HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Board of Civil Authority - 12/06/2018BOARD OF CIVIL AUTHORITY 6 DECEMBER 2018 The South Burlington Board of Civil Authority held a mee ng on Thursday, 6 December 2018, at 6:00 p.m., inthe Conference Room, Police Sta on, 19 Gregory Drive
MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Taylor, Chair; D. Kinville, A. Cli , B. Nowak, P. Benner, M. Mahoney, M. St. Germain, T.Barri , T. Chi enden, M. Emery, L. Vera, C. Shaw, K. Nugent
ALSO PRESENT: R. Nowak 1. Instruc ons on exi ng building in case of emergency:
Ms. Kinville provided emergency exi ng instruc ons. 2. Agenda Review: Addi ons, dele ons or changes in order of agenda items:
No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments & Ques ons from the public not related to Agenda items:
No issues were raised. 4. Approve Minutes from 18 October 2018:
Mr. Shaw moved to approve the Minutes of 18 October 2018 as wri en. Mr. St. Germain seconded. Mo onpassed unanimously. 5. Review Chair Responsibili es:
Mr. Taylor advised that this will be his last 2-year session as J. P. New officers will be elected at the Februarymee ng. Mr. Taylor then drew a en on to a handout indica ng the mee ng and other commitments of theChair. This will be emailed again to members.
Ms. Kinville noted that there can be different people serving as Chairs of the BCA and the Board of Abatement. 6. (previously #8 on the Agenda) Discussion of payment for elec on workers:
Mr. Shaw said this is the right moment to be considering this with the na onal focus on elec ons and the needfor elec on workers to do the right thing. He also noted that an
improved pay scale might encourage more people to par cipate. Mr. St. Germain commented that askingpeople to work an en re day for $75.00 is not adequate. Members then considered whether to pay everyone, including BCA members and presiding officers, at the
same rate. Mr. Chi enden noted that in January the state minimum wage will go up to $11.50 per hour. Mr. Taylor feltthat was a viable op on as it was not arbitrary. Mr. Benner felt that presiding officers should be paid $15.00 an
hour. This would have to be included in Ms. Kinville’s budget request to the City Council. Mr. Mahoney moved that Assistant Elec on Officials, front desk workers, and BCA officials be paid at theVermont minimum wage per hour for work at elec ons and that presiding officers be paid $15.00 per hour.
Ms. Nugent seconded. Mo on passed unanimously.
Members then considered payment to BCA members for a endance at mee ngs. They currently receive$10.00 per mee ng. Ms. Vera said she would like to see this ed to the state minimum wage as well as a flat
fee, not hourly. It was noted that when a BCA and an Abatement mee ng are held on the same night that
board members be paid for each mee ng. Ms. Vera moved that BCA members in a endance at mee ngs be reimbursed for one hour at the Vermont
minimum wage per mee ng. Mr. Chi enden seconded. Mo on passed unanimously.
Ms. Kinville noted that she will be represen ng Vermont at a mee ng in Washington, D.C. regarding the trainingof elec on workers and more. She noted that elec ons are ge ng more and more complex and trained
workers are needed.
7. (formerly #6) Review State Statute 17 V.S.A., Sec on 2508 Campaigning during polling hours;voter access:
Mr. Taylor noted there was an issue with 2 separate surveys being conducted. When surveyors moved inside inthe evening, it got very crowded. He suggested that for the February mee ng they get some informa on fromthe State regarding surveys at elec ons (e.g., what can be surveyed, where surveyors can be, etc.). Ms. Kinville
noted that some people vote early because they don’t want to be bothered by people taking surveys or
8. Review of November 6th elec on and sugges ons for 202 Presiden al Elec on including absentee
ballots: Mr. Benner noted an incident where totals were given out at the end of the night to the front desk workers. In
one district it was discovered that there were s ll a number of unprocessed ballots in a sealed bag. Since tallies
were already taken on the machines, these ballots had to be counted by hand. Mr. Shaw raised the possibility of doing absentee ballots the day before though this could raise issues withpeople seeing numbers already in the machines when the polls open on Elec on Day. Mr. Shaw cited the
problem of folded absentee/early ballots jamming the tabulators.Ms. Vera said voters like to see the absentee ballots going into the machines during polling hours. Mr. Barri moved to suspend the BCA mee ng un l the conclusion of the Board of Abatement mee ng
scheduled for 7 p.m. Ms. Vera seconded. Mo on passed unanimously. The mee ng was suspended at 7 p.m.and resumed at 7:40 p.m. Ms. Kinville noted that absentee/early ballots will become more and more of an issue and more tables may be
needed. Mr. Taylor said there should be a table exclusively for absentee/early ballots. It was suggested thatearly ballots be processed before Elec on Day. Ms. Kinville said that in order to address early ballots beforeElec on Day, a BCA mee ng would have to be warned 30 days prior. She suggested the possibility of justmarking the early ballots off the checklist (not pu ng them into tabulators) prior to Elec on Day.
Ms. Kinville noted that in Vermont, it is called “early vo ng,” not “absentee vo ng.” Mr. Nowak felt this ismaking it too easy for voters. Ms. Kinville cited an issue with companies no longer giving employees me off tovote. She also noted that in terms of staff me, there is a cost of about $10.00 per early ballot.
Ms. Kinville then raised the ques on of whether to have someone full me at the same day registra on table atthe March elec on. This will be discussed at the February mee ng.
9. Other Business:No other business was brought before the Board.
As there was no further business to come before the Board of Civil Authority, the mee ng was adjourned bycommon consent at 8:08 p.m. Clerk_________________________