HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Library Board of Trustees - 04/11/2024 Approved Minutes South Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees The South Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees held a regular meeting on Thursday, April 11 2024 at 5:30 p.m., in the Library Board Room, and by Zoom participation. Members Present: Anne Gilson LaLonde, Ted Lenski, Holly Painter, Stacey Pape, Donna Swartwout, Penelope Tompkins, Margery Vagt Members Absent: Theresa Eiermann, Kevin Morgenstein Fuerst, Lauren Ballard Hatch, Rebecca Stazi Staff Members & Guests Present: Jennifer Murray, Elizabeth Fitzgerald 1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm 2. Library exits were reviewed. The chair provided instructions on emergency exits from the building. 3. Additions and deletions to the posted agenda None 4. Comments and questions from the public not related to items on the agenda None 5. Approval of regular board minutes of March 14, 2024 Upon a motion made by Trustee Donna Swartwout and seconded by Trustee Margery Vagt, the Trustees voted unanimously to accept, with a minor edit, the minutes of the March 14, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting. 6. Report Outs A. Chair Report The Chair encouraged everyone to visit the Friends of the Library Booksale happening this weekend. She reported that Illuminate was very successful and the Library Communications committee did a fun activity that had patrons answering the question: “I love my Library.” The trustees viewed photos and the actual signs created by visitors to the library during the event. Lots of positive feedback and heartwarming comments made by the public. The second event hosted by the library was Melinda Lo and was cosponsored by the VT Humanities Council. Terrific attendance both in person and on line. The Chair reminded the Trustees that the Volunteer Lunch is on April 25 and to please RSVP. Trustee Holly Painter was encouraged by the Chair to share their event: April 16 from 6-8 pm Poetry Games Workshop in the Community Room. All are invited to attend regardless of whether or not you write poetry. B. Friends of the Library Report No report – Booksale taking place! C. Committee Reports Communications Committee The Communications Committee reported the successful activity at Illuminate: “I love my library because.” Photos and the actual signs were reviewed and it was a feel-good moment for all present. Hanah Miller, who is on a mission to visit every library in Vermont, knitted a hat for Director Jennifer Murray which has the SBPL slogan on it: “Read Local.” Director Murray proudly wore the hat. Trustee Stazi was responsible for this connection and gift. There has been some nice social media as a result of this visit. Finally, the Other Paper and UVM highlighted the work of UVM intern Evelyn Monje. Finance Committee The Chair reported the residents of South Burlington approved the City’s budget. The 19-hour position approved in the budget will be reviewed for needs in July. It was noted that the Foundation had moved funds to the library’s gift account for this quarter. Governance Committee Several policies are still in review. The printing fees policy will be reviewed by the finance committee before being brought to the full board for approval. The committee has also set their meeting agenda for the remainder of the year. South Burlington Public Library Foundation No report (see Finance committee’s report about Foundation’s quarterly transfer to the Library’s gift account). D. Director’s Report Director’s written report for April 2024 was submitted. Engaged Community Leader * Jennifer working with Natural Resources committee to put up an info table in the lobby. *Current affair display and book discussion for Fair Housing Month in coordination with the Affordable Housing Committee. *Kelly and Evelyn to offer a condensed version of the safety workshop from Staff Day to those who missed it and other staff in City Hall who are encountering the public in ways that make them feel uncomfortable. All see themselves reflected *The VT Reads author, Malinda Lo, spoke in the auditorium on April 9, 7pm. Registration was required. * Cookbook Club shared from Pulp, recipes around fruit. * 3-part series: Classical Composers: Meet the Women with Lois Price continued. *Mandarin conversation circle continues as does the English circle. *My VT Eyes events culminated in a performance at Illuminate. Artwork from the session on migration and the experience of living in VT is on the Art Wall. * Julie is creating a master list of items which come up with a keyword search of "Indians of North America" and "Native Americans". Will label those in Children’s as Indigenous Peoples. Curated digital tools *Mike is exploring Flipster as an alternative to/addition to the magazine collection. Eliminate barriers * Kelly and Jennifer met with architect Kelley Desroches to talk about changes to The Hangout. We explored some great ideas, including moving the computers to lower tables, making a cozy area under the counter and moving the gaming screen out of the Activity Room. We will approach the Foundation with a plan. *Jennifer working with Andy to get additional signage and a neon Open sign for easy viewing from the street. Highlights from Children’s 1. Tracey West, author of popular children’s series, Dragon Masters is coming to the SBPL May 4! 2. Summer Reading is upon us and we are hard at work building a schedule of activities for Adventure Begins At Your Library, with a Vermont focus. 3. New hire, Valerie is a hit at Storytime. 4. Our March workshop for Librarians and childcare providers was well-received. (Moveable Arts: Read, Play, Make!”) It was led (again) by Jude Bond, and the feedback has been enormously positive with requests for more. Highlights from Circulation and Cataloging 1. Library of Things posts on Facebook with individual staff members and board members are a big hit. 2. “Come Back to the Library” campaign brought in 600. 3. Kathryn used the new NeoGov system to set up. 4. Julie and Sue are training volunteers to unpack new materials from Ingram. 5. Ongoing weeding with Children's and YA. 6. Planning and reorganization of Holiday books with Children's. Highlights from Adult and Teen Services 1. Artist-in-Residence series has concluded. What a joy to see an artist with a true passion for engaging her audience. The sense is people left Dr. Jolivette's programs feeling nurtured and energized. 70 people attended her final concert. 2. Malinda Lo event was a great success. Wonderful to collaborate with Vermont Humanities on this, and we are energized to offer livestream events as partner events with other organizations including sister libraries in Chittenden County and beyond. ~95 in person, 45 online, and the event was recorded. Also, a great relationship-building opportunity internally w/Recreation & Parks and Communications. 3. Looking forward to making contact with English language learning families again - this time on site at the school district offices. Amanda & Sue will represent the library - speaking to teen & youth programs and making library cards. 4. Two important events with the SB Affordable Housing Committee this month: ADU Forum (what's an ADU? Should you make one? How to do it?) & a book discussion: Homelessness is a Housing Problem. With a fair housing month display on the second floor, this library-committee partnership is working nicely. 5. The Evans / Asbell Duo jazz concert was postponed due to weather and will be rescheduled for Fall. From Jennifer 1. Union appears to be voting next week. 2. Exciting staffing changes: Mike Maloney will be moving to the 2nd floor as our Digital Specialist from his part time position as Circulation Specialist. Mae Stokes will be taking Mike’s place from her current role as Substitute. Jennifer will be posting a new sub ad. 3. The AV/Auditorium consultant that IT and we use will not be available following the April concert. Kelly suggested that we hire someone to evaluate what we have in relation to what we need and may have a recommendation. Once we have that assessment, Nick and I will get together to plan next steps. 4. New shades will be installed by June 30. 5. Kelley D also took a look at the Adult workroom at my request. The space is small for 4 desks and I wanted her ideas for reorganization, which may include new furniture. We brought old desks from the HS and other departments when we moved in. 6. Jennifer and Rec are planning for a Juneteenth music event on Wed. June 19, 6-8 pm at Vet Memorial Park, with some library programs in the days before. During the Library Borad of Trustees meeting, Jennifer Murray reported that the library leadership reviewed this event and have decided that other events throughout the month might be a more thoughtful way to engage the community about this holiday. 7. The Burlington resident who asked that a book be removed did call me to talk about it. The book is currently checked out so I have not had a chance to read it. 8. Illuminate VT went well. 9. Jennifer will present before City Council on 4/15 as part of the new Council Orientation. 10. The Foundation has approved funding for 3 gaming computers for The Hangout. For discussion Happy to discuss the summary report on public libraries on Bill 220. Jennifer outlined some of the bill’s highlights and that was now a possible statute with Board of Trustees responsibilities. The Board discussed some of the nuanced points in the pending bill and if there were any policy implications to consider. The Governance Committee will wait to see when the bill is finally approved. Jennifer also reported an incident of possible bullying taking place in the Children’s room. Staff are addressing it as needed. A good discussion followed regarding public spaces versus school spaces. Jennifer will keep the board informed if there is any need for a possible policy to be considered. 8. Other Business: None 9. Adjourn Seeing no other business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 6:38 pm