HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 07/18/2024 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA JULY 18, 2024 ParƟcipaƟon OpƟons Electronically: hƩps://meet.goto.com/374347629 Via phone: +1 (571) 317-3122| Access Code: 374-347-629 Special Session 12:00 p.m. (Noon) 1. Additions, deletion, or changes in order of Agenda Items (12:00) 2. Comments from the public not related to the agenda (12:03) 3. *Adoption of meeting minutes (12:06) 4. Tree Regulations: Vote on Tree List (12:10) 5. Next meeting, August 7th 6. Adjourn (12:15) Respectfully submitted: Dave Wheeler Water Resources Engineer ***Attachments included NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE DRAFT MEETING MINUTES The South Burlington NRCC held a regular meeting on Wednesday June 05, 2024, at 6:03 pm, in Room 301, 180 Market Street and by GoToMeeting remote participation Members present: D. Wheeler, City Liaison; L. Smith, City Council Liaison; J. Chaulot, Chair; L. Kupferman, Vice Chair; K. Boyk; J. Keene; L. Yankowski, M. Korpos Public attendees: R. Doyle 1. Mr. Kupferman welcomed everyone. 2. Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda. 1. Miss Boyk suggested moving item 7 later to allow Mr. Chaulot's arrival to this meeting. 3. No comments from the public related to the agenda. 4. Adoption of meeting minutes. 1. Miss Boyk motioned to approve, Mr. Keene 2nd. Approved unanimously with 2 spelling corrections. 5. City Updates. A City 1. Parks and Open Space Master Plan submissions will end in July and the the staff will be begin the review process. Bid & RFP Opportunities (southburlingtonvt.gov) 2. The city issued a request for proposals for the biological process and SCADA system for the Bartlett Bay waste water treatment facility, with real-time cloud- based process optimization. 3. The city has received a $700,000grant towards waste water facility upgrades. B City Council Updates No big updates 6. Committee Reorganization Meeting 1. Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Kupferman attended. Was hosted by Jessie Baker, City Manager; Ilona Blanchard, Community Development Director and Paul Conner, Planning & Zoning Director. Discussion were about staff and city council liaisons how being on committees impacts their time and work in their city positions. The perspective is that committees seem to be split into 2 groups: advisory and action. Bike & Ped is an “action” group involved with recreation and connectivity between all the new development. NRCC is advisory, that is our city charge. Staff appeared to prefer the “action” groups. Questions/frustrations arise when a liaison is un-sure how to advise or council their committee when advice is ignored. Miss Boyk brought up that the NRCC has done “things” like develop the open space inventory being used to develop the Open Space Plan. Miss Yankowski mention how the committee has consulted on various projects like the 2nd Phase of the O'Brien Bros project and we have been very active. The NRCC pushed to get the city council to consider treating ash trees. Our city council liaison- Mr. Smith, sees his job as, “A means to get our thoughts and ideas into and through the city council.” 1. Miss Boyk inquired about her term on the committee. She believes it is ending but has not heard anything about reapplying. She was advised to wait until the city manager and the council finish their possible reorganization discussions. 7. Home Grown National Parks https://homegrownnationalpark.org 1. Per Mr. Smith, the city is looking into this idea and possibly implementing it. It is in the city plan. The idea is to allow 50% of lawnscapes to go wild. He feels this would be a good project for the NRCC to champion. 1. Add future agenda. Committee members should check out the Homegrown National Parks website. 2. Mr. Doyle mentioned that the Chittenden County Regional Planning Committee (CCRPC), has grants for funding natural resource restoration projects. The city should look into this for trees to replace ash trees. It was mentioned that there are local growers who grow and sell native plant species. 8. Stormwater pond lawn maintenance policies. 1. This had been brought up previously to provide habitat for pollinators. But now the Stormwater Utility at DPW is going to re-evaluate their mowing schedule for practicality purposes. They may make some changes to frequency. 9. Tree Regulation: Strategy for LDR revision draft creation. 1. We had been sent the document to look at and reply. Per the work group: they did have some feedback to work with when revising and re-crafting from planning and J. Baker had provided additional feedback on a claus. We are hoping to get this presented to the Planning Commission in July. Mr. Smith said to not expect the language to be accepted. We are aware there will be additional changes. The tree list information is too “wiggley.” What is a “key tree”. Mr. Kupferman suggested a list of trees not to protect. This will be worked on for better definition by Miss Boyk, Miss Korpos and Mr. Doyle will assist. We want to send a week before getting onto the Planning Commission agenda in July. Mr. Chaulot motioned to send this edited draft to Kelsy in the Planning Department, Mr. Keene 2nd. 5 approved 1 oppose. 1. We will have a zoom meeting JULY 18 at NOON. 10. Member updates 1. CAD (Common Area for Dogs Committee)- It looks like the work on Farrell Dog Park is further delayed because of the wetland and someone wants it delineated now. More delays for further permitting. 11. Other business. 1. Mr. Kupferman want to remind everyone the VT Landtrust does invasive work the 1st Friday of the month. Contact Larry Kupferman for more information. Adjourned at 8:05pm