HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes - Common Areas for Dogs Committee - 05/14/2024 Draft Common Area for Dogs Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday May 14, 2024 Members present: B. Milizia, M. Joy, R. Birgisson, L. Yankowski, E. Curran Staff present: A. Matth (Staff Liaison), T. Barritt (City Council Lisason) Public attendee: Sean Molaney 1.Welcome: Mrs. Milizia called the meeting to order at 6:05pm. 2. Adopt agenda with any changes: Ms. Yankowski moved to adopt, Mrs. Joy 2nd. Adopted unanimously. 3. Comments from the public not related to the agenda: There were no comments. 4. Adoption of meeting minutes for April 9, 2024: Ms. Birgisson moved to accept the minutes, Ms. Curran 2nd, Minutes were adopted unanimously, upon correction of designating an interim clerk. 5. Update for report. The “To Leash or Not To Leash” survey results have been posted to the South Burlington website, under the Common Area for Dogs page. Mr. Barritt will speak with city manager, Jessie Baker, to determine when the council will receive a presentation of the survey on an upcoming agenda. 6. Annual Work Plan Ms Milizia informed the committee about a meeting to be held on May 29, between city staff, staff liaisons and committee chairs. The goal of the meeting is to establish committees that will ensure the principles and work outlined in the City Plan 2024. The committee reviewed our 2024 work plan priorities and where they align with the “City Plan 2024 Key Principles”. It was pointed out the current housing being developed is high density housing, which will include canine family members. We feel it is important for us to work on relevant policy regulations. Our committee had submitted to staff, more than a year ago, recommendations for the Planning Commission to consider adding language through LDRs that would require developers to anticipate the impact of dogs living in their developments and be reflected in their plans. Another committee priority reflected in the survey is the need for education of dog owners on dog park etiquette and strategies around confrontation diffusion could help with safety. Mr. Maloney suggested small events out in public similar to pop-ups, or at other city events. Mr. Barritt suggested an article for “The Other Paper” on dog owner etiquette. 7. Staff Updates- Farrell Park, Status of Master Plan Work on Farrell Park should start May 21, depending on the weather. Mr Matth reported the Master Plan will be posted to the city’s website May 20. Mrs. Milizia was wondering how the priorities of other committees will be included in the city plan. Ms Yankowski shared the NRCC has submitted language to strengthen the tree ordinance language for tree protection in the city plan. We will need to wait and see if these priorities are successful during the public sessions this summer. 8. Available funds- Cip/Dog License Special Fund We currently have $19,550 in the fund from dog licenses. Ms Milizia commented that this probably means that a lot less dogs have been registered. It was noted by other committee members that they usually receive a late notice and didn’t this year. Mr Matth will ask the city clerk how many dogs have been registered. Other. Mr Matth asked whether or not the committee is allowed to meet if he is unable to attend. Ms Milizia shared that it has occurred in the past and therefore we could meet in June, without staff, if there is a room available. Mr Matth said that he can make sure there is someone to do this. Meeting adjournment. Ms. Yankowski motioned to adjourn, Ms. Curran 2nd. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39pm.