HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Board of Civil Authority - 10/18/2018BOARD OF CIVIL AUTHORITY October 18, 2018 The South Burlington Board of Civil Authority held a mee ng on Thursday, October 18, 2018, at 6:30 p.m., inthe Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street.
MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Taylor, Chair, P. Benner, Vice-chair, D. Kinville, A. Cli , C. Shaw, L. Vera, T. Barri , T.Chi enden
1. Agenda Review. No changes were made to the agenda 2. Instruc ons on exi ng building in case of emergency:
Mr. Taylor provided emergency exi ng instruc ons. 3. Comments & Ques ons from the public not related to Agenda items
No comments from the public. 4. Approve minutes of July 26, 2018 and August 16, 2018
T. Barri mo oned to approve the July 26, 2018 minutes and was seconded by C. Shaw. The mo on passedunanimously. C. Shaw moved to approve the minutes from August 16, 2018 and was seconded by A. Cli . Themo on passed unanimously.
5. Approve presiding officers and elec on officials for the November 6th elec onT. Barri mo oned to approve the list of officers and was seconded by C. Shaw. The mo on passedunanimously.
6. Approve list of voters removed from checklist since the last elec onMs. Kinville explained how voters are removed from the checklist and their criteria. T. Barri mo oned toapprove the July 26, 2018 minutes and was seconded by C. Shaw. The mo on passed unanimously.
7. Review policy on campaigning at the polls on elec on day.Ms. Kinville referred to the handout on the current policy for campaigning at the polls. There were complaintsat the last elec on about the size of signs and the board discussed if limits should be made on the size of the
signs allowed. The Board decided a er discussion that they would not change the current policy unless thisissue gets out of hand and interferes with voters entering the polls. T. Chi enden commented that even though we have the areas where candidates may stand just outside the
entrance to the polls does not allow them to open the doors, many candidates are. If we see candidatescon nually opening doors for voters the presiding officer must address this issue and remind the candidate tostand behind the approved lines. Special circumstances, such as a wheel chair or an elderly voter, would allowa candidate to open the door for the voter.
8. Discuss new structure of presiding officer and elec on day voter registra on table.Mr. Taylor explained that due to the complexity of the elec on laws that the me is here to have trainedpresiding officers. He was hoping that we would have a number of people step forward to volunteer to be
presiding officers so that we could give the presiding officer some me off on elec on day. As of today, we onlyhave 5 people who have volunteered to be presiding officers with 4 polling sta ons. We will be se ng up a fewdifferent training mes for those who want to be presiding officers before the elec on.
With this elec on expec ng to be busy, the Elec on Day Voter Registra on table will be manned all day from7a.m. to 7 p.m. by the Clerkâs staff. They will handle all issues when the voter is not found on the checklist. 9. Elec on training to include new disabili es vo ng and coun ng procedures
P. Taylor had the a endees review the new disabili es vo ng machine and printer paying a en on to all thecables and how everything is connected. Unfortunately, the Secretary of State has not supplied the passwords
nor so ware for the November 6th elec on yet so there was no training on how the system works.
There will be a closing packet folder in the bins that contain all the materials needed for the coun ng of theballots. D. Kinville stressed that before the ender card is put through the tabulator that all side pockets on the
black tabulator be checked and if ballots are found in them (would not go through the tabulator) that they be
transferred onto a tabulator readable ballot and then the ender card could be put through. Ballots that will notgo through the tabulator should be those who received an electronic ballot and those voters who received thewrong district ballot. 2 elec on officials will take the unreadable ballot and transfer the voters intent onto the
new ballot. The 2 elec on officials put the transferred ballot through the tabulator and catch it when it goes
through. The 2 ballots (original and transferred) are stapled together and the 2 elec on officials sign theoriginal ballot and place in the transferred ballot envelope.
10. Tes ng of elec on tabula ng machines and disability vo ng machines
The board broke out into groups of 2 and tested the tabulators with the following seals a ached:7-1 #1229521 7-2 #026217-3 #02620 7-4 no seal a ached
7-4 did not have a seal a ached as the tabulator was having trouble reading the ballot and was kicking outabout 50% as unread. D. Kinville and her staff will test another tabulator tomorrow and apply a seal.The disability vo ng machines were not able to be tested as the machines have not received the programming
usb s ck, passwords nor instruc ons for this elec on. Once they have been received, members will be invited
in to test the machines and familiarize themselves with their opera on.
11. Other Business:
No other business was brought before the Board.
As there was no further business to come before the Board of Civil Authority, the mee ng was adjourned by
common consent at 8:32 p.m.
_________________________________ Clerk