HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0000 Harbor View Road (2)r-- 3 ,s n r� I�] LL1 T U r i BEARINGS ARE MAGNETI(- BASED UPON REFERENCE FLAN E os R.o.w V � � �✓ , 1 GU UUVA w CHORDR N 6� �06'06 w I �0�0t r C HOPC � < LOT 1 49,60 6 S.F N/ F ENE tom, COHEN o e .F. WALL ASSOC V-1 b4ME W PROPERTY LINE EXIST. _ BLDG. N 70° 2G' 5O" `,,V 24w85 FDRMER LOT 2 94 661 SF ADDITION 30 103 SFF NEW TOTAL 124 7(o4 SF MOSFITALi-7Y LEASING CO. V--199 P 2S7 (DER LOT 2) FARRELL ;4 57°56 47"vV N' R- PORT IGN OF LO T0LOT 2 30,103 S I= COHEN TO HOSPITALITY 22 W, 401.21 ' 4 43.4 5 S.?8� 22 13E TH14 FLAN IS CORREC SURVEY,, PLAN BY KF OF THE COMMERCIAL DATED AUG.,1982, REV. TO 12-17-82, FIE ANQ AN E.G.M. 'YTRAN: S`T L=1391' 3 w L=4o. —HORD ' I 5)r49'2SivV I CHORD I' 0913r. W 4 0.62' i P = 468,35.0— II 0�\` c` LOT 3 N/F _i WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP. V-184 R499 T AND BASED UPON AN ORIGINAL WEBS 4 LANSING CONSULTING ENG• INC. SUBDIVISION- BARTLETT PROPERTY" L D INFORMATION, SIT SURVEY LOCAT/ON MAP KENNETH W. * PINKHAM No. 203 0 FC'�Ssu �� THIS PLAT DEPICTS A LAID TRANSFER OF 30,1W SQ.FT. FROM LOT I TO LOT 2 . • LEGEND _ Cormw monw wnt round Iron ppe bund Cmcrsw nwnumant set Iron pips set PaDpsrty oorner adaA wd Ve i vim ofthon sit) Contra! point Property lirw Rlltt o-� way . SURVEY- KEP CALCULATED I.Dp CHECKED DESIGN DRAWN LOY TRACED FE APPROVED 62" DATE: Sep(It I8, 196 SCALE (a S0 PROJ. NO. S 62Z G#1 PROPERTY SURVEY HOSPITALITY LEASING CC 14ARBOR VIEW ROAD c') BURLINCTON PINKHAM ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. LEMEM OF UIRU MUL The Maltex Building 431 Pine Street Burlington, VT 05401-4742 TO k177 <:, � f,eo/ / WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached E] Under separate cover --- Ll Shop drawings LI Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order DATE JOB NO. ATTENTION i�rcl,E RE: /� .� Y/ram c✓ .�'1� -- iZ- ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION —zx3" x Z- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: El For approval ❑ Approved as submitted For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit _copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints 19 _ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _,?' 7-99;Z�P aj-- 7— C ,r b 3^ 7-i S 11-, T.y.E' E.►Jc4:: - z::) Ala, -- y� COPY TO f/ SIGNED: PRODUCT2402 EB$ IM.,Groton, Mass .01411. It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. I I )I<JI IIII I � ILIt%I�)\"I - �%ARRAN I `w' 11.1.1 Hi i Uitsu Z4 tt t GENE R. COHEN ��— o f Westbrook in the County of Cumberland and State of Maine Grantor , in the consideration of Ten and More($10.00)----------------------------------------------------- Dollars paid to his full satisfaction by HOSPITALITY LEASING COMPANY, a Vermont General Partnership, with principal place of business in South Burlington, 6 f in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont Grantee , by these presents, do freely 6 i11E, (6raut, zilllb Loltftrlll unto the said Grantee HOSPITALITY LEASING COMPANY, successors and its xkgjW and assigns forever, a certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows, viz: A vacant parcel of land consistiiig of 30,103 square feet, more or less, located on the southerly side of Harbor View Road in the City of South Burlington, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the southerly sideline of Harbor View Road, which point is marked by a concrete monument set in the westerly edge of a right-of-way, and which point marks the northeast corner of the property herein conveyed; thence proceeding N 57049125" W along the southerly sideline of Harbor View Road a distance o .91 feet, more or less to a concrete monument; thence continuing along the southerly sideline of Harbor View Road N 56°58'22" W a distance of 100 feet, more \ or less, to a concrete monument; thence continuing along the southerly sideline of Harbor View Road N 5'47" W a distance of 27.08 feet, vJ more or less, to a point marked� by a concrete monument; thence turning to th eft and proceeding S24007'17" W a distance of 186.63 feet, more or less, a point marked by aconcrete monument; thence turning to the right and proceeding N 70 26 50��W a distance of 245.85 feet, more or less, to a point in the easterly sideline of U.S. Route 7 marked by a concrete monument; thence proceeding S 66°46'22" E a distance of 401.21 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning to the left and proceeding N 18047'00" E a distance of 179.58 feet, more or less, along V the westerly sideline of a right-of-way to the point or place of beginning. Being all and the same land and premises depicted as "Portion of r % Lot 1 to Lot 2, 30,103 SF, Cohen to Hospitality," on a map entitled, "Property Survey, Hospitality Leasing Co., Harbor View Road, South Burlington, Vermont," Pinkham Engineering Associates, Inc., dated September 18, 1985, of record in Plat Book at Page of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington. Being a portion of all and the same lands and conveyed ed to P Y Gene R. Cohen by Warranty Deed of LTH Associates dated November 30, 1982, of record in Volume 184 at Pages 320-321 of the South Burlington Land Records. o This conveyance does not create a new lot for resale; the property p o herein conveyed is intended to become a portion of Lot No. 2 as depicted on a Plan entitled, "Commercial Subdivision Bartlett Property" dated March, 1982, of record ill Plat Book 173 at Page 70 of the Land Records f of the City of South Burlington. Reference is hereby made to the above -mentioned deeds and maps, the references therein contained and the records thereof, all in further aid of this description. TU 11alle allb W 110ib said grunted premises, with all the privileges and ap- purtenances thereof, to the said Grantee HOSPITALITY LEASING COMPANY, Its successors beilrs and assigns, to their own use and behoof forever; And I the said Grantor �► ; o?ePi3�i for myself and my heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant with the said Grantee HOSPITALITY LEASING COMPANY, Its successors and assigns, xam, that until the ensealing of these presents I am the sole owner of the premises, and have good right and title to convey the same in manner aforesaid, that they are 1i'rLc from eller1,T 1011culltbrance; Except as aforesaid; and I hereby engage to Ularrmit nub Defcllb the same against all lawful claim,, whatever, except as aforesaid. �lnttnessilcrYDf, I hereunto set my hand and sea this day of October A. D. 19 85. �ln Presence of GENE R. COHEN By His Attorney -In- =�%1 Fact, Jon R. EP-2leston titte of �Ierinallt, 53 At Burlington CHITT]MEN (9D1I1-ttlU day of October thi,, A. D. 19 85 GENE R. COHEN, by his Attorney -In -Fact, Jon R. Eggleston, personally appeared, and he acknowledged this instrument, b3 him sealed and subscribed, to be his free act and deed. Before me Notary Public (Title) PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX RETURN M VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF TAXES No. A 719 3 61 MONTPELIER. VERMONT 05602 A. SELLER (TRANSFEROR) NAME(S) r' Nl ! UI:I • u. l L IL. I, IJ.f,t, LIP 'I�/ 42-39iJ Box 55� Westbrook Maine 0�+�92 ri- [ i Gene R. Cohen P.O. tlUYEH (TH ANSFf HEL) NAMLISI 1.1AILING AUUHtSS IN l U1.1 INC( LIUING /IP CUDE SOCIAL `.ECUiIITY NUf.tL Hospitality Leasing CDoipany R70 161i I ast,oc,_R ,_nth - -Burl ington-VI' TMI,- • LOCATION (Such as "173 Maple St.• burunylon" OH "The Smith Faun Uld Mdl Nu,el, Twdu nlye"1. II p.uperty n '• J n. Is.0 u...ns, plca•ar list both. 0 103.-quare feet) Harbor View Road South Bu 1'n n II the buvers aco—ed less Ina- the entire rote."" IFee Simple) .n the pnsperf v. pleese stew the interest , 4uee1 (such as I le Estah•." "Perpetual Eaw-ent• vtc.) APPROXIMATE LAND SIZE ACREAGE. ANDLOTSILE FRONTA.;E UEPTrf Please ehecs Ilse ,Wldre ule uu.(es) descr.omy e•nliny bu Jd.r.p 1 ® NONE 3E] HOUSE 5QUAHN /D MUBILL IIUME UQ STORE :❑FACTORY 4 Q CAMP or VACATION HOME 6 Q APARTMENT, NO. UNITS 8Q CONUOMI NI UM, NO. LINT TS To[--] OTHER: EXPLAIN! Pieasr check the category which txsl dex:nbes the use 01 the pruprnv BEEUHE I HANSF LR as shown lit the OHAND LIST BOOK. 1 Q PRIMARY RESIDENCE ?11 TIMBERLAND 4Q GOVERNMENT USE t; [: UPEN LAF.i, 8 Q OTHER (EXPLAIN) (excluding mobile homy>I QNEWLY CONSTRUCTED 3 OPERATING FARM 5 a COMMERCIAL 7 INDUSTRIAL J El CAMP OR VACATION (never occupied. loss than I yr. old) QEXISTING Please check the category which best describes the proposed use of the pwper Iv AFTER TRANSF EH. 1 Q PRIMAHY RESIDENCE 30 OPERATING FARM 5 Qr COMMERCIAL T Q INULISTMAL CAMP OH VACATION 2Q TIMBERLAND 4 ❑:GOVERNMENT USE 611 UPLN LAND 8 OTHER (EXPLAIN) ,X-4—MIEN THIS SECTION MUST BE COMPLETED IF TRANSFER IS CLAIMED TO BE EXEMPT I HUM P14OPENTY TRANSFER TAX. It sus.n an e+mnpuon .s cla.med, you need not completo the section tilled "TAX," but you MUST COMPLETE the section w1w "VALUE " CIT[ FXFMPTI(.N and EXPLAIN_ REAL PROPERTY VALUE INCLUDES the value of any nines, property stocks, bonds, etc, given to seller, and the value of any murlyages or liens assumed uy the buyer If the t-rister w. a gift or was for nominal consiJeration,/ggiiv�e the estimated Iatr market value of the real property transferred TJL,; :'I+iCF PAIOS 48)000.00 LESS PERSONA) PROVE HTY S HEAL PHOVUHT,%ALUES TA%PAYMENT DUE FIVE TENTHS OF ONE PEHCENT (U UOW OF THE AMOUNT SHUWN ABOvc• tiU l NO LESS THAN SLUT) IFOR LXAMPLE IF THE VALUE AAS SIQu,)U THE TAX DUE IS S5a.00. IF THE VALUE WAS S100., THE TAX DUE IS SI,IXI) AMOUNT DUE y 240.00 M.,.. checks payable to VL,(MUNT UEP,Jh IMENT OF TAXES. 11 there were cucumslarsces .n the Transit, which wyy.•at that in.! puce pa.d for the property ,as either rrspre ur less than its lair n.arkei salue. 1 f PATE SELLkN ACDUIHLI'r. 11-30—_V__^_ II 1:1 l.11 I. Ursif UUIVUIs 111/16INAI LY ACUUIHtI) IF A VERMONT LAND (;AINS TAX RETURN IS REINU FILED. CIACK HERE. IF A VLHNiuN r LA?rU (;AINS TAX RETURN IS NOT BE IN.; F ILLU, INDICATE HE. ASLns. It, I U%V IMUST ME ONE Of HCASONS GIVEN IN INSTHUCTIONS.I Real Estate Broker's name Id any) If purchaser's principal residence exemption is claimed and purchaser fails to comply with exemption requirements, purchaser will be liable for full amount of Land Gains Tax. NOTE: Residents, Part -Year Residents, Non -Residents - If you realized a gain on the sale of your property that was included in your Federal Adjustect Gross Income, A Vermont Incon, Tex Return must be filed. CERTIFICATE PURSUANT TO 32 V.S.A. § 9606 (c) FOR SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (18 V.S.A. : 1218 et seq.) This transfer is in compliance with the Subdivision Rc�ilulations of the Agency of Envirumnental Cunservaticln anu ;iny permits issued thereundef. If this property has ever received a permit, specify the permit 44CO52J&. Permits must be ubtained PRIOR TO TRANSFER. II exempt, specify which numbered item front the instructions applies Or, on a separate sheet, explain other circumstances lot exemption 7F ___._—_. CERTIFICATE — Pursuant to 32 V.S.A. §9606 (e) we hereby swear and "affirm That we have investigated and have disclosed to each party involved in this transfer all of our knowledge regarding FLOOD REGULATIONS, if any, which offect the site hefeinbefore described. We hereby swear and affirm that this return and above certificates are true, correct and complete to the best of our knowledge as required by 32 V.S.A. a 9606 (b), (c) and (e). Willful falsification of any statement contained herein may result in a fine of not more than S1000. SELLEHIS) SIGNA111HL(S) DAI t ItitYl 111 Sr SIl.NA1Gi.....1 Hospitality Gene R. Cohen Duly Authorized Agent CERTI FICATE PURSUANT TO 32 V.S.A. 9608 FOR V ERMONT'S LAND USE AND DE V ELOPMENT LAW - ACT 250 (10 V.S.A. ' 6001 et seq.. This conveyance of real property and any development thereon is In curnpliance with or exernpi from 10 V.S.A. Chapter 151 (Act 250). Verinunt's Land Use and Development Law and any permits issued thereunder. If this property has ever received an Act 250 permit, please Specify the permit s_— If exempt, Specify which numbered item from the instructions applies or, on a separate sheet, explain other circumstances. I/We [the Seller(s)] hereby swear and affirm that this Certificate is true and complete to the best of my/our knowledge as required by 32 V.S.A. a 9608. Knowing falsification of any statement contained herein is punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than one year. SELLEH(S) SIGNATURE(S) DATE SELLER(S) SIGNATURE(S) UATE Gene R. Cohen I 7 PREPARER'S SIGNATURE PHEPARLD BY .Ton R. Egglestoon2 Esquire PREPARER'S ADDRESS _D /l D,.-. (PRINT OR TYPLMjl l e�, eS tOTi CY ROiPII IJf-+T' -> :—BOX 1489---Burlington. 11 } g, TOWN/CITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TOWN NUh18EH RETURN HECL IVLD TAX PAID, BOARD OF HEAL rH CEHTIFfCA TE DATE OF RECORD RTCLI VFD. Vt RM(NfT LAND UD.E AND DEVELIrPMENT PLANS ACT CI -FIT FICA I E HCCEIVLD."i7 u•�r` BOOK NUMBER PAGE NO. RETURN NO. LISTED VALUE S GRAND LIST Of 19 SIGNET) CLERK MAP AND PARCEL NUS DATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXES COPY =mein PT-1 IFf1AA R;s:e. —_ _ POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, GENE R. COHEN, of Westbrook, County of Cumberland and State of Maine, hereby make, constitute and appoint JON R. ECCLESTON of Westford, Countv of Chittenden and State of Vermont, my true and Lawful attorney -in -fact, for me and in my name, place and stead, giving unto JON R. EGGL.ESTON full power to sign, seal, deliver, acknowledge and execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the sale of a portion of a lot of land presently owned by me and located in the City of South Burlington, Vermont, and designated as Lot No. 1, Bartlett Subdivision, Shelburne Read and Harbor View Road, including but not limited to, a Warranty Deed, Property Transfer Tax Return, Land Gains Withholding Tax Return, and any other deeds, instruments and documents to which my signature may be required to effectuate the sale of said property. Giving and q,ranting unto my attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done to effectuate the sale of the property located at Bartlett Subdivision, Harbor View Road, in the City of South Burlington, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and conforming all that my said attorney, or his substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be done h. virtue of these presents. This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by disability or inccmpetency of the principal. This Power of Attorney shall be revoked ninety (90) days from the execution thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and seal this .//"/'day of r , A.D. , 1985. IN PRESENCE OF: it I STATE OF COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND, SS. Gene R. Cohen --� At , ;, --, e , Maine, this - day of , 1985, personally appeared Gene R. Cohen, and he acknowledged the foregoing Pacer of Attorney, signed and sealed by him, to be his free act and deed. Notary Public SHELLEY S. MOODY NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION EXPII?LS 6/13/87