HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Board of Abatement - 12/06/2018BOARD OF ABATEMENT 6 DECEMBER 2018 The South Burlington Board of Abatement held a mee ng on Thursday, 6 December 2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, Police Sta on,19 Gregory Drive.
MEMBERS PRESENT: P. Taylor, Chair; D. Kinville, P. Benner, C. Shaw, M. Mahoney, M. St. Germain, L. Vera, B. Nowak, T. Chi enden, M. Emery, T.Barri , K. Nugent, A. Cli
ALSO PRESENT: K. Bradish 1. Instruc ons on exi ng building in case of emergency:
Mr. Taylor provided instruc ons on emergency exit from the building. 2. Agenda Review: Addi ons, dele ons or changes in order of Agenda items:
No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments & Ques ons from the public not related to the Agenda:
There were no public comments or ques ons. 4. Approve Minutes from 26 October 2018:
Mr. Taylor noted a typo on p. 2 under sec on “b” where the word “he” should read “her.” Mr. Shaw moved to approve the minutes with the above correc on. Ms. Vera seconded. Mo on passed unanimously.
5. Hear Abatement Requests: a. Karen Bradish & Doug Larson Estate ………………… 165 Twin Oaks
Ms. Kinville distributed the property tax bill for the property and noted that Martha Lyons from the Assessor’s Office was unable to a end due toillness. There are currently no delinquent taxes on the property. Ms. Bradish advised that her family has been paying the taxes and had given her a year
following the death of Mr. Larson. Since Mr. Larson’s death, Ms. Bradish indicated that she has been living on half of their previous income. She has no health or homeowner’sinsurance and was not en tled to Social Security
because she and Mr. Larson had never married. The condo at 165 Twin Oaks was gi ed to her by her father.
Mr. Taylor noted that the property is assessed at $157,200. Ms. Bradish said there is no mortgage. Ms. Bradish said the family will pay the March
tax bill, but a er that she will be on her own. She also enumerated some electrical problems in the house which she cannot afford to address. Mr. Taylor explained that she can go to Martha Lyons office to get help with the homestead exemp on form which can significantly result in a much
lower tax bill for next year. Mr. Barri said the tax bill would be scaled to the owner’s income. Ms. Vera noted that there are other programs that
can help with other issues. Ms. Kinville suggested Ms. Bradish call 211 to get an advocate who can help her. Ms. Vera then moved that the Board meet in delibera ve session. Mr. Benner seconded. Mo on passed unanimously.
Following the delibera ve session, Ms. Kinville noted that she had spoken with the other abatement applicant, Jessica Kastner (31 Greening Avenue)who had not picked up the registered le er regarding the hearing and was not prepared for tonight’s mee ng. She has asked to be heard at thenext Board of Abatement mee ng.
Mr. Mahoney moved to con nue the appeal of Jessica Kastner un l the next Board of Abatement mee ng to be scheduled. Mr. Barri seconded. Mo on passed unanimously.
Mr. Taylor said the Board can possibly schedule a mee ng in February.
As there was no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Mahoney moved to adjourn. Mr. Barri seconded. Mo on passed unanimously. The mee ng was adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
_____________________________, Clerk