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Minutes - Development Review Board - 09/05/2017
DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: B. Miller, Chair; M. Cota, J Smith, D. Parsons, J. Wilking, M. Behr ALSO PRESENT: R. Belair, Administrative Officer; M. Keene, Development Review Planner; B. Provost, D. Burke, S. & D. Mowat 1. Directions on emergency evacuation procedures from conference room: Mr. Miller provided directions on emergency evacuation procedures. 2. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the Agenda: No issues were raised. 4. Announcements: There were no announcements. 5. Final Plat Application #SD-17-19 (as corrected) of South Village Communities, LLC, referred to as the applicant, to revise footprint lots for eight units, 1840 Spear Street: Mr. Burke noted this is part of Phase II of the development. He noted 4 corner duplexes which are the focus of this application. Because of a change to the footprint lot, the wall between them will no longer be straight. Mr. Burke pointed out the units in question on the plan. The applicant is OK with the stipulation that Tim Cowan sign the mylar. Mr. Cota moved to close #SD-17-19. Mr. Wilking seconded. Motion passed 6-0. 6. Final Plat Application #SD-17-20 of Robert Provost to create two footprint lots, 27-29 Birch Street: Mr. Provost explained that he got approval for a double lot that was merged. The permit does not provide for footprint conveyance which had prohibited him from selling. This application would clean up that issue. It is just a change of language, not a change to the plan. No issues were raised. Mr. Cota moved to close #SD-17-20. Ms. Smith seconded. Motion passed 6-0. 7. Minutes of 15 and 24 August 2017: Mr. Cota moved to approve the Minutes of 15 and 24 August as written. Ms. Smith seconded. Motion passed 6-0. 8. Other Business: There was no other business. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by common consent at 7:08 p.m. These minutes were approved by the Board on September 19, 2017 Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works. #SD‐17‐19 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING RIVERS EDGE BUILDING DEVELOPMENT, LLC – 1840 SPEAR STREET FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD‐17‐19 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Final plat application #SD‐17‐19 of Rivers Edge Building Development, LLC to amend a previously approved planned unit development consisting of revising the footprint lots for eight (8) units, 1840 Spear Street. The Development Review Board held a public hearing on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. Paul Brogna represented the applicant. Based on testimony provided at the above mentioned public hearing and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the Development Review Board finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The project consists of amending a previously approved planned unit development consisting of revising footprint lots for eight (8) units, 1840 Spear Street. 2. The owner of record of the subject properties is South Village Communities LLC. 3. The application was received on July 26, 2017. 4. The subject property is located in the Southeast Quadrant Zoning District. 5. The plan submitted consists of a five (5) page set of plans, drawing number P2 is entitled “Phase 2 Lotting Plat South Village Communities, LLC Spear Street South Burlington, Vermont,” prepared by Civil Engineering Associates, Inc., dated October 31, 2013, and last revised 06/09/2017. 6. The applicant previously obtained approval from the DRB for the creation of the eight (8) footprint lots in December 2014 (cf. #SD‐14‐33). Dimensional Standards: The applicant proposes to amend the depth of six of the previously approved footprint lot lines, and the alignment of the side of all eight previously approved footprint lot lines previously approved in this subdivision. This action would create non‐conforming lots (being of insufficient individual size, and having zero setbacks, and no road frontage) and therefore will not be considered individual lots for the LDRs. For purposes of the LDRs, footprint lots 22N, 23N, 58N, 58N 62N and 63N shall be considered one lot with the other footprint lots located on Parcel C. Footprint lots 28N and 29N shall be considered one lot with the other footprint lots located on Parcel D. The applicant will be required to record a “Notice of Condition” to this effect which has been approved by the City Attorney prior to recording the final plat plan. #SD‐17‐19 2 DECISION Motion by ___, seconded by ___, to approve final plat application #SD‐17‐19 of Rivers Edge Building Development, LLC, subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations for the South Village project shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3. The plat plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plat shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to recording the plat. a. The plat plan shall be revised to include the signature of the land surveyor. 4. For purposes of the LDRs, all lots included in this subdivision shall be considered part of Parcel C or D as approved previously and as described above. The applicants shall record a “Notice of Condition” to this effect which has been approved by the City Attorney prior to recording the final plat plan. 5. A digital PDF version of the full set of approved final plat shall be delivered to the Administrative Officer before recording the final plat plan. 6. Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 7. The final plat plan (survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 180 days or this approval is null and void. The plat plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit copies of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the South Burlington GIS Coordinator. Mark Behr Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Matt Cota Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Frank Kochman Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Bill Miller Yea Nay Abstain Not Present David Parsons Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Jennifer Smith Yea Nay Abstain Not Present John Wilking Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Motion carried by a vote of _– _ – _. Signed this ____ day of __________________ 2017, by _____________________________________ Bill Miller, Chair #SD‐17‐19 3 Please note: An appeal of this decision may be taken by filing, within 30 days of the date of this decision, a notice of appeal and the required fee by certified mail to the Superior Court, Environmental Division. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b). A copy of the notice of appeal must also be mailed to the City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning Department at 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b)(4)(A). Please contact the Environmental Division at 802‐915‐1740 or https://www.vermontjudiciary.org/environmental for more information on filing requirements, deadlines, fees and mailing address. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.477.2241 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. Exist. 20' widemulti-purposeeasement forstormwater &potential futurerecreation pathsn/f L. LongExempt Family TrustPHASE 1LOT 11B(FOR DEVELOPMENT)PHASE 1LOT 11A(FOR DEVELOPMENT)1N2N3N4N5N6N7N8N9N10N11N12N13N14N15N16N17N18N19N21N20N22N23N24N25N26N27N28N29N30N31N32N33N34N35N36N37N38N39N40N41N42N43N44N45N46N47N48aN49aN50N51N52N53N54N55N66N67N68N-79NPARCEL "c"2.22 ac.STORMWATERDETENTION AREA(TYPICAL)SCHEMATICBLDG. LOTSONLY (TYP.)PARCEL "A2"PARCEL "B" 0.94 a c .n/f C.E. LongRevocable TrustPARCEL "D"1.91 Acres"Quiet Path"Exact location to bedetermined duringconstruction"Quiet Path"Exact location to bedetermined duringconstruction"Quiet Path"Exact location to bedetermined duringconstruction80N-91NPARCEL "A2"1.08 acres56N57N58N59N60N61N62N63N64N65NPROPOSEDSTORMWATERAREA ACCESS"Quiet Path"Exact location to bedetermined duringconstructionPARCEL "A1"0.51 acres1. This sheet depicts the boundaries of proposed lots and parcelsof Phase 2.2. The perimeter boundary survey was performed during 2004-5using an electronic total station and GPS.3. Bearings shown are referenced to Grid North, VermontCoordinate System of 1983, related to National GeodeticSurvey marks PG1580 "F 65" and AB9571 "NE Aiken"established by RTK GPS measurements.4. Spear Street has a 66 foot wide right of way. Location wasdetermined by existing monumentation and the traveledportion of the road. Reference Town of Burlington "Highwaysand Roads 1802-1865", Page 22, and Town of ShelburneTown Minutes Volume 1, Page 229.5. This property lies within the "Southeast Quadrant" and the"Spear Street - Allen Road Scenic View Protection Overlay"zoning districts.- Legend -- Survey Notes -NOTE:CAPPED IRON RODSPROPOSED AT LOTCORNERS (TYP.)- Short Line Table -- Curve Table -To the best of my knowledge & belief this plat, consistingof three sheets, properly depicts the results of a surveyconducted under my supervision and is based uponrecords & field evidence found. Perimeter boundariesshown are in substantial conformance with the recordsunless noted otherwise. This plat is in substantialcompliance with 27 VSA 1403 "Recording of Land Plats". _______________________________________ Timothy R. Cowan VT LS 597GAC1" = 80'01243.10P2PLATSOUTH VILLAGECOMMUNITIES, LLCSpear StreetSouth Burlington, VermontTRCTRCOCT. 31, 2013RECEIVED FOR RECORDING IN THE LAND RECORDS OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT, AT _____ O'CLOCK ON THE _____ DAY OF __________, 20____.ATTEST: ____________________________, CITY CLERKAPPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENTREVIEW BOARD OF THE CITY OF SOUTHBURLINGTON, VERMONT, ON THE ____ DAY OF_____________, 2015, SUBJECT TO THEREQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS OF SAIDRESOLUTION.SIGNED THIS ____ DAY OF ______________, 20___,BY _____________________________, CHAIRPERSON.42NSEE SHEET P1 (of 3) forLOCATION MAPSEE SHEET P3 (of 3) forEASEMENTS61N-70N10.01.2015Modify Lots 92N - 96N, Areas, TableTRC10.21.2015 TRCCombine Lots 92N - 93N11.05.2015 TRCDivide Common Area A11.17.2015 DSMRemoved Lots 92N - 96N02.22.2016 TRCLabel "Common Lands" as "Parcels" 06.24.2016 TRCAdd "Special Set-back Note"SPECIAL SET-BACK NOTEThe following single-family lots,marked with an asterisk (*) haverecieved special DRB approvalfor 5' setbacks for side and rearsetbacks, and 10' street-facingsetbacks. The subject lots arenumbered: 38N, 39N, 40N, 41N,42N, 43N, 44N, 45N, 46N, 47N,48aN, 49aN, 50N, 51N, 52N,53N, 54N, 55N, 66N, and 67N.06.09.2017 TRCRevise Footprint Lot for Duplex UnitsP:\AutoCADD Projects\2001\01243plt\PHASE 2 (2013)\PHASE 2 PLAT P2-P3 (06-09-17).dwg, 6/21/2017 10:29:11 AM, DWG To PDF.pc3 #SD-17-20 1 CITY OF SOUTH BURLINGTON DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING ROBERT PROVOST 27‐29 BIRCH STREET FINAL PLAT APPLICATION #SD‐17‐20 FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION Robert Provost, hereinafter referred to as the applicant, is seeking approval for final plat application #SD‐17‐20 to create two (2) footprint lots, 27 & 29 Birch Street. The Development Review Board held a public hearing on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. Robert Provost represented himself. Based on testimony provided at the above mentioned public hearing and the plans and supporting materials contained in the document file for this application, the Development Review Board finds, concludes, and decides the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The project consists of Final Plat Application #SD‐17‐20 of Robert Provost to create two (2) footprint lots, 27‐29 Birch Street. 2. The owner of record of the subject properties is Robert Provost. 3. The application was received on August 7, 2017. 4. The subject property is located in the Residential 4 Zoning subdistrict. 5. The plan submitted is entitled “Plat of Lands of 27‐29 Birch Street Common Interest Community South Burlington, Vermont,” dated April 2017 and prepared by Richard W. Bell Land Surveying, Inc. Dimensional Standards: The applicant proposes to create two (2) footprint lot lines around the individual dwelling units previously approved in this subdivision. This action would create non‐conforming lots (being of insufficient individual size, and having zero setbacks in between each unit on a lot) and therefore will not be considered individual lots for the LDRs. For purposes of the LDRs, the two footprint lots included in this proposal shall be considered one lot (Lot 29) as approved previously. The applicant will be required to record a “Notice of Condition” to this effect which has been approved by the City Attorney prior to recording the final plat plan. #SD-17-20 2 DECISION Motion by ___, seconded by ___, to approve final plat application #SD‐17‐20 of Robert Provost subject to the following conditions: 1. All previous approvals and stipulations shall remain in full effect except as amended herein. 2. This project shall be completed as shown on the plat submitted by the applicant and on file in the South Burlington Department of Planning and Zoning. 3. The plat plan shall be revised to show the changes below and shall require approval of the Administrative Officer. Three (3) copies of the approved revised plat shall be submitted to the Administrative Officer prior to recording the plat. a. The plat plan shall be revised to include the signature of the land surveyor. 4. For purposes of the LDRs, the lots included in this subdivision shall be considered two (2) lots as approved previously. The applicants shall record a “Notice of Condition” to this effect which has been approved by the City Attorney prior to recording the final plat plan. 5. A digital PDF version of the full set of approved final plat shall be delivered to the Administrative Officer before recording the final plat plan. 6. Any changes to the final plat plan shall require approval of the South Burlington Development Review Board. 7. The final plat plan (survey plat) shall be recorded in the land records within 180 days or this approval is null and void. The plat plan shall be signed by the Board Chair or Clerk prior to recording. Prior to recording the final plat plan, the applicant shall submit copies of the survey plat in digital format. The format of the digital information shall require approval of the South Burlington GIS Coordinator. Mark Behr Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Matt Cota Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Frank Kochman Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Bill Miller Yea Nay Abstain Not Present David Parsons Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Jennifer Smith Yea Nay Abstain Not Present John Wilking Yea Nay Abstain Not Present Motion carried by a vote of _– _ – _. Signed this ____ day of __________________ 2017, by _____________________________________ Bill Miller, Chair #SD-17-20 3 Please note: An appeal of this decision may be taken by filing, within 30 days of the date of this decision, a notice of appeal and the required fee by certified mail to the Superior Court, Environmental Division. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b). A copy of the notice of appeal must also be mailed to the City of South Burlington Planning and Zoning Department at 575 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403. See V.R.E.C.P. 5(b) (4)(A). Please contact the Environmental Division at 802‐828‐1660 or http://vermontjudiciary.org/GTC/environmental/default.aspx for more information on filing requirements, deadlines, fees and mailing address. The applicant or permittee retains the obligation to identify, apply for, and obtain relevant state permits for this project. Call 802.879.5676 to speak with the regional Permit Specialist. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 The South Burlington Development Review Board held a regular meeting on Tuesday, 15 August 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: B. Miller, Chair; J. Smith, D. Parsons, M. Cota, F. Kochman, M. Behr ALSO PRESENT: R. Belair, Administrative Officer; M. Keene, Development Review Planner; J. Anderson, M. Cushman, D. Welch, G. Titcomb, M. Weissman, K. & T. Easton, T. Ryan, M. Traub, M. Curran, M. Janswold, S. & D. Mowat, J. Boisvert, D. Twitchell, R. Jeffers, W. Davis, D. Marshall, S. Darnell, P. Brogna, J. Goodwin, L. Bresee, P. O’Brien, J. Soncranz, N. Andrews, A. Owens 1. Directions on emergency evacuation procedures from conference room: Mr. Miller provided directions on emergency evacuation procedures. 2. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments & Questions from the public not related to the Agenda: No issues were raised. 4. Announcements: There were no announcements. 5. Appeal #AO‐17‐03 of Century Partners, LP, and Thirty Three Mary Street, LLC, appealing the issuance of site plan application #SP‐17‐29 for the construction of a 58,551 sq. ft. four‐story mixed‐use building which includes 39 residential units, 146 Market Street: Mr. Cota moved to continue #AO‐17‐03 to 24 August 2017, 7 p.m. Ms. Smith seconded. Motion passed 6‐0. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 PAGE 2 2 6. Conditional Use Application #CU‐17‐08 of Cushman Design Group to raze an existing single family dwelling and construct a new 2‐story single family dwelling with an accessory residential units, 34 Brigham Road: Ms. Keene noted that a new application was received today indicating that the retaining wall is now consistent with the regulations. Mr. Cushman noted they have also added a dock to the plan which had not been visible until the water level went down. Mr. Cushman showed the existing home and cottage on the plan and said both will be demolished. They will rebuild the main residence. The cottage will also be rebuilt, moving it to within the setback line. There will be a covered connection between the two buildings. The sea wall will be replaced (Mr. Cushman indicated the location). No trees will be removed; however, they will add some trees. They will also add some parking. They are still under the allowable pervious coverage. The building height is 6 inches under the maximum allowable. Mr. Miller said the plan now complies with environmental regulations. The applicant has been cautioned to take care of existing trees during excavation. Mr. Cushman said the large cottonwood in question will not be threatened. Mr. Cushman noted the change of material for the retaining wall. It will be a “boulder wall.” Mr. Belair said the cottage is considered an accessory residential use. Mr. Miller noted receipt of a memo from the neighbors. Mr. Belair said it appears there is a boundary dispute, which is not within the Board’s purview to resolve. However, the Board may want to delay action until the dispute is settled because it may result in a change in the site plan. Mr. Cushman asked that there be a condition in the approval that this issue needs to be resolved. He showed the area of contention, and said it does not affect the footprint of the existing building or the buildings in the site plan. Mr. Kochman felt the issue was irrelevant unless the applicant needed the additional land to meet requirements. Mr. Cushman said they are well under all coverages. Mr. Kochman cited a recent Supreme Court decision which allowed a development to go forward because there was not a “material change.” He felt this was so trivial that the applicants should not be held up. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 PAGE 3 3 Mr. Behr agreed with Mr. Kochman and said the applicant can come back with an amended plan after the issue is settled. Mr. Cota moved to close #CU‐17‐08. Mr. Kochman seconded. Motion passed 6‐0. 7. Conditional Use Application #CU‐17‐07 of Don Welch Architecture to raze existing single family dwelling and construct a new 2‐story single family dwelling with an attached garage, 115 Holmes Avenue: Mr. Welch said they will take down the existing structure and build a new house. The existing house has a “mostly attached” garage; the new house will have a fully attached garage. They will move the house back from where the existing house is, and the square footage will be reduced by about 1000 sq. ft., as will the coverage. Six trees will be removed (one of which is hanging over the neighbor’s driveway and some of which are not healthy). They are proposing 7 new trees as well as a buffer planting to mitigate stormwater runoff in the northwest corner. The driveway is being reduced in size, and the gate at the end of the driveway will be removed. The new house will be lower than the existing house. The concrete steps are not being touched. Mr. Welch showed pictures of the proposed new house. Mr. Kochman asked if the house is on city water and sewer. Mr. Welch said it is. Mr. Miller noted staff comments on erosion control. Mr. Welch said they will address those issues. Mr. Easton asked if there is a stormwater plan. He didn’t want to hold up the project, but he wanted to see the erosion plans. Mr. Welch said they are currently working with an engineer. The aim is to reduce the amount of water that goes onto the Easton property. A lot of that water is coming off the roof during a heavy storm. They will now be pitching the roof further back, and there will be a dry well underneath. That will slow the water down. Mr. Easton said he was confident it would be worked out amicably. No other issues were raised. Mr. Cota moved to close #CU‐17‐07. Mr. Kochman seconded. Motion passed 6‐0. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 PAGE 4 4 8. Preliminary & Final Plat Application #SD‐17‐18 of South Village Communities, LLC, for approval of Phase III of 334 unit planned unit development. Phase III is to consist of the following: 1) 22 single family dwellings; 2) four two‐family dwellings, 3) two three‐unit multi‐family dwellings, and 4) two 12‐unit multi‐family dwellings, 1840 Spear Street: Ms. Jeffers showed an overall Master Plan with all three phases and identified each. She noted that Phase 1 is 80% complete; phase 2 is about 30% complete and is under construction; phase 3 is now just a field. Ms. Jeffers reminded the Board that South Village is an “agri‐hood” with 12.8 acres of farm in the middle. It is also a conservation area with over 130 acres to be conserved. For this reason, development is done in a dense manner. Houses all have front porches and connect to a sidewalk. The application includes waivers similar to those in the previous 2 phases. Some of the houses will be “rear loaded.” They will face the street, but the driveway/garage will be in the rear. The south side of the street will have a rec path; the other side will have a sidewalk. Ms. Jeffers noted that staff has asked that there be no sidewalk on both sides where there are just 3 houses. She asked the Board to approve sidewalks there. Mr. Marshall then reviewed the history of South Village including a consent decree that created more open space preservation for a wildlife corridor. He also noted conditions in the Master Plan regarding connectivity. Mr. Marshall also advised that ultimately there will be a $20,000 payment to the City for traffic calming on Midland Avenue. Mr. Marshall said that Phase 3 benefits from work done in the previous phases (e.g., sewage system). The current site has a number of drainage divides. There is also a gravel wetland for initial treatment. Mr. Marshall showed the location of these. Mr. Miller asked if cleaning of wetland is required. Mr. Marshall said it is not. Mr. Marshall indicated the 12‐plex buildings which are in the Master Plan. They are working on some of staff’s comments regarding these and will have answers in time for a continued hearing. The majority of parking is underground, but there will be some parking, including handicapped parking, above ground. There will be no regular parking in front of buildings. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 PAGE 5 5 The entire project is subject to a State wetlands permit. They will try to document how existing features have worked (photos, etc.). The continued hearing will have that level of detail. Mr. Miller asked about affordable housing. Ms. Jeffers said there is a requirement for affordable housing. They have asked to work with staff on that, specifically where those units would be located. Ms. Jeffers said they are requesting that the sidewalk be on both sides of the road, even where staff has asked that it shouldn’t be. In the past, residents have asked for a sidewalk on both sides when that was not provided. The sidewalk would be just in front of the 3 units to the crosswalk. Mr. Parsons suggested the applicant think about an alternative to a traditional sidewalk. Mr. Behr showed a potential route for a sidewalk that would connect with one of the other 2 neighborhoods. He said he could support that. Ms. Jeffers said the will certainly think about that option. Mr. Kochman asked why they should be able to build to the limit before building any affordable housing. Mr. Marshall said not all the phases have been worked out, and there is still room for affordable housing in all phases. Mr. Kochman felt there should be a clear affordability plan before any more units are built. Mr. Behr noted that the affordable housing comes with a density bonus; half of the bonus has to be affordable. The bonus kicks in at the 269th unit. After that, half of the housing has to be affordable. It also has to be spread out and be evenly distributed. Mr. Kochman stressed that the affordable units should not be “concentrated” in one area. Mr. Behr asked that before this preliminary and final plat are approved the applicant come in and show how they will distribute the affordable units. He said he would lean toward a condition that there be a plan that distributes affordability proportionally in all three phases. Mr. Miller noted there is still room in Phase 1 and Phase 2 for 10% of the units to be affordable. Ms. Owens asked that there be speed bumps to slow down traffic through the intersection near her home. She said that cars go over the roundabout at high speeds. Mr. Marshall said he spoke with the Public Works Director who is supportive of raised areas for traffic calming, and it is their intent to do that. He also noted that the height of the roundabout was determined by the Fire Department. Ms. Darnell said there was a meeting of the neighborhood at which they saw plans for the rest of the buildout mostly in Phase 1. There were very attractive row houses. She asked if these would not be built in order to meet the affordable housing requirement. Mr. Behr said one of DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 PAGE 6 6 those row houses could be an affordable unit. He stressed that all the units would look the same from the outside. The “affordability” factor would involve inside finishes, so there would be no distinction between the units from the outside. Ms. Soncranz was concerned with the multiplex going behind their home and the possibility of affordable units reducing the value of their home. Mr. Kochman said that if the spirit of the law is observed, it will still be a great community. Mr. Mowat asked that Phase 3 not be considered on its own but as part of the Master Plan. He was concerned that considering it on its own would “compromise” the other areas. Mr. Andrews asked about the median income that would establish who the affordable units would be built for. Ms. Jeffers said the median income is $84,600. A purchase price of $280,000 meets that income level. Mr. Behr added that there is a process to oversee that the affordable units remain affordable. Mr. Behr also stressed that affordable housing does not reduce property values. It provides housing for people who work in the community so they can live in the community. It will not be substandard housing. Mr. Bresee noted that when the bike path was first created, there was a “tag” put on it that said: “a green ribbon to tie the city together.” He felt there wasn’t a project that does it better than this one. Ms. Darnell felt South Village is an ideal place for affordable housing. She just did not understand how it will work considering the prices of houses in the area. She felt it would be hard to pull off because it wasn’t planned from the beginning. Ms. Jeffers said the details are not yet worked out, but it is their intention to build to that price point. Champlain Housing Trust will vet potential buyers. Mr. Cota then moved to continue #SD‐17‐18 to 19 September 2017. Ms. Smith seconded. Motion passed 6‐0. 9. Minutes of 1 August 2017: Mr. Cota moved to approve the Minutes of 1 August 2017 as written. Mr. Parsons seconded. Motion passed 6‐0. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD 15 AUGUST 2017 PAGE 7 7 10. Other Business: Mr. Kochman noted there has been a proposal pending for an amendment to the LDRs since February to be taken up by the Planning Commission. That has not yet happened. He thought there would have to be an exception for duplexes (regarding setbacks). He also stressed the need to get rid of the “supposed legal opinion,” which he has never seen, which says that footprint lots are not lots. He felt there is nothing to support that. As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by common consent at 9:00 p.m. _____________________________________ Clerk _____________________________________ Date SOUTH BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MEETING MINUTES 24 AUGUST 2017 1 The South Burlington Development Review Board held a special meeting on Thursday, 24 August 2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the Conference Room, City Hall, 575 Dorset Street. MEMBERS PRESENT: B. Miller, Chair (via phone); J. Smith (via phone), M. Cota (via phone), F. Kochman (via phone), J. Wilking (via phone) ALSO PRESENT: C. Snyder (via phone); M. Sperry (via phone); Paul Conner, Director of Planning & Zoning 1. Directions on emergency evacuation procedures from conference room: Mr. Conner provided directions on emergency evacuation procedures. 2. Additions, deletions, or changes in order of agenda items: No changes were made to the Agenda. 3. Comments & Questions from the public not related to the Agenda: No issues were raised. 4. Announcements: There were no announcements. 5. Appeal #AO-17-03 of Century Partners, LP, and Thirty Three Mary Street, LLC, appealing the issuance of site plan application #SP-17-29 for the construction of a 58,551 sq. ft. four- story mixed-use building which includes 39 residential units, 146 Market Street: Mr. Cota moved to continue #AO-17-03 to 19 September 2017, 7 p.m. Mr. Kochman seconded. Motion passed 5-0. 6. Minutes No action taken 7. Other Business: None As there was no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by common consent at 7:07 p.m. _____________________________________ Clerk _____________________________________ Date