HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-24-30 - Supplemental - 0039 Bowdoin Street (19)S S D SPA ZONE 3 L2.1 Pl a n t i n g D e t a i l s As Indicated FRC 09.03.24DATE: SCALE: DRAWN BY: SHEET PR O J E C T N A M E SH E E T T I T L E Me a d o w l a n d s A n i m a l H o s p i t a l Lo t 7 M e a d o w l a n d B u s i n e s s P a r k So u t h B u r l i n g t o n , V e r m o n t © OWNERSHIP AND COPYRIGHT STATEMENT OF KNAUF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, INC. This schematic design and construction bid set are exclusively owned by Knauf Landscape Architecture, Inc., which retains all rights, including copyrights, in these documents. They have been prepared by Knauf Landscape Architecture, Inc., based on information, documents, and design specifications provided by Civil / Structural Engineer and Architect. Knauf Landscape Architecture, Inc. is not responsible for any alterations or adjustments to the schematic design and construction bid set during any phase of construction which are not preapproved and authorized in writing by Knauf Landscape Architecture, Inc. STATE OF VERMONT Landscape Architects Landscape Architect Cynthia A Knauf 38 Eastwood Dr, Suite 301 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 Credential #: 125.0074599 CONSTRUCTION SET SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" DOG RUN WETLAND BUFFER EDGE PLANTING DOG RUN ENTRY GARDEN SIGNREST MEADOW WALK SET TREE AT ORIGINAL GRADE, DO NOT PLANT TOO DEEP. TRUNK FLARE SHOULD BE SLIGHTLY ABOVE EXISTING SOIL GRADE. MULCH: SHREDDED BARK 2"-3" DEEP TO 5'-7' AROUND TREES SOIL SAUCER ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT, REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF BURLAP, NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED GENTLY COMPACTED BACKFILL WITH MINIMUM AMENDMENTS PREPARED SUBSOIL TO FORM PEDESTAL TO PREVENT SETTLING SET SHRUB AT ORIGINAL GRADE, DO NOT PLANT TOO DEEP. ROPES AT TOP OF BALL SHALL BE CUT, REMOVE TOP 12 OF BURLAP, NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. 3" D MIN. SHREDDED BARK MULCH. FLUSH WITH TOP OF ROOT BALL. 18"D TOPSOIL / COMPOST MIX PREPARED WELL COMPACTED SUBGRADE L A N D S C A P E S P E C I F I C A T I O N S LOT 7, MEADOWLAND BUSINESS PARK SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT OVERALL A.Plant Substitutions: Do not make substitutions. If specified landscape material is not obtainable, submit available substitutions to the Landscape Architect for approval. B.Trees, Shrubs, Perennials: Provide healthy, vigorous stock, grown in recognized nursery in accordance with good horticultural practice and free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, sun-scald, injuries, abrasions, or disfigurement. C.Warranty: All plants shall be warrantied for 1 year after substantial project completion. PROJECT WARRANTY A.Plant Warranty: Warranty trees, shrubs and perennials against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect by Owner, abuse or damage by others, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond Landscape installer's control. 1.Plant Warrant Period: Warranty all plantings for a period of one year after date of Substantial Completion. 2.Replacement: Remove and replace trees, shrubs, and perennials found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during warranty period. Make replacements during growth season following end of warranty period. Replace plants which are in doubtful condition at end of warranty period; unless, in opinion of Landscape Architect, it is advisable to extend warranty period for a full growing season. At Owner's request, another warranty inspection will be conducted at end of extended warranty period, if any, to determine acceptance or rejection. Only one replacement (per tree, shrub or perennial) will be required at end of warranty period, except for losses or replacements due to failure to comply with specified requirements. B.Lawn Warranty Period: Warranty lawns through 1 year after date of substantial completion, and until final acceptance by owner and landscape architect. TOPSOIL A.Quantity: Existing topsoil shall be stock-piled for reuse in landscape work. lf quantity of stock-piled topsoil is insufficient and existing topsoil is very thin, provide additional topsoil as required to complete landscape work. B.Quality: Provide new topsoil that is fertile, friable, natural loam, surface soil, reasonably free of subsoil, clay lumps, brush, weeds and other litter, and free of roots, stumps, stones larger than 1/2 inch in any dimension, and other extraneous or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. SOIL AMENDMENTS A.Lime or Sulfur for Lawns: A simple soil test will indicate whether the soil needs lime to make it more neutral or sulfur to make it more acidic. Most grass varieties prefer a slightly acid to neutral pH (6.5-7.0). B.Compost for Garden Beds. Add a layer of STA certified compost to the beds to improve the soil structure, reduce compaction, promote health root formation, and suppress plant disease and pest infestation. C.Plant Mulch: Organic, dry, and free from deleterious materials (i.e. mold), weeds and dyes, suitable for top dressing of trees, shrubs and perennials. Mix of shredded pine, spruce and/or fir in natural brown tone. PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS A.B&B: Set balled and burlapped (B&B) stock on layer of compacted planting soil mixture, plumb and in center of pit or trench with top of ball at same elevation as adjacent finished landscape grades. Remove burlap from sides of balls; retain on bottoms. Remove metal baskets. When set, place additional backfill around base and sides of ball, and work each layer to settle backfill and eliminate voids and air pockets. When backfill is approximately 2/3 complete, water thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill. Repeat watering until no more is absorbed. Water again after placing final layer of backfill. B.Container Grown: Set container grown stock, as specified for balled burlapped stock, except cut cans on 2 sides with an approved can cutter; remove bottoms of wooden boxes after partial bankrolling so as not to damage root balls. C.Mulch: Dish top of backfill to allow for mulching. Mulch pits, trenches, and planted areas. Provide 2 inches thick mulch, and work into top of backfill and finish level with adjacent finish grades. D.Prune: Prune, thin out, and shape trees and shrubs in accordance with standard horticultural practice. Prune trees to retain required height and spread. Unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect, do not cut tree leaders, and remove only injured or dead branches from flowering trees, if any. Prune shrubs to retain natural character. E.Replace: Remove and replace excessively pruned or malformed stock. MEADOW PATH A.3/8” minus crusher fines wetted and well compacted with plate compactor over 12” drainage stone and fabric or geotextiles. GRASS / LAWN PREPARATION A.Topsoil: Spread topsoil to a depth of 6” to meet lines, grades, and elevations shown, after light rolling and natural settlement. Test soil and add amendments and mix thoroughly into upper 4 inches of topsoil. B.Final Grading: Fine grade lawn areas to smooth, even surface with loose, uniformly fine texture. Roll, rake, and drag lawn areas, remove ridges and depressions, as required to meet finish grades. Limit fine grading to areas which can be planted immediately after grading. C.Water: moisten prepared lawn areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. MEADOW PREPARATION A. Final Grading: Remove all existing growth from meadow areas and grade to a surface even enough to brush hog once per year. B. Wait for a moist period before planting if soil is dry. Best times for seeding is spring/early summer and fall. SEEDING A.See Seed Mix Schedule for Lawn, Moist Meadow and Wet Meadow. B.Seed quality: Do not use wet seed or seed that is moldy or otherwise damaged in transit or storage. C.Seed Timing: Seed either in the spring before June 15 or late summer after August 15. D.Seed Method: Sow seed using a spreader, seeding machine, or hydroseeding. Distribute seed evenly over entire area by sowing equal quantity in 2 directions at right angles to each other. E.Job Conditions: Do not seed when wind velocity exceeds 5 miles per hour. F.Rate: Sow not less than five pounds per 1000 sq. ft. G.Rake: Rake seed lightly into top 1/8 inch of soil, roll lightly, and water with a fine spray. H. Mulch: Protect seeded areas against erosion by spreading specified lawn mulch after completion of seeding operations. Spread uniformly to form a continuous blanket not less than 1-1/2 inches thickness loose measurement over seeded areas. Protect seeded slopes over 15% against erosion with securely anchored mulch netting or other methods acceptable M1 M1 M1 M1 L L M1 L M1 L M2 M2 M1 TREE PLANTING DETAIL1NTS SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL2NTS LAWN AND MEADOW SEED MIXES L: SHORT GRASS SEED Conservation Grass Seed Mix Festuca rubra (Creeping Red Fescue) Poa partensis 'Alley Cat' (Kentucky Bluegrass 'Alley Cat') Poa pratensis 'Corsair' (Kentucky Bluegrass 'Corsair') Lolium multiflorum (Annual Ryegrass) Lolium perenne 'Confetti (Perennial Ryegrass) https://www.vermontwildflowerfarm.com/products/conservation-grass-seed-mix M1: MOIST TO DRY MEADOW Conservation and Wildlife Mix https://www.vermontwetlandplants.com/vermont-conservation-wildlife/ M2: WET MEADOW Vermont Wet Meadow Mix https://www.vermontwetlandplants.com/vermont-wet-meadow-detention-basin-mix/ DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE MATERIALS FENCING DETAIL WALKWAY EXPOSED AGGREGATE