HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 05/01/2024NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES The South Burlington NRCC held a regular meeting on Wednesday May 01, 2024, at 6:03 pm, in Room 301, 180 Market Street and by GoToMeeting remote participation Members present: D. Wheeler, City Liaison; J. Chault, Chair; L. Kupferman, Vice Chair; K. Boyk; J. Bossange; J. Keene; L. Yankowski Public attendees: R. Doyle 1. Mr. Chaulot welcomed everyone. 2. No additions, deletions or changes to the agenda. 3. No comments from the public. 4. Adoption of meeting minutes. 1. For April 03,2024, with changes, Miss Yankowski moved to accept, Mr. Kupferman 2nd- approved unanimously. 2. For minutes from 11/02/2022, 09/07/2022, 04/06/2022, 06/21/2021and Joint meeting with Recreation and Parks, NRCC, Bicycle & Ped and Common Area for Dogs- Miss Yankowski moved to accept the minutes from these past meetings and Miss Boyk 2nd. Approved unanimously. 5. City Updates- reference materials included. 1. Green Up Day is Saturday May 04, 2024. 2. Weed Warriors with Mike Bald at Wheeler Homestead, Saturday May 04, 1-3 pm and 3-5 pm. 3. Replacements trees have been interplanted with Ash trees. Injection treatment will begin soon. 4. Oak Brook Pines Subdivision, across from San Remo Dr., is being required to improve/update storm water runoff. This is a state mandate. Public meeting is May 08, 2024at 6 pm. 5. S. Kershner and A.Matth, (Rec and Parks Dept Director), presented the Open Space Plan to the city council. The next step is to hire a consultant to refine the plan. Listen & Learn sessions at expected late summer going into autumn. We need to wait to see what the consultant decides, first. 6. The city is proposing updates to the Water Ordinance. 7. With grant money- the city is conducting an Industrial User Survey (IUS) and Service Line Inventory (SLI). -IUS: Conducting outreach to industries to determine wastewater pollutants from industrial users. The City’s wastewater ordinance will be updated related to industrial discharges identified through the survey. - SLI: Conducting a service line inventory to identify any lead pipes in the water distribution system. Work is ongoing, but no lead pipes have been found. 8. May 29, 2024, the city is meeting to discuss city committees. The City Charter states that Council can appoint committees it “feels to be in the best interests of the City.” In the adopted FY24 Policy Priorities and Strategies, includes a priority to “consider revamping the Committee structure after the adoption of the City Plan 2024.” In March the City Council gave direction for staff and Committee Chairs to work together to develop recommendations for Council to consider that ensure that the Council’s policy advising committees are aligned to the work of the City as outlined in the City Plan 2024. Recommendations may include anything from keeping some or all committees as they are, to modifying areas of responsibility, to establishing one or more new committees or merging existing committees. 6. Home Grown National Parks has been moved to June. 7. Stormwater pond lawn maintenance policies. Mowing and pesticide use review. (See the reference materials sent for the meeting. 1. Mr. Wheeler, Water Resources Engineer: enlightened us into the world of water resources and what the division maintains through out South Burlington. He explained reasons for mowing: to check infrastructure and pipes, dredge out sediments, monitor water levels. Mowing helps keep invasive wild parsnip, under control. Mr. Chaulot supports less mowing to provide pollinator habitat. Miss Boyk inquired if the mowing affects nutrient levels in the ponds. It does not appear to. Mr. Chaulot still wants to discuss the mowing with the scheduler at public works. 8. VT Pesticide Ordinance 1. Bill H.706 is making its way through the statehouse in Montpelier. We need to wait to see what the state decides. 9. Tree regulations: Strategy for LDR revision draft creation. 1. We are waiting for the revised Tree Ordinance to be presented to the Planning Committee. Mr. Bossange has already started working on a draft embedding language the NRCC would like to see added. Mr. Chaulot and Mr. Keene will join him to finish the changes. Mr. Wheeler feels it could be beneficial to present a completed document that already included our modifications. The gentlemen will work to have this complete by our next meeting. 10. Member Updates 1. The, “Wildlife & People”, event was held April 24. Wildlife rehabilitator Sophia Parker and VT Fish & Wildlife Game Wardens Asa Sargent & Jeremy Schmid, were present to answer questions about wildlife. Information was available with resources letting people know what to do and who to contact should an injured animal be found. Rehabilitators are specially trained and licensed how to handle and assist wildlife. 2. Mr. Kupferman will keep the group informed of upcoming “Burlington Wild Ways” environmental events. 3. Mr. Doyle inquired about “Friends of...” groups for parks/natural areas. Is it possible to have future discussions as to how these groups can help with volunteering and fundraising. Like the group of Weed Warriors. Friends of Dog Parks generally help monitor and clean. NEXT MEETING IS JUNE 05, 2024 at 8:00 pm Adjourned at 8:05 pm