HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee - 02/14/2018BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMITTEE
MINUTES 02-14-2018
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Commi ee held its regular monthly mee ng on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 at 5:30 pm in
the small conference room at the city office building.
Members Present: Cathy Frank, Vice-Chair; Dana Farr, Chair; Jamieson Goodwin, Clerk; Amanda Holland; Bob Bri , Roy
Neuer; Shawn Goddard; Donna Leban
Members Absent: Jim Grossman,
City Representa ve: Cathyann LaRose, City Planner
Also Present: Nic Anderson; Jus n Rabidoux, South Burlington Department of Public Works, Mark Kane; SE Group
Mee ng began at 5:35 pm.
1. Welcome and emergency procedure review
2. Changes to the Agenda
3. Comments from public not related to Agenda – None
4. Approval of January 2018 minutes – Amanda mo on to accept the minutes, Bob seconds. Passes.
5. Sewer Bond proposal review: DPW Staff - Jus n here to present on the Bond proposal for new Sewer treatment
facili es that will be on the upcoming ballot. Though not directly related to SBBPC interests, he believes it’s worth
the effort to inform the commi ees as a means to inform and assist in drive conversa on with the public as a
whole. The bond is a means of funding the crea on of a connec on to exis ng SB treatment facili es to handle
waste from area near Rice High School down to Shelburne road and Farrell St. The current arrangement has the
city sending to Burlington treatment facili es and the tax base as a whole subsidizes the cost for a small por on of
the city at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Review con nued around the financials involved in
this process and the overall net posi ve for doing this work if approved.
6. Planned Unit Development (PUD) project review – Mark Kane here to present on the current status of the project
to review and update regula ons around PUDs. PUDs are currently primarily used as a “waiver tool,” or as a
means to grant waivers easily for these types of projects. This discussion is primarily focused around the overall
framework of this project to develop and showcase the standards being developed. As of this mee ng, there are 4
specific PUD types of interest to B&P related topics: Tradi onal Neighborhood Development (TND), Neighborhood
Commercial Development (NCD), Transit Oriented Design (TOD), Campus (CA). These types are subject to change
or updates, so details are immaterial at this point. These defini ons and guidelines will help promote connec vity
between neighborhoods, green-spaces, etc. Discussion con nued around future considera ons for these
guidelines and ways to modify language moving forward. The comple on of the ini al dra is es mated to be in
July. For B&P specifically, think about the defini ons, but especially as it relates to known gaps so that they can be
used moving forward.
7. Bike Share program update - Nic Anderson is here to present on current status of the Bike Share project
ini aliza on. Things are progressing steadily, agreement with vendor for bikes, two tle sponsors as well as other
organiza ons contribu ng and sponsoring. He is hoping to launch the program in early April with an event likely
planned to be on Church St. Nic reviewed bike features, bike hubs (racks), tenta ve rates. The program is hub
based, meaning that there are known loca ons for bikes to be located, as opposed to free-roaming. Because the
bikes are smart/powered and not the hubs, rack placement is flexible and easily updated via the app. Reviewed
proposed placement and phase 2 and 3 placements as well. The commi ee thanks Nic for stopping by and ac vely
seeking input from the commi ee and other local stakeholders.
8. Penny For Paths – Next steps; Amanda reviewed updates to the tasks and responsibili es list which will help
outline necessary steps and progression to be ready for this ballot ini a ve.
a. Subcommi ees signup and current status – Reviewed list of current task list and current subcommi ee
ownership, upda ng with commi ee volunteers as needed. Discussion con nued about individual task
outputs necessary for other task inputs (i.e. what outputs are necessary from ballot development to feed
into communica on tasks). Each task reviewed and volunteers were compiled for each defined task.
b. Current status report – Reviewed completed ac on items and outcomes from efforts for the task list as it
stands to date. Some posi ve progress and feedback across the board. S ll other steps need comple on,
such as comple ng the scope/defini on of the ballot to help inform other tasks. Reviewed current status
report format. The format is subject to change in the future depending on ease of upda ng/repor ng as
tasks progress and are completed.
9. Updates from the City: Cathyann - As presented previously by city staff (October 2017), changes and illustra ons
were developed for the new Bicycle Parking standards. The current revision of those standards and their changes
were briefly reviewed. The updated standards were approved by the Planning Commission on 2/13/2018 and are
being sent to City Council for considera on and approval. Also addressed were some pre-exis ng installa on
considera ons or triggers for requirements in a site update/upgrade.
10. General Ma ers:
a. Discussion: Talking Points
b. Burlington Bike Walk event
c. County Bike/Ped planning
11. The Bike Rack/Homework Report out
12. Confirma on: Next mee ng March 14 th at 5:30
Mee ng ended at 8:25 pm.
Respec ully submi ed,
Jamieson Goodwin, Clerk
These mee ng minutes were approved by the Commi ee on March 21, 2018.