HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Affordable Housing Committee - 12/12/2017Approved on January 9, 2018
NOTE: Date/time/place of next meeting: January 9, 2018, 10:00 a.m., City Hall, 2nd Floor
Conference Room
December 12, 2017, 10:00 AM, City Hall
Members attending: Tom Bailey, Leslie Black-Plumeau (left meeting at 10:48 a.m.), Sandy Dooley,
Todd Rawlings, Michael Simoneau, John Simson (Chair) Member absent: Larry Michaels
Others attending: Monica Ostby, Planning Commission liaison
Minutes by Sandy Dooley
1. Welcome
2. Agenda Review: Additions, deletions or changes in order of agenda items
3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda
4. Review of and action on minutes of November 27, 2017, committee meeting
5. Chair's remarks, announcements
6. Discuss 2018 committee work plan
7. Work on inclusionary housing LDR amendment
8. Adjourn
1. Welcome: John called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and summarized emergency evacuation
2. Agenda review: Agenda accepted as proposed.
3. Comments, etc.: There were no comments from the public.
4. Review of and action on minutes of November 27, 2017, committee meeting: Mike moved and
Todd seconded motion to approve draft of the November 27, 2017, meeting minutes as corrected.
Correction was to change spelling of Yves Bradley’s first name from “Eve” to “Yves.” Motion approved
5. Chair’s remarks, announcements:
● John informed the committee that he would be meeting with Kevin (Dorn); Paul (Conner); Andrew
(Bolduc); and, perhaps, Helen (Riehle, City Council Chair) the next day (December 13th) regarding the
Committee’s proposal that Impact Fees be discounted or waived for affordable housing units under
specified circumstances.
● John shared with the committee that Amy Demetrowicz of CHT would be attending the December
18, 2017, City Council meeting seeking the Council’s approval for the City’s submission of an
application for VCDP funding for a 60-unit multi-family affordable housing development in City Center
and that Amy has indicated the Committee’s support for submission of this application would be
helpful. In response, the committee took the following action:
Sandy (Dooley) moved and Tom (Bailey) seconded a motion that the committee ask the City Council
to approve the City’s submission, in cooperation with Champlain Housing Trust (CHT), of an
application for Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP) funds to support CHT’s
proposed family housing development to be located in City Center. Motion approved unanimously
(6-0-0) with one committee member not present at the meeting. John indicated that he would attend
the December 18th City Council meeting and inform the Council of the committee’s support for this
● John inquired as to who among committee members would be attending the Webinar on December
14th re Inclusionary Housing. John and Tom plan to attend, as well as Monica (Planning Commission
liaison). This inquiry was made to determine whether a quorum of the committee would be present
and, as a result, require that a committee meeting be warned.
● John shared that Ed Von Turkovich, one of the developers seeking to develop housing on UVM
property bordering Spear and Swift Streets, had received approval from UVM to purchase the property
for this purpose provided the necessary zoning (LDR) change be accomplished no later than January
31, 2019, and permits for construction be received no later than December 31, 2019.
● Tom had met with the regional Act 250 Coordinators to discuss/explore the conditions under which
affordable housing developments are not subject to Act 250 review. He had already shared the
results of this meeting with the committee via email.
● Sandy shared the results of her inquiry to Amy Demetrowicz regarding whether different forms of
municipal support for an affordable housing development provide more or less “leverage” when CHT
applies to other entities for financial support for the same housing development. Amy’s response was
as follows: “Any kind of municipal support makes an application more competitive. This is particularly true for
the VCDP request. I wouldn’t say any one type of support is more important, but I would say that the number of
ways that a community supports a project adds more value. So providing Trust Funds and Impact Fee waivers
and building a new municipally owned road for example has a cumulatively higher “leverage” than any one of
those supportive measures alone.”
● Sandy also shared what she learned from Michael Monte about what CHT would charge a private
developer to determine household income eligibility and set an affordable rent for affordable housing
units required as a result of inclusionary zoning or provided voluntarily in order to obtain a benefit to
the developer (for example, a density bonus for the development). Michael indicated that CHT has
developed a form for this purpose for use with the Town of Hinesburg and the charge is $50.00 per
rental unit. He indicated that CHT has also done this for units owned by Eric Farrell. John asked
whether CHT does something comparable for an affordable housing unit to be sold. Sandy indicated
she would contact Michael for the answer to John’s question.
6. Discuss 2018 committee work plan
Following discussion, the committee agreed on the following projects/goals for its 2018 Work Plan:
a. Following through to adoption of the Housing Preservation LRD the committee drafted and
sent to the Planning Commission.
b. Following through to approval by the City Council of amendments to the Impact Fee ordinance
that would provide discounts/waivers for Affordable Rental Housing Developments under
specified circumstances.
c. Drafting Land Development Regulations that would put in place Inclusionary Zoning city-wide
and establish Special Urban Districts that would provide incentives and special rules for
affordable housing developments that meet specified criteria, and following them through to
their adoption.
d. Supporting action by the legislature that would allow South Burlington to have a second growth
Additional information: Rep. Helen Head met with Paul Conner regarding item “d.” above and was pleased by
his enthusiasm for her willingness to explore this goal in the legislature. For information on the State’s “growth”
area designations refer to VT Statutes Annotated (VSA), Title 24, Chapter 76.
7. Work on inclusionary housing (IZ) LDR amendment:
Topics discussed included (a) City-wide IZ, (b) Special Urban Districts, (c) 2nd City Center, (d)
regional approach to bringing about development of affordable housing, and (d) City Center
Mike raised the subject of the regional approach. Sandy recalled that the committee had discussed
this, a few months, back with Regina Mahoney of the Chittenden County Regional Planning
Commission and Regina had agreed to follow-up. Committee had proposed to Regina organizing a
meeting of all municipal Affordable Housing Committees (or representatives thereof) in the county.
Her response had been positive. John will call Regina to see where this stands.
Monica raised subject of accelerating the development of City Center. It is Committee members’
understanding that the City Manager is the go-to person on this; that he is feeling good about progress
and prospects; and that, while City Center development is essential to economic development,
increased revenues, and enhanced quality of life in the City, it is not part of Affordable Housing
Committee’s mission.
Todd stated his support for regional approach. He also suggested Committee members consider the
need for additional funding for the City’s Housing Trust Fund and other possible affordable housing
initiatives (for example, purchase of land for affordable housing) and make recommendations to the
City Council regarding how increased funding might be accomplished. Following discussion, the
committee took the following action:
Tom (Bailey) moved and Mike (Simoneau) seconded a motion requesting that John Simson, Committee
Chair, write the City Council to request that the Council include $250,000 for South Burlington’s Housing
Trust Fund in the City’s fiscal year 2019 budget and, in addition, include an item on the March Town Meeting
ballot seeking voter approval to add $0.01 to the City’s property tax to be used for affordable housing.
Motion approved unanimously (5-0-0) with one committee member not present at the meeting and one
committee member having left before the motion was made.
Though not included in the motion, it was the sense of the committee that John would, also, seek time on the
agenda of one of the City Council’s budget hearings to speak in support of these items. John also indicated he
would call Larry Kupferman, chair of the Housing Trust Fund, and make him aware of the Committee’s action.
John asked Tom to draft LDRs that would make Inclusionary Zoning apply city-wide for consideration by the
committee at its January 9, 2018, meeting. Tom agreed to do this.
8. Other/homework:
● FYI - GBIC (Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation) is doing a study of Education, Housing, and
Health Care.
● John will draft a letter describing the Committee’s 2018 Work Plan and share it with committee
● Mike will consult with an accountant regarding what incentives the City might put in place to
encourage owners of undeveloped property to sell land at a “bargain price” to private developers.
● Mike will seek Yves Bradley’s input regarding development of more housing along Shelburne Road
9. Adjourn – John moved and Todd seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Committee approved
motion unanimously at 12:07 p.m. Note: Mike will be absent from January 9th meeting.