HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 06/02/2021 NATURAL RESOURCES & CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for Wednesday 06/02/2021 at 6:05 pm Attending: Ashley Parker, Larry Kupferman (Interim Chr), Drew Shatzer, Jean Sebastien-Chaulot, Cory Santorello, Lisa Yankowski, Missing: David Crawford 1) We passed on a review of the virtual meeting process. 2) Additions, deletions or changes to the agenda. a. Larry wanted to discuss communications from former Chr Ray Gonda, how did committee members feel about getting emails. The email are very informative and if a topic catches our interest we may want to add it to our agenda so it is warned. 3) Comments from the public- no attendees. 4) Adoption of minutes from 05/05/21 a. Lisa moved to adopt, Corey 2nd- approved. 5) VT Master Naturalist Class a. The workshop is created by Alicia Daniels. The course encompasses the environment and natural resources. You need to know what is happening to be to get involved, be active and understand. The curriculum is based around a specific town or area attendees usually reside in. This year long course includes field trips, onsite field activities , learning , awareness of issues and expert guest speakers. b. Jean asked about financial support. The Regional group may be sponsoring at class that would include South Burlington, Williston, St George, Shelburne & Hinesburg. Ashley thinks we the NRCC should until we have a defined vision of information we want to learn about. Ashley will check in with Alicia and see what she thinks about the group doing the course. After all, the more “experts” you have, the better you can engage and educate the public. 6) Work plan. a. Larry is trying to understand the work plan in conjunction with working with developers. He would like to get a list or map that shows the 25 identified sites of interest from the IZ Report. Peer Yens Hilke- the federal government has given the Fish & Wildlife funding that could be accessed by committees for projects of land protection. Ashley feels we should develop a list of recommendations for possible projects. Keeping in mind the parcels would need to be identified and the owners of these parcels. Projects could be developed in conjunction with other committees. Keep in mind, the city council is the final decision maker and what might be future maintenance costs. 7) SB Wildlife Video Project a. Jean hasn’t managed to get the material yet. Needs to get the clips from Ray and will check with other residents that have game cameras. 8) Member and staff reports a. Chair- Larry brought up the proposed development on the Long Property and how residents from both South Meadow & South Point had weighed in on dislikes about the proposed layout. Both had some good feedback and suggestions to mitigate impacts to the views from their own developments. It was hard to tell if any of the suggestions will be incorporated or considered by the Longs. Larry had been at city hall and saw a large map that had clear delineation lines on LDRs that would be helpful to have. Ashley will see if it is possible to get a copy from Paul Conner. The LDR work has been a 3 year work in progress that will soon be finished with input from another group Ray Gonda and several others have been providing input on. Ray has been emailing the NRCC with information about the LDRs. Lisa still needs to get in contact with council member Tim Barritt about protecting monarch butterfly breeding plants milkweed, by not mowing around the Cider Mill storm water pond. b. Reference the update from Ashley. At least 2 rangers have been hired for Red Rocks to help mitigate damage, dogs and issues at the park which gets lots of visitors during the summer. The last of the survey work is done, now to get permits. There will a sign asking people please keep their distance from the Wolf Tree to prevent anyone getting hurt. She is getting older and branches are starting to come down. New signage is expected to be installed at Wheeler and trail maintenance is continuing. The SE Group is working on design elements for Underwood. Discussions with the state are beginning since Act 250 permits will be required. i. Community Hike Series has been very successful and the upcoming 6/5 Bird Walk is full with a waiting list. ii. There are 2 more Weed Warrior events planned. 1. June 19th at Wheeler 2. June 26th at Red Rocks 9) Future agenda items a. Larry doesn’t feel the committee really needs bylaws. We are an advisory committee. Kevin sent an email on the roll of committee chairs- we can use this to guide us. We should all look at the current work plan and think about which areas we feel we can have the most impact, knowledge or curiosity about. We will need orientation time for new NRCC committee members. 10) The next meeting is Wednesday July 07 at 6pm. Lisa moved to adjourn, Drew 2nd. 7:35pm