HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-24-09 - Supplemental - 0112 Garden Street (8)112 Garden Street / Prospect Place FBC Site Plan Amendment Application Supplemental Information / Applicant Responses April 18, 2024 Garden Street Construction Timing Proposal In general, if I’m going to include this plan by reference, it needs to be more clear that the changes proposed are temporary. Specifics follow. o While we understand the intent of the temporary one-way within the parking lot near the daycare, our sense is that it won’t be successful and may create more conflict rather than less when some people adhere and other don’t. Humans being human. If you would like to keep the temporary one way circulation, please make it clear that it is temporary until Garden Street driveway is open The Intent was for the one-way circulation in the parking lot to be temporary. Notes have been added to the plan clarifying that the one-way circulation is temporary, and that the one-way and do not enter signs will be removed when the Garden Street access is opened on or before September 1, 2025. o Please make it clear that reserved spaces are temporary until Garden Street driveway is open The reserved spaces for the day care are not temporary. These reserved spaces are identified on the plans previously submitted with the amendment application. These spaces are reserved so that there will be parking available near the day care entry. o Note that change to internal curb radius is temporary until Garden Street driveway is open. The point of this being a tight turn was to discourage accidental two-way traƯic Notes have been added to the plan clarifying that the concrete curb modification is temporary near the southerly corner of the building at 303 Market Street. Comments pertaining to pedestrian access along streets o Temporary pavement along Garden Street must be removed before installation of permanent path. Understood – notes have been added to the plan clarifying that the 6’ wide paved path adjacent to the Garden Street curb is temporary and must be removed prior to completion of the 10 feet wide paved path. o The City will not be plowing Garden Street or the temp path until it is complete and we have taken it over. Have you considered how you will get a plow past the light pole temporarily in the middle of the path? The plan has been revised to include a minimum paved path width of 5 feet adjacent to the existing light pole base. o The plan must include opening a 5-ft clear width along the South side of Market Street along N Block so that pedestrians are not crossing at Garden Street. Opening a 5 feet wide pedestrian route along the south side of Market Street (between Garden Street and the future public street leading to 155 Market Street) is planned prior to the beginning of the school year in the fall. The construction of the buildings adjacent to the sidewalk on the south side of Market Street is currently underway and will continue through the summer. The sidewalk is proposed to remain closed to avoid potential hazards to pedestrians during the ongoing erection of the building panels and rooftop trusses. o There must be a plan for continuous pedestrian access along Garden Street With the temporary paved path along the front of Building 7 and the construction sequencing outlined below (see next item), there will be continuous pedestrian access along the south side of Garden Street following the occupancy of the building at 112 Garden Street. o How will pedestrians from 112 Garden Street get to Market Street when the temp sidewalk is removed for construction of building 7? The temporary 6 feet wide paved path adjacent to the Garden Street curb will remain in place during installation of the new (permanent) 6’ wide concrete sidewalk along the outer edge of the Garden Street right of way. Upon completion, pedestrian traƯic will be shifted to the new concrete sidewalk. The temporary paved path will then be removed, additional gravel subbase added, and the permanent 10 feet wide path paved. Comments on Streets o What is the schedule for construction of 225 Market Street & the improvements to the Poon road? This must be complete prior to 113 Garden and 267 Market, but more information is needed. Construction of the future public street on the north side of Building A2 / 225 Market Street is planned for this summer. Final completion of this street is planned prior to the occupancy of Buildings A1, A2, and A3 on Block A. We are aware of condition 20 in #SP-23-011 regarding the completion of this street – while this condition relates to emergency access, the intent is for this future public street to be open for use by Block A residents. o Please include installation of permanent stop signs on Garden Street both north and south of Market Street as part of this proposal Stop signs have been added to the attached plan. Stop signs at Market Street were also included on the approved design plans for both the north and south segments of Garden Street o Please include a note that Garden Street will be complete (including top course and striping) at least 1 month before the request for City takeover and occupancy of the two buildings on Lot N. Garden Street can be completed 1 month prior to requesting that the City take over the street. However, Garden Street cannot be fully completed prior to occupancy of the buildings on Lot N1 (Buildings A1, A2, & A3 – Block A). Minor Modifications Site Plan Amendment Rooftop structure: you had indicated you would be following up with a proposal to finish this in some way that diƯers from the original proposal but also from the bare frame. The existing frame will be painted black. We are considering modifications to the frame as it currently exists. We will follow-up shortly with you on this.