HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-24-10 CU-24-04 - Supplemental - 0017 Reel Road (5) April 3, 2024 Marty Gillies Development Review Planner City of South Burlington Planning & Zoning Department 180 Market Street, South Burlington, VT 05401 Re: 17 Reel Road – Proposed Temporary Parking Agreement Dear Marty, The Project Team has asked me to put some additional items together which you requested. Attached to this submission is an updated plan showing the parking which will be affected by the agreement. Also, below are some responses to the sections of 14.10.E. (1) The capacity of existing or planned community facilities. This project is a temporary agreement between the parties to temporarily park vehicles in an existing mostly unused parking lot. The parking lot which surrounds 17 Reel Road was originally created to support a 9 theater movie theater. The parking lots were constructed to support that use, which is a substantial amount for all the patrons of the theater. There are approximately 173 existing paved parking spaces on the south and east sides of the building. The current use at 17 Reel Road is Elev802 which is a hockey training facility. There is also some unused space which may be leased in the future. This use needs far less parking because the training facility normally operates with small groups of students. They likely only need 20-30 spaces at the most. The agreement between Heritage and the Property Owners would temporarily lease +/- 85 spaces to park new and used vehicles. This would leave nearly 90 parking spaces open for the other users of the lot. This is more than enough room for Elev802, any future used of the smaller space, and continued use by other buildings in this general area which use the lot for overflow. Further, this lot has been identified as parking for the Larkin Master Plan project. This project is still in the beginning/planning phase of development. There will be a lot of time before these parking spaces will need to be used by the Larkin MP Development. The intent of this temporary agreement is to use the existing parking resource while the project is being developed. At the time when the lot is needed for construction or parking for the project, the temporary agreement will be terminated. (2) The character of the area affected, as defined by the purpose or purposes of the zoning district within which the project is located, and specifically stated policies and standards of the municipal plan This project is proposing a use for unused paved parking spaces. This meets policies of the municipal plan by not expanding or creating new impervious space. Heritage will use the existing parking lot instead of looking for further places to develop a satellite lot and create more impervious surface. This is also a temporary agreement and will not affect the development of the proposed master plan. (3) Traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity. During our last submission to the City we discussed that Elev802 would result in approximately 24 VTEs during the PM peak hour. The Movie theater was originally specified 70 PM peak hour trips leaving, 46 VTEs. The project understands that travel during peak hours generates strain on the traffic flow in this area. Heritage will use this lot to store new and used cars which are planned for sale. Heritage is offering to avoid or heavily limit moving cars between the hours of 7AM-9AM and 4PM-6PM Monday-Friday to minimize the project effect on traffic. (4) Bylaws and ordinances then in effect. The project is not actually constructing anything. Parking is allowed use in this location. Further, as discussed above, this project is being proposed to limit further construction and create impervious parking. (5) Utilization of renewable energy resources. As discussed, this project is not constructing anything and therefore cannot use renewable energy resources. Using existing and unused paved parking instead of generating new impervious is a form of renewable energy. It will use an existing resource which will reduce the need to generate additional resources. Article 13.04.C of the South Burlington Land Development Regulations - standards for the inter-lot screening or buffering This project will use existing parking spaces. We have also identified the on the plans the spaces which are most screened from Fayette Drive and Shelburne Road. The parking lot also sits a lot lower in elevation from most of those roadways masking it further from view. The project is also not changing the character of the view. This has always been a parking lot and at peak times at the movie theater it was very full. The project is proposing to park cars in the parking lot which will closely resemble the view of a full house on opening night of a movie. For these reasons we feel adding screening or vegetation is not necessary. Further, this is a temporary use and eventually this area will be deconstructed to make way for the Larkin MP development. This is likely in a few years’ time and those plantings will need to be removed at that point. We are requesting the Board not require additional screening because of all the information provided. Please let us know if there is any further information needed for this analysis. Thank you for your time reviewing the project. Sincerely, Greg Dixson, P.E. Krebs and Lansing Consulting Engineers, Inc.