HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Natural Resources & Conservation Committee - 04/03/2024
APRIL 03, 2024
The South Burlington NRCC held a regular meeting on Wednesday, 6 April 2024, at 6:00 p.m.,
in Room 301, 180 Market Street, and by GoToMeeting remote participation.
Members present: J. Chaulot, Chair; L. Kupferman, Vice Chair; L. Bailey, J. Bossange, K. Boyk,
L. Yankowski; C. Badalamenti-Smith
Also present: D. Wheeler, City liaison; L. Smith, City Council Liaison; R. Doyle.
1. Welcome:
Mr. Chaulot welcomed everyone.
2. Additions, deletions or changes in the order of Agenda items:
Added introductions, update for the Farrell/Larkin proposed developments and
Herbicide/Pesticides. Mr. Bossange moved to approve the changes to the agenda, Mr.
Kupferman seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
3. Comments and questions from the public not related to the agenda:
No comments.
4. Adoption of Meeting Minutes & Introductions:
4.a: Meeting minutes from February 07,2024- Mr. Bossange moved to approve, Ms.
Boyk 2nd. Meeting minutes from Joint meeting March 06,2024- Mr. Bossange moved
to approve, Ms. Boyk 2nd. Both approved unanimously.
4.b: Introduction of committee members to our new City Council Liaison, Lawrence
5. City Updates:
a. Brief Updates
i. Open Space Plan Report
S. Kershner, & A. Matth, Director Rec & Parks, will be presenting the
current draft to the city council April 15, 2024, for feedback and further
direction. (Reference the minutes from February 2024).
ii. Land Development Regulations (LDRs) Regarding Trees
Reference the current copy included. There is no update yet since the
Planning Commission has been working on another project. Mr. Bossange
was concerned due to our submitted changes not being evident in the
current document and there is no mention of tree preservation. Mr.
Wheeler commented that the process requires looking at the existing
regulations to see how trees are already regulated and then identifying
what the NRCC thinks should be regulated that is not currently and
determining the best location in the LDRs for those changes or updates.
Several suggestions were discussed with Mr. Wheeler recommending we
wait for this process and Ms. Boyk suggesting this committee review the
current document language evaluating what may or may not need
updating. Mr. Doyle thought some of our changes could be worked into
other parts of the of the LDRs. Mr. Wheeler will pass along our concerns
about the length of time this process is taking while Mr. Smith will
express our concerns to the city council.
iii. Environmental Justice Discussion Update:
Mr. Wheeler has been in touch with State staff, but has not found
anyone willing to come and discuss this topic. Some suggestion were
offered, including the Coming Clean Group www.comingcleaninc.org,
Nature for Justice, and UVM Gund Institute.
iv. Eclipse:
Is Monday April 08, 2024. South Burlington is in the zone of totality. Lots
of people will becoming to Vermont for this event- it is suggested the
committee and residents stay home if possible. A Variable Message
Board has been delivered to Red Rocks Park and the city is looking to have
safety control measures at other parks.
b. Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions
Mr. Wheeler reported that the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions
(AVCC) had reached out to contact the NRCC. In the past the AVCC has hosted an
annual summit for conservation committees around the State. There is also a
listserv to connect members and share information. Members of the NRCC can join
by emailing: vtconservation+subscribe@googlegroups.com
There is also a handbook: https://vtconservation.com/handbook/
Ms. Boyk reminded us we had applied for a small grant to find someone to advise
us how to have a public presentation of the Open Space Plan, but we never heard
back. The AVCC also reminded the committee of a $50 annual due.
6. Updates on public education of wildlife safety:
Ms. Yankowski informed the committee of an event at city hall, outside the library,
April 24 at 4pm. She has contacted a wildlife rehabilitator, 2 game wardens from the
VT Dept of Fish & Wildlife and VINS to send someone. This is to help educate the
citizens of South Burlington as wildlife begin to emerge from winter hibernation and
babies are born. This topic had been discussed and a work group formed. There
seemed to be some confusion by the rest of the committee and the event was put to a
vote to see if the committee was in favor of advertising the event as a NRCC event. Mr.
Bossange motioned to approve the event endorsement by the NRCC, Mr. Kupferman
2nd. Approved unanimously. The event will need to be advertised. Mr. Wheeler noted
that since this would be a NRCC event, he will touch base with the library and City
7. Review of DRB Application List:
The Farrell Project for Holmes Rd. Faced a set back with a Class II Wetland. They need
to rework the plans. Rice Memorial High School will be working on paths and fields.
The paths will be replaced with permeable surface materials. Goss Dodge/Jeep wants
to add a walkway down to the sidewalk along Rte7/Shelburne Rd. With landscaping
and an additional building.
8. Member updates and Reports:
a. Chair -
b. Other members – Ms. Boyk attended a focus group for conservation
commissions held by the Vermont Conservation Strategy. This is part of
developing Vermont’s 30x30 and 50x50 Conservation Plan, which was
mandated by the Community Resilience and Biodiversity Protection Act of
2023. They've been holding a series of focus groups for various stakeholders,
and will present a summary of findings at a public listening session in May.
9. Other Business:
Discussed next month’s agenda to include homegrown national parks
(https://homegrownnationalpark.org/), discussion of a pesticide ordinance, approve
any backlog of draft meeting minutes, continue the discussion on the LDRs, and
review any DRB applications.
10. Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.