property will be retained on the list for possible future considera on.
c. Underwood. The map provided in the Underwood Report shows extensive wetlands that would need to
be reviewed more carefully. Mike noted that the Recrea on and Parks Commi ee is asking for a more
specific wetlands survey of this property. This property will need future review and will remain on the list
for future considera on.
d. Veterans Memorial Park. This site is under considera on for development of a large, indoor recrea on
facility. The Commi ee retained it on the list for future considera on.
e. Wheeler Homestead. There was considerable discussion about the availability of a large enough sec on
to accommodate a dog park. Concern was also expressed about parking. This property will be retained
on the list for future considera on.
f. Farrell Park
i. “Original Farrell” The Commi ee will review for poten al expansion of the site.
ii. “Upper Farrell” The Commi ee reviewed the map of a proposed site. Expansion of the site would
be necessary to achieve a minimum one-acre park area. Maggie will arrange for a site visit with
Jus n Rabidoux before the next Commi ee Mee ng.
g. Public area in front of Butler Farms. This property appeared to be adequate in size. Maggie will ask
Jus n Rabidoux to bring dimensions and discuss this property at the next mee ng on April 8.
Jus n Rabidoux will a end the next mee ng of the Commi ee and bring addi onal informa on about the
Farrell and Wheeler Homestead sites. The Commi ee hopes to iden fy an ini al site as a result of that
7. Other data/informa on considera ons.
a. Report on Shelburne Dog Park. Be y reported on a visit to Shelburne Dog Park. Maggie provided
informa on about costs (land donated, construc on costs subsidy with a $20,000 dona on and $10,00
raised by Friends of the Dog Park). Public members also commented on the park. The size and
configura on are desirable, but there are s ll major areas of mud.
b. Review Site Evalua on Matrix. The Commi ee decided the matrix as developed by the Dog Park Task
Force was adequate as a reference tool.
8. Begin to iden fy ini al “must-have” vs. “nice-to-have” items in any proposed SoBu dog park.
a. Loca on. The major requirement in this category is an area of close to an acre or more.
b. Ameni es. A list of ameni es was begun. Barb will refer to the work of the Dog Park Task Force to
expand the list for review at the next mee ng.
c. “Rules” – Be y will provide a copy of commonly-adopted rules and regula ons from other ci es and
towns for the Commi ee to review at its next mee ng.
d. Maintenance. Basic maintenance includes snow removal, trash removal, and mowing.
9. Updates
a. SoBu City Council Mee ng. Barb noted that the Jaycee Park on-leash ordinance change was passed by
the City Council on March 18, 2019.
b. Interim Zoning Open Space Commi ee. Be y was unable to a end the last mee ng, so there was not
c. Natural Resources Commi ee. Linda noted that NRC is also looking at Interim Zoning issues and future
work with developers.
d. Recrea on and Parks Commi ee. The Commi ee encouraged Mike to bring informa on about parks and
program plans being discussed by Rec and Parks.
10. The mee ng schedule remains as indicated below:
a. 4/8 from 5:00 – 6:45
b. 4/24 from 5:00 – 6:45
c. 5/6 from 4:3—6:00
d. Late May: A second Community Forum will be scheduled
e. 6/3 – Target date for the SBCC presenta on
11. Future agenda items include
a. Dra ing of rules, regula ons and opera onal guidelines
b. Discussion of non-municipal funding sources
i. Process for approaching local businesses, founda ons, and other grant sources
c. Expansion of the on-leash park ordinance expansion.
. Adjournment. Mike Simoneau moved and Linda Chiasson seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.